When someone enters "curl curl" in the suburb field of a form I have I get an error "Forbidden You don;t have permission to access /curl-test.php om this server. Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request."
This is a cut down version of the script which also cuases the same error.
echo '
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
<html lang="en">
<title>Test Curl</title>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Language" content="en-AU" />
<meta http-equiv="Country" name="Australia" />
<link rel=StyleSheet href="includes/style.css" type="text/css">
if($_POST['action'] == "Save")
echo 'You entered a suburb of '.$_POST['suburb'];
echo '
<form name="main_form" action="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
<input type="hidden" name="action" value="">
<input class="text_entry" type="text" name="suburb" size="200" maxlength="200" style="width:250px;" id="suburb" value="">
<a href="#" onClick="document.main_form.action.value=\'Save\'; document.main_form.submit();">Save[/url]
echo '
This can be tested at http://www.cybernamixqld.com.au/curl-test.php.
If you enter "chicago" as a suburb it is alright but if you enter "curl curl" it is not.