Newbie Alert!!!
Sorry, but I'm really struggling with this project of mine. I'm not have any problem storing the arrays, but what problem I'm having is that I always come up with the same order of games. For example, from Game 1 to Game 10 all the teams play the same teams. Can anyone help me?
$theTeams = Array(13,12,8,7,4,2);
$theTeamPointer = 2;
$homeAway = "";
$numGames = 10;
$SEASON = Array();
for($game = 0; $game<$numGames ; $game++){//game loop, create 12 home and away games for each team
echo "<hr>Setting up Game #".$game;
for($team = 0; $team < count($theTeams); $team++){//setting up each team's home and away game
//SET UP THE HOME GAME FIRST----------------------------------------------------------------
$homeAway = "home";
echo "<BR><B>Setting up ".$homeAway." game ".$game." for Team #".$theTeams[$team]."</B>";
//check to see if home game is set already
{ echo "<BR>->Game #".$game." for team ".$theTeams[$team]." is set against team #".$SEASON[$game][$team][$homeAway]; }
{ echo "<BR>->Game #".$game." for team ".$theTeams[$team]." is empty.";
//it's not set up yet, so find the first available team.
//make sure that the teamPointer is not pointing to the team we're setting a game up with
if($theTeams[$team] == $theTeams[$theTeamPointer]){
echo "<BR>->Oops, ".$theTeams[$team]." is the same as ".$theTeams[$theTeamPointer].". Better increment.";
//make sure that the team pointer isn't already at the end of the Team list, if it is, don't increment, set it back to 0
if($theTeamPointer == count($theTeams)-1){
//it's a the end reset it
echo "<BR>-->Oops again, ".$theTeams[$theTeamPointer]." is at the end of my array, setting the index back to 0";
$theTeamPointer = 0;
else {
echo "<BR>-->Incrementing the pointer now from ".$theTeamPointer;
echo " to ".$theTeamPointer;
}//end if($theTeams[$team] == $theTeams[$theTeamPointer])
//take this team and assign it as the Away team for this Home game
echo "<BR>Team #".$theTeams[$team]." will play against Team #".$theTeams[$theTeamPointer];
//SET THE GAME for the HOME team
$SEASON[$game][$team][$homeAway] = $theTeams[$theTeamPointer];
echo "<BR>Game #".$game." for Team #".$theTeams[$team]."has a ".$homeAway." game against Team #".$theTeams[$theTeamPointer];
echo "<BR>This is the value of HOME the SEASON array: ".$game."-".$team."-".$homeAway."=".$SEASON[$game][$team][$homeAway];
//SET THE GAME for the AWAY team
//make sure that the away team doesn't already have a game set for that game#
//a game for that game is set
echo "<BR>Game #".$game." is already taken for team ".$theTeams[$theTeamPointer];
//loop to the end of the season, and find the next available game
for($nextGame = ($game+1); $nextGame < $numGames; $nextGame++){
echo "<BR>Checking to see if Game #".$nextGame." is available.";
echo "<BR>Game #".$nextGame." is full.";
else {
echo "<BR>Game #".$nextGame." is available.";
echo "<BR>Setting game....";
echo "<BR>This is the value of AWAY the SEASON array:".$nextGame."-".$theTeamPointer."-"."away"." = ".$theTeams[$team];
$SEASON[$nextGame][$theTeamPointer]["away"] = $theTeams[$team];
if($theTeamPointer == count($theTeams)-1){ $theTeamPointer = 0; } else { $theTeamPointer++; }
echo "<BR>Moving the team pointer to the next team in the array, which should be Team #";
echo $theTeams[$theTeamPointer];
$nextGame = $numGames;
//$SEASON[$game][$theTeamPointer]["away"] = $theTeams[$team];
echo "<BR>This is the value of AWAY the SEASON array:".$game."-".$theTeamPointer."-"."away"." = ".$theTeams[$team];
$SEASON[$game][$theTeamPointer]["away"] = $theTeams[$team];
//this Away team has now been used, so move to the next team.
if($theTeamPointer == count($theTeams)-1){ $theTeamPointer = 0; } else { $theTeamPointer++; }
echo "<BR>Moving the team pointer to the next team in the array, which should be Team #";
echo $theTeams[$theTeamPointer];
//SET UP THE AWAY GAME NEXT----------------------------------------------------------------
$homeAway = "away";
echo "<BR><B>Setting up ".$homeAway." game ".$game." for Team #".$theTeams[$team]."</B>";
//check to see if home game is set already
{ echo "<BR>->Game #".$game." for team ".$theTeams[$team]." is set against team #".$SEASON[$game][$team][$homeAway]; }
{ echo "<BR>->Game #".$game." for team ".$theTeams[$team]." is empty.";
//it's not set up yet, so find the first available team.
//make sure that the teamPointer is not pointing to the team we're setting a game up with
if($theTeams[$team] == $theTeams[$theTeamPointer]){
echo "<BR>->Oops, ".$theTeams[$team]." is the same as ".$theTeams[$theTeamPointer].". Better increment.";
//make sure that the team pointer isn't already at the end of the Team list, if it is, don't increment, set it back to 0
if($theTeamPointer == count($theTeams)-1){
//it's a the end reset it
echo "<BR>-->Oops again, ".$theTeams[$theTeamPointer]." is at the end of my array, setting the index back to 0";
$theTeamPointer = 0;
else {
echo "<BR>-->Incrementing the pointer now from ".$theTeamPointer;
echo " to ".$theTeamPointer;
}//end if($theTeams[$team] == $theTeams[$theTeamPointer])
//take this team and assign it as the Away team for this Home game
echo "<BR>Team #".$theTeams[$team]." will play against Team #".$theTeams[$theTeamPointer];
//SET THE GAME for the AWAY team
$SEASON[$game][$team][$homeAway] = $theTeams[$theTeamPointer];
echo "<BR>Game #".$game." for Team #".$theTeams[$team]."has a ".$homeAway." game against Team #".$theTeams[$theTeamPointer];
echo "<BR>This is the value of AWAY the SEASON array: ".$game."-".$team."-".$homeAway."=".$SEASON[$game][$team][$homeAway];
//SET THE GAME for the HOME team
//make sure that the away team doesn't already have a game set for that game#
//a game for that game is set
echo "<BR>Game #".$game." is already taken for team ".$theTeams[$theTeamPointer];
//loop to the end of the season, and find the next available game
for($nextGame = ($game+1); $nextGame < $numGames; $nextGame++){
echo "<BR>Checking to see if Game #".$nextGame." is available.";
echo "<BR>Game #".$nextGame." is full.";
else {
echo "<BR>Game #".$nextGame." is available.";
echo "<BR>Setting game....";
echo "<BR>This is the value of HOME the SEASON array:".$nextGame."-".$theTeamPointer."-"."home"." = ".$theTeams[$team];
$SEASON[$nextGame][$theTeamPointer]["home"] = $theTeams[$team];
if($theTeamPointer == count($theTeams)-1){ $theTeamPointer = 0; } else { $theTeamPointer++; }
echo "<BR>Moving the team pointer to the next team in the array, which should be Team #";
echo $theTeams[$theTeamPointer];
$nextGame = $numGames;
//$SEASON[$game][$theTeamPointer]["away"] = $theTeams[$team];
echo "<BR>This is the value of HOME the SEASON array:".$game."-".$theTeamPointer."-"."home"." = ".$theTeams[$team];
$SEASON[$game][$theTeamPointer]["home"] = $theTeams[$team];
//this Away team has now been used, so move to the next team.
if($theTeamPointer == count($theTeams)-1){ $theTeamPointer = 0; } else { $theTeamPointer++; }
echo "<BR>Moving the team pointer to the next team in the array, which should be Team #";
echo $theTeams[$theTeamPointer];
}//end for($j = 0; $j < count($theTeams); $j++)
}//end for($i = 0; $i<11 ; $i++){