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Everything posted by phpretard

  1. It is actually a godaddy hosted site.
  2. I plan on importing 3-5 thousand entries at once (all is text). Each entry has 20 pieces of information. (ie. name, address, phone, and so on...) I will input these once per week. How much information is too much for one DB.
  3. I don't know how to use - strtotime() - Can you give an example please?
  4. My DB holds the date like this - 20080115. How can I turn that into - January 15, 2008 - ? $U is the date. My Query Code: $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM list"); while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { include 'vars.php'; echo $U ."<br>"; } Any Help? -Anthony
  5. When someone logs in the value of $_SESSION['id'] = 0 After they submit a survey form I would like to change the value to 1. Is there a simple way to do it? -Anthony
  6. Thank a million!!! The solved button is still gone??
  7. Yes it is...but the $RType is only in one of the tables. I need both though.
  8. Is it possable to select 2 tables with the same query? I would like to combine the two statements. mysql_query("SELECT * FROM members WHERE CNumber='$CNumber' "); mysql_query("SELECT * FROM readings WHERE CNumber='$CNumber' AND RType='$RType'"); Thank you.
  9. Great advice. Thank you for your help!
  10. Thank you for clearing that up. With that info in place... What do you suggest I use to replace this statement below and how should I echo the var? I would ultimatly like to echo the var on evry page...but it isn't happening unless I set it on every page. If this question is deeper then I think can you point me towards a good tutorial in these regards? if(session_is_registered(FirstName)){ echo "?????"; } Thank you fir you help with this.
  11. I haven't done much with sessions but I am starting to tinker. Could someone please tell me the difference between to 2 below? session_register("FirstName"); $_SESSION['FirstName']=$FirstName; -Anthony
  12. Thank you for the advice!
  13. Any suggestions as to get what I want?
  14. I have been trying all day to display a PDF file inline with the rest of the page. I could use frames I guess but not all browsers support frames. <? if (!session_is_registered(sesion_var)){ die ("PLEASE LOG IN"); } else { include ("pages/ins_pgs/pdfs/diagrams/$CNumber.pdf"); } ?>
  15. It looks like you're missing a "(" if (($current_category_id == '116') = ('text' => ['Some Text'])) ;
  16. How can I include("A PDF FILE"); ? Please.
  17. if (isset($_POST['submit1'])){$result = mysql_query("INSERT INTO ...1");} if (isset($_POST['submit2'])){$result = mysql_query("INSERT INTO ...2");}
  18. So here is what I did. When the page opens it makes the directory. When I submit the form it trys to make another directory and insert the pdf. Notice the 2 errors fighting? <?php mkdir("/home/content/d/a/r/daruano/html/pages/test ",0777); if (isset($_POST['submit'])){ $uploaddir = "../../pages/test"; if(is_uploaded_file($_FILES['file']['tmp_name'])) { move_uploaded_file($_FILES['file']['tmp_name'],$uploaddir.'/'.$_FILES['file']['name']); } print "done"; } ?> <form action="test_form.php" method="post" ENCTYPE="multipart/form-data"> File: <input type="file" name="file" size="30"> <input type="submit" name=submit value="Upload!"> </form> Warning: mkdir() [function.mkdir]: File exists in /home/content/d/a/r/daruano/html/secure/upload/test_form.php on line 2 Warning: move_uploaded_file(../../pages/test/checklist.pdf) [function.move-uploaded-file]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/content/d/a/r/daruano/html/secure/upload/test_form.php on line 11
  19. Is there a code piece that can make a directry and then insert a blank file into that same directory?
  20. I took the space away and...same error. This doesn't make any sense... I can rename the folder and when I rename it I can then open it???
  21. Each one these numbers still produce the same error. Currently, the page with this code (and this code only) is located @ www.mywebsite.com/thiscode.php Is it relavant where (in the web directory) the code is executed from? I believe I am just missing something simple. mkdir("/home/content/d/a/r/daruano/html/pages/folder1 ", 0777);
  22. It still gives an error about not in the web... How would you go about acomplishing what I am tryin to acomplish. I want to upload a pfd to a directory instead of storing it in the DB. I would like to be able to create a new directory for that pdf during upload.
  23. I am actually trying to take the last advise from BlueSkyIS. I want to upload a pfd to a directory instead of storing it in the DB. I would like to be able to create a new directory for that pdf during upload. Any thoughts on that? Here is the full code MadTechie... It does visualy make the folder I just can't access it. mkdir("/home/content/d/a/r/daruano/html/pages/folder1 ", 0700); What should the permissions be. I am logged in as administrator with full rights.
  24. When I use this to make a directory it makes a directory, but... When I try to open that directory I am promted that The Folder refers to a nonexistant file or folder Or it isn't valid or in the current web. Is there something wrong with this code? mkdir("/html/pages/folder1 ", 0700);
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