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Posts posted by Rublex

  1. Hey guys,

    Just starting to play with PHP and got this problem working with objects.

    Basically I am storing an object in session and then retrieving it.

    Here is the error:

    Fatal error: CUserRole::isCached() [<a href='function.isCached'>function.isCached</a>]: The script tried to execute a method or access a property of an incomplete object. Please ensure that the class definition "CUserRole" of the object you are trying to operate on was loaded _before_ unserialize() gets called or provide a __autoload() function to load the class definition in


    [code]$UserRole = $_SESSION["UserRole_ID_$RoleID"];
    $UserRole->Timestamp(); (Throws error) [/code]

    Things I have tried:

    1) Making sure all requires are before session_start()
    2) __autoload()

    Here is another interesting thing, in order to see if the CUserRole class is defined I used


    right before the error line and here is what it returned:

    Array ( [0] => stdClass [1] => Exception [2] => ErrorException [3] => COMPersistHelper [4] => com_exception [5] => com_safearray_proxy [6] => variant [7] => com [8] => dotnet [9] => ReflectionException [10] => Reflection [11] => ReflectionFunction [12] => ReflectionParameter [13] => ReflectionMethod [14] => ReflectionClass [15] => ReflectionObject [16] => ReflectionProperty [17] => ReflectionExtension [18] => LibXMLError [19] => __PHP_Incomplete_Class [20] => php_user_filter [21] => Directory [22] => SimpleXMLElement [23] => DOMException [24] => DOMStringList [25] => DOMNameList [26] => DOMImplementationList [27] => DOMImplementationSource [28] => DOMImplementation [29] => DOMNode [30] => DOMNameSpaceNode [31] => DOMDocumentFragment [32] => DOMDocument [33] => DOMNodeList [34] => DOMNamedNodeMap [35] => DOMCharacterData [36] => DOMAttr [37] => DOMElement [38] => DOMText [39] => DOMComment [40] => DOMTypeinfo [41] => DOMUserDataHandler [42] => DOMDomError [43] => DOMErrorHandler [44] => DOMLocator [45] => DOMConfiguration [46] => DOMCdataSection [47] => DOMDocumentType [48] => DOMNotation [49] => DOMEntity [50] => DOMEntityReference [51] => DOMProcessingInstruction [52] => DOMStringExtend [53] => DOMXPath [54] => RecursiveIteratorIterator [55] => FilterIterator [56] => RecursiveFilterIterator [57] => ParentIterator [58] => LimitIterator [59] => CachingIterator [60] => RecursiveCachingIterator [61] => IteratorIterator [62] => NoRewindIterator [63] => AppendIterator [64] => InfiniteIterator [65] => EmptyIterator [66] => ArrayObject [67] => ArrayIterator [68] => RecursiveArrayIterator [69] => SplFileInfo [70] => DirectoryIterator [71] => RecursiveDirectoryIterator [72] => SplFileObject [73] => SplTempFileObject [74] => SimpleXMLIterator [75] => LogicException [76] => BadFunctionCallException [77] => BadMethodCallException [78] => DomainException [79] => InvalidArgumentException [80] => LengthException [81] => OutOfRangeException [82] => RuntimeException [83] => OutOfBoundsException [84] => OverflowException [85] => RangeException [86] => UnderflowException [87] => UnexpectedValueException [88] => SplObjectStorage [89] => XMLReader [90] => XMLWriter [91] => CMisc [92] => CUserStatus [93] => DB [94] => DB_result [95] => DB_row [96] => PEAR [97] => PEAR_Error [98] => DB_Error [b][99] => CUserRole[/b] [100] => CCreditCard [101] => CUser [102] => DB_common [103] => DB_mysql )

    Looks like CUserRole is defined.

    Another thing is that the exact same code is working with another object. I played with code some more and figured out that if I switch the order of require_once() statements, which ever the first require is that is the object that is working. I don't understand why this is happening since all of this should be defined before any code is executed.

    Could somebody help me out on this? Thanks.

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