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  1. I will. I realized you cant build a house without even knowing how to start. You cant dive into a project and exepect everyone else to solve things for you.
  2. Yeah I guess you are right. Thank you, I will try to learn something.
  3. So what should I do? What are my options?
  4. As you can see now I managed to get it to stick http://www.hemmaforum.se/ with the help off #footer { position: absolute; bottom: 0; height: 4em; } But now the content (black background) wont stretch to the footer and when I write a lot of text the text keeps on going under the footer...oh lord.
  5. Hello! I have serious problems with getting the footer to stick. I just dont know how to do it. As you can see for yourselves http://www.hemmaforum.se/ the content is too short and so the footer wont stick to the bottom. But I want my footer to always stick to the bottom no matter how much (or little) content. Can someone please help me with this? Best regards Dan
  6. Maybe someone can inform me of a good free matchmaking script because basically what I need to learn is how to create automatic matchmaking with php and mysql.
  7. I really want to be able to do this myself, but if someone would write it for me I would probably learn a lot from just watching the code. I know how to create a form, I know webbdesigning pretty well, but I am no good programmer and no mysql pro exactly. But thank you for pushing me into the first real step forward. So forms is where I begin...
  8. Lord, I dont even know how to begin... I have been trying to get an apartment exchanging site going. In Sweden it is common to rent your apartment and people often swap apartments with each other. Im trying to create a script (site) where people can do this. But I am a lousy programmer. I basically only know how to alter php since working many years with phpbb-forums. What I need to learn is how to create a match like this: 1.) Person adds his appartment. He puts in info like how many rooms, how much rent and the size of the apartment. 2.) After this he fills in a form with the exact same fields but this time what he wants to have 3.) Another person puts in an ad that meets the first persons needs and there is a match. I have no clue how to even start. Would be even more amazing if there could be a 3-part-match like "No1 wants No2 who wants No3 who wants No1". Is this complicated to do? I have asked on one too many forums now and always been ignored so I hope this active forum can help me. I can concider paying someone for writing a script like this and helping me integrate it into my site.
  9. Think I might be missing a ipn_success.php file or something. Anyone heard of this?
  10. Pretty, pretty please.
  11. Please, you can download the phpbb add-on here: http://www.icyphoenix.com/download.php?id=546 I dont know whats wrong :'(
  12. Sadly they dont seem to be able to help me. They say: I dont know what to do.
  13. Anyone please?
  14. Hi! Im trying to build a page where you can place ads for a small amount. First you have to pay and then you get to create your ad. But after creating the ad I always get the message that "the site has not received your payment" and users is unable to create ad. This is the area in the code that produces the error message: // Get the row from the users table if ( $ad_cost > 0 ) { $sql = "SELECT * FROM ". ADS_USERS_TABLE ." WHERE users_user_id = ".$userdata['user_id']; $result = $db->sql_query($sql); $row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result); if ( !$row ) { message_die(GENERAL_ERROR, $lang['no_credit']); } // Check for sufficient credit if ( $ad_cost > $row['users_balance'] ) { message_die(GENERAL_ERROR, $lang['insuffient_credit']); } } // Create the ad $user_ip = $userdata['session_ip']; $time = time(); $expiry_date = mktime(0, 0, 0, date("m") + $ad_duration, date("d"), date("Y")); $status = 'active'; // Insert for the adverts table $sql = "INSERT INTO ". ADS_ADVERTS_TABLE ." (category, sub_category, ad_type_code, basic_ad_ind, standard_ad_ind, photo_ad_ind, premium_ad_ind, ad_cost, user_id, username, user_ip, time, title, short_desc, price, status, expiry_date, trade_ind, loc_id) VALUES ('$category', '$sub_category', '$ad_type_code', '$basic_ad_ind', '$standard_ad_ind', '$photo_ad_ind', '$premium_ad_ind', $ad_cost, '$user_id', '$username', '$user_ip', '$time', '$title', '$short_desc', '$price', '$status', '$expiry_date', '$trade_ind', '$locnum')"; if ( !($result = $db->sql_query($sql)) ) { message_die(GENERAL_ERROR, 'Could not insert adverts row', '', __LINE__, __FILE__, $sql); } $id = $db->sql_nextid(); Since I am no programmer I dont know if this problem is related to the code or if this is a paypal issue thing. The money is in my account so that works, but the software still refuses to create an ad. I would appreciate any help!
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