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Everything posted by keeve

  1. You should put a form tag in there..you reference a wrong object in the script. do something like this.. <form name=form1><tr> <td>{$Languages['account']['adsscreendesc']}:</td><td><textarea name="newDesc" rows="4" cols="25" wrap onKeyPress="characterLimit()">$newDesc</textarea> <input type="text" name="counter" size="32" value="Remaining characters: 300"> <input type="reset" value="clear"> </td> </tr> </form> in your script do this: document.form1.counter.value = "Remaining characters: " + (299 - characters.length)
  2. i agree with recklessgeneral, you should use regular expressions to solve it. treat the tags as strings and parse into every occurrence of '&nbsp', and replace it with <li>. try to look into preg_replace function.
  3. Check your mail server if it allows sending mails to outside of its network(if you're within a network). If so, you need to configure your mail server. c",)
  4. my mistake..sorry for that..it works now c",) thanks c",)
  5. im afraid it did not work:(
  6. hello im trying to write a recursive function in php where this function should return an array of results..here is my codes: function comfibonacci2($limit){ //using recursive function if ($limit <= 1){ return 1; } return (comfibonacci2($limit-1) + comfibonacci2($limit-2)); } this is actually a fibonacci function. i want it to run same as its iterative function : function comfibonacci($limit,&$fib){ //using iterative function $fib[0]=1;$fib[1]=1; for ($i=2; $i<=$limit;$i++){ $fib[$i]=$fib[$i-1] + $fib[$i-2]; } } can anyone correct my recursive codes? thanks c",)
  7. my file resides in a server. does that also affect the buffering?
  8. does the length of codes affect the buffering? im also ccessing a distant database, does this also matters? prior to updating the file all inputs are first stored in the database, then later retrieved for updating the file. help
  9. yes i believe my codes works fine.. but there's some factors which causes my prob:(. Why it does not saves on my first attempt? help:(
  10. here are snippets of my codes, i can't post it all here since it is too long. //triggers the buffering ob_start(); .... print " <html> .... <span class=s3header>{$ws_data[WS_MASTER_INDEX][6]} Report</span> ... //there's more code here ............ $wsrepstr = ""; $wsrepstr = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); $fname = $fileName; $fname = "address{$fname}.htm"; $fp = fopen($fname,"w+"); fwrite($fp,"$wsrepstr"); fclose($fp); there.. i hope someone could help me..
  11. im using the function ob_get_contents to get the contents of the whole page and save it to another file as .html My problem is that, in my first attempt to save the file, it would not update successfully but when i resave it several times and save it on the same file..it will then update the file successfully. can anybody help on this? i want that on the first attempt to save, it will save accordingly, thanks
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