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  1. Thank you.... I looked at it so long I couldn't see it... very much appreciated..!!!
  2. I am having a problem getting a small snippet of code to work correctly.... Here is my code::: $pol = mysql_query("select * from lma_links where ( ON_SALE = 'Y' and SUB = '159' or SUB = '111' or SUB = '71' ) order by rand() desc limit $addrandlistcount "); It works... but the results sometimes contain items where the ON_SALE does not equal 'Y' Any help figuring this out would be greatly appreciated....
  3. urldecode() Gee Thanks!!!!!
  4. I guess there isn't a way to strip those out...
  5. I am writing a little tracker script for myself... just playing around with the SE referring urls.... SO if someone search for "Some" Keyword... Those characters get put in the database... I have been trying to figure out how to strip them out... either when they get inserted or when they get displayed it doesn't matter to me... But I can't get anything to strip them out or display them as usual... any help would be appreciated....
  6. I am pulling in for from a MySQL Database... and some of the info contains %20 %22 etc... How can I replace these with spaces and ' single quotes... and all the other entities as well...?? I have tried: html_entity_decode() htmlentities() htmlspecialchars_decode() htmlspecialchars() I can't find the right "decode" to use.....
  7. It is always so simple.... LOL... just not for me. Thank you...
  8. Here is my code... $data = file_get_contents("http://www.someurl.com/"); preg_match('/">.*?<\/a><\/li>/',$data, $matches); $fetchedtext = "".str_replace("\">", "", str_replace("</a></li>", "", $matches[0])).""; print "$fetchedtext"; Here is my question: This code only prints one set of "fetched text"... is there a way to get this to loop through the page and get all instances..?? I have tried a "while" but it just grabs the same data over and over again... never ending.. Just curious.. Any help would be appreciated...
  9. Oh yea... Space Strippers.. gotta love the green ones!!!!!!
  10. Ah HA... OK it's fixed. You see in order to rename the individual logos I had to strip out the extension to be able to include it in the new file name... There was a freakin SPACE after the file extension...!!! So I couldn't see it on the server and it made the images not load correctly. It was basically working the entire time I just had to strip out the space... Space Cadet.........
  11. I just found out what is wrong with it.... right now I have it set to only grab one logo... and then to test it when complete I load both the original and the moved file to view... When I look at the properties of the original it is a JPEG FILE... When I look at the properties of the moved file it is a TEXT/HTML FILE.... I have no idea how to copy it and keep the file type intact... any ideas..?
  12. Yes I have done all of that... I have checked just about everything I can think of.. #1 url is fine... #2 permission is 777 #3 done everything works and pages saved - viewed to check... could it be a file permission in the original folder..?? could it be a server setting not allowing me to do this..??
  13. Well it copied something.... for example... one of the files it copied was logo.jpg.. When I try to load logo.jpg from the destination.. it FAILS... 404 error.. When I look at it in my FTP program... there it is... I think it is not recognizing the format as JPG so it fails...
  14. Hello, I have to move and rename thousands of logo images.. from one server to another Each image is under 20kb... Here is what I have: echo copy("http://content.someurl.com/images/brand/thumb/".$logo."","blogos/".$logo.""); Now this is just a test to see if I can move one image... The image is created in blogos/".$logo." BUT.. it isn't an image it doesn't load.. Any ideas on how I could move these images easily..?? copy doesn't seem to be working... Thanks!
  15. Thanks for the info and links... no to dig in to this... Thanks again!!!
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