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  1. Damn, I removed img with Name IMG_5350 and its okey now. Could someone tell me why PHP did Like that image? Strange and funny
  2. Any Suggestations? Thank you in Advacne !!!
  3. Could you show me some javaScript Example ... or keywords to search for that Around?
  4. Hello, i have a site on three languages: 1. GEORGIAN 2. ENGLISH 3. RUSSIAN so, i habe three buttons on the top of page. Like : GEO, ENG, RUS, The URL of them looks like this: <a href="index.php?lang_id=geo">geo</a> <a href="index.php?lang_id=eng">eng</a> <a href="index.php?lang_id=rus">rus</a> and it works fine. i have other problem/thing to solve. forexample: if i navigate to page having URL index.php?page=news&news_id=123&lang_id=geo so its in georgian Language. and maybe someone want to swich this news in other lagnuage... so if he/she clicks ENG or RUS he/she will be navigated to main INDEX.php page. because the URL of ENG and RUS buttons are index.php?lang_id=rus/eng so how can i make THE url of Swiching buttons to be random depending on what page i am on if i am on index.php?page=news&news_id=123 swiching button URL to change from index.php?lang=geo to index.php?page=news&news_id=123&lang_id=eng/rus/geo what language i am on. hope its clear what i mean. thanks a lot in adavance
  5. <?php function rand_img($lenght=5) { $number = ""; for ($i = 1; $i <= $lenght; $i++) { $number .= rand(0,9).""; } $width = 11*$lenght; $height = 30; $img = ImageCreate($width, $height); $background = imagecolorallocate($img,255,255,255); $color_black = imagecolorallocate($img,0,0,0); $color_grey = imagecolorallocate($img,169,169,169); imagerectangle($img,0, 0,$width-1,$height-1,$color_grey); imagestring($img, 5, $lenght, 7, $number, $color_black); header('Content-Type: image/png'); imagepng($img); imagedestroy($img); } rand_img(); ?>
  6. no sugestsations about it?
  7. you may use whatever u wish too... if it suits your requirment. i can`t say anything about wordpress... never used it.
  8. á��á�£á� á��á��á��á�£á��á�� thats what the content of the form looks like after adding htmlentities to it. is not the reason of that i use georgian unicode utf-8 ?
  9. reading http://tizag.com mysql/php manual, if you know the basics of HTML you can easily create simple content menegment system which will server for updatng that page
  10. yes its clear about ECHO but what about this one? <input type=\"text\" value=".$row['item'].">
  11. and now its FILTERED?
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