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  1. this means I need to change the owner to 'apache' using chown before doing something, isn't it?
  2. I have a weird kind of problem. I uploaded all upload-directories through FTP which have 777 permissions and owner name 'abc' This means I can access all of them through the codes. But while creating files inside those full permitted directories, the compiler complains for access denied. Meanwhile, a different directory is created with same name whose owner is 'apache' itself and the previous directory is lost. Then I cannot change the permissions of that directory through FTP. I don't if it is apache server's problem itself or not. Or is it a way to define user while creating/editing/deleting files and directories through php code itself?
  3. thanx for your suggestions.
  4. Hello I needed to import data from microsoft word document to mysql like what we normally do from excel to mysql. But different problem arises during reading the word file. e.g. unnecessary information from header information. I don't know how to strip those information. I could not explode the data in the format as I needed. As a reference my word file contains data in following format: Name1 Address1 Phone1 Name2 Address2 Phone2 and so on. Is there any way to import those data into mysql?
  5. hello Below is the code I'm using to connect through FTP $conn = ftp_connect("") or die("Couldn't connect to Server"); ftp_login($conn, "user", "password") or die("Could not log in"); ftp_chdir($conn,'/multimedia/video/'); My video resides in This full path is I'm embedding in the flash player. But each time I try to play the file, the browser asks for username and password. What shall I do so that once ftp session has been created, the browser won't ask username and password to play the video? Thank You
  6. While parsing xml document from the general characters my parsing logic works well. But when the contents are either unicode character or special characters like è and so on the parsing doesn't work. What do I need to do for parsing those special characters?
  7. I have a table with a fieldname having a value with apostrophe character. e.g. 'Patient\'s Name' When executing the sql statement: select * from table where field='Patient\'s Name' or select * from table where field='Patient's Name' results empty row. For other values the sql works fine. Sometimes while inserting data, data is inserted in following format 'Patient’s Name'. I wonder how. I'm using same browser when inserting data. I'm inserting through php scripts. In this case the sql, select * from table where field='Patient’s Name' works fine. Can somebody get me out of this problem?
  8. <form name="form"> <input name="data[name]"/> <input name="data[address]"/> <input type="submit" onclick="return validate()"/> </form> <script> function validate(){ var name=document.form.data['name'].value; alert(name); } </script> This piece of code is not working. It says document.form.data is undefined. Any hint about this problem?
  9. Thank you. This is the better idea.
  10. Following is written in php manual: 'HTTP_REFERER' The address of the page (if any) which referred the user agent to the current page. This is set by the user agent. Not all user agents will set this, and some provide the ability to modify HTTP_REFERER as a feature. In short, it cannot really be trusted. 'It cannot really be trusted', is it true?
  11. Can anybody explain which server variable contains the full path of the file that is being posted to current page? Actually I want to check if the form is being submitted through same domain or not.
  12. Hello, Is it possible to print an A5 document using window.print() method? By default the browser prints an A4 document when using this method. Is there any way to change the print size? or is it to be set in the printer itself?
  13. Here is the html for file input <input type="file" name="edit[image]" id="edit-image" /> I could not upload file from this input. When I tried print_r($_FILES), it outputs an empty array. I also tried $sth=$_FILES['edit[image]']['name'] and $sth=$_FILES['edit']['name']['image'] but could not access that input, it says undefined index.
  14. Thanks a lot for your help. It worked well. I used if(disabledtype===null||disabledtype===false){}
  15. I am using following code: disabledtype=field.getAttribute("disabled"); where 'field' is the id of the 'select' box. IE returns 'false' from the above code if the select box is not disabled but firefox returns a whitespace when disabled and null when enabled. I need to validate the select box only when the select box is enabled. I could not determine if the select box is enabled or disabled in firefox. In IE I used if(disabledtype==false) to determine if the select box is enabled or disabled but in firefox I could not determine either using the above code or if(disabledtype==null) or even if(disabledtype=='disabled') or if(disabledtype=='') What should I need to do to determine if the select box is enabled or disabled in firefox?
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