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  1. Bump, any takers?
  2. Isn't that a preference on the browser? How to save a file?
  3. Hello, I am trying to access a scanner via PHP. I know that the scanner will have to be installed to the same server that the scripts are sitting on, but I don't really know how to go about this. I'm not sure if TWAIN is the route to take, or maybe some custom form. Any suggestions?
  4. Could it really be that simple? wow.... Thanks
  5. Hello all, I'm experimenting with the SVN extension for PHP and and not having much luck. I don't feel like writing my own upgrade system, yet, a commercially distributed software has to have something. So I got to thinking. If I can't make this extension work, I wonder if I can get PHP to execute some command line stuff. I could write a CRON job, or some other shell script to do all the SVN lifting, but my question is how would I be able to access that via PHP. Any ideas? Thanks!
  6. First see what the function tep_redirect is actually doing. It may be doing this already. Also, what happens when you submit the form now? And Crayon Violent is right, it should be: <?php header("Location: " . FILENAME_CONTACT_US . "?action=success"); ?>
  7. My bad - I hardly use constants so I was taking a guess. But yes, I agree, figure out what tep_redirect is doing.
  8. What does <?php tep_redirect(tep_href_link(FILENAME_CONTACT_US, 'action=success')); ?> do? Couldn't that be replaced with a <?php header("Location: FILENAME_CONTACT_US.action=success"); ?> ?
  9. Thanks very much, I knew I had seen a function that could do it, just couldn't remember. And I figured I was missing something simple, like the extra $. Thanks again.
  10. $info is an array: <?php foreach($info as $key => $value) { $key = $value; echo "$key = ".$value . "<br/>"; } ?> This prints VALUE = VALUE, not KEY = VALUE. Why wouldn't the key get stored as the variable name? This particular array comes from a form with nearly several inputs, so I wanted to streamline the variable naming process by using the loop, what am I doing wrong?
  11. 1. The doctype isn't affected by PHP, unless you are doing something strange in the PHP - why can't you just use the same doctype as everywhere else on your site. 2. Your page breaking in IE 7/8 is a problem with IE (most likely) not PHP, maybe your CSS needs some tweaking.
  12. I agree with neil.johnson as well, #4 and #6 are very subjective. Best bet: write your own.
  13. Ok, scratch that. I know where the \" is coming from, that is being done via JS (Specifically the Prototype framework - .toJSON()) so a new part of my question will be going to the people on the Prototype boards, but I still wonder why does the PHP render NULL upon json_decode()?
  14. I'm passing 3 parameters to an ajax controller - 1 of which is JSON. When the controller gets the parameters, it fired the requested method and continues to pass along the parameters (now as 1 parameter, in the form of an array). Once inside the method, the different parameters are extrapolated from the array. However, for some reason I'm having trouble accessing my JSON input. Here's what I've got: JS is sending: ["32", "33", "34", "really any number could go here..."] PHP is receiving: [\"32\", \"33\", etc, etc...] Why (and where) is the PHP parsing the " in the JSON? I'm not scrubbing it until much later in the method. Once I do json_decode($input['chargeID']) I get NULL as a response. Any Ideas? P.S. json_decode($input['chargeID'], true) does not work either.
  15. I guess the question is really directed towards the syntax or usage of PHPUnit but the more abstract idea of testing. Why, how, what aspects... I mean, if I understand the concept of testing, I need a test function for every regular function I have?
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