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PHP RSS Script - Outputting <br> tags ?!?!
slimboyfatz32 replied to slimboyfatz32's topic in PHP Coding Help
the PHP script is throwing out a bunch of <br> tags into my html document , which then stops the damn thing from validating , not sure which part of the script is producing this problematic output though ??? -
PHP RSS Script - Outputting <br> tags ?!?!
slimboyfatz32 replied to slimboyfatz32's topic in PHP Coding Help
your comments are very helpful !! -
PHP RSS Script - Outputting <br> tags ?!?!
slimboyfatz32 replied to slimboyfatz32's topic in PHP Coding Help
i apologise , here is the script in question (or part of it)........... function display_feed($data) { extract($data); if($TITLE) { $this->retval .= "<h1>"; if($LINK) $this->retval .= "<a href=\"$LINK\" target=\"_blank\">"; $this->retval .= stripslashes($TITLE); if($LINK) $this->retval .= "</a>"; $this->retval .= "</h1>\n"; if($TAGLINE) $this->retval .= "<P>" . stripslashes($TAGLINE) . "</P>\n\n"; $this->retval .= "<div class=\"divider\"><!-- --></div>\n\n"; } if($ENTRY) { foreach($ENTRY as $item) $this->display_entry($item, "FEED"); } } function display_entry($data, $parent) { extract($data); if(!$TITLE) return; $this->retval .= "<P><B>"; if($LINK) $this->retval .= "<a href=\"$LINK\" target=\"_blank\">"; $this->retval .= stripslashes($TITLE); if($LINK) $this->retval .= "</a>"; $this->retval .= "</B>"; if($ISSUED) $this->retval .= " <small>($ISSUED)</small>"; $this->retval .= "</P>\n"; if($AUTHOR) { $this->retval .= "<P><b>Author:</b> " . stripslashes($AUTHOR['NAME']) . "</P>\n\n"; } if($CONTENT) { $this->retval .= "<P>" . stripslashes($CONTENT) . "</P>\n\n"; } elseif($SUMMARY) { $this->retval .= "<P>" . stripslashes($SUMMARY) . "</P>\n\n"; } } -
Help i have a PHP script that is outputting toooo many <br> tags and making my XHTML code not validate !!
Hi, I have a PHP script that is pulling in relevant RSS feeds to the 'News' page on a site, not sure what is causing it, i have had a play about, but basically the XHTML code is now not validating as it has an abundance of br tags littered around..help greatly appreciated here is a snippet of the PHP displaying the feeds ......... function display_feed($data) { extract($data); if($TITLE) { $this->retval .= "<h1>"; if($LINK) $this->retval .= "<a href=\"$LINK\" target=\"_blank\">"; $this->retval .= stripslashes($TITLE); if($LINK) $this->retval .= "</a>"; $this->retval .= "</h1>\n"; if($TAGLINE) $this->retval .= "<P>" . stripslashes($TAGLINE) . "</P>\n\n"; $this->retval .= "<div class=\"divider\"><!-- --></div>\n\n"; } if($ENTRY) { foreach($ENTRY as $item) $this->display_entry($item, "FEED"); } } function display_entry($data, $parent) { extract($data); if(!$TITLE) return; $this->retval .= "<P><B>"; if($LINK) $this->retval .= "<a href=\"$LINK\" target=\"_blank\">"; $this->retval .= stripslashes($TITLE); if($LINK) $this->retval .= "</a>"; $this->retval .= "</B>"; if($ISSUED) $this->retval .= " <small>($ISSUED)</small>"; $this->retval .= "</P>\n"; if($AUTHOR) { $this->retval .= "<P><b>Author:</b> " . stripslashes($AUTHOR['NAME']) . "</P>\n\n"; } if($CONTENT) { $this->retval .= "<P>" . stripslashes($CONTENT) . "</P>\n\n"; } elseif($SUMMARY) { $this->retval .= "<P>" . stripslashes($SUMMARY) . "</P>\n\n"; } and here is the XHTML that is seen when viewing the source, which once validated...but not anymore !! <h1>Whiplash Related News</h1> <p>'Black boxs to be fitted to young drivers cars to tackle accidents'<br><a href='information/black-boxs-to-be-fitted-to-young-drivers-cars-to-tackle-accidents.html'>Read More</a><br><br> 'Surfer suffers whiplash and brain injury'<br><a href='information/surfer-suffers-whiplash-and-brain-injury.html'>Read More</a><br><br><br><br> </p>
Thank you all for the quick responses!! Would you recommend using 'Wordpress' for the CMS for the sites or something else ?? I just had a play around with it and it was quite intuitive , followed this tut http://www.andrewstrojny.com/web-design/convert-xhtml-css-to-wordpress/ (very good it seems). many thanks.
Hi all , I am currently in the process of designing a few (brochure type) websites for a client , nothing extra special .. a Home page describing the services they provide , a News page to be updated by my clients from time to time , and a Contact Us page. I mentioned to the client that the only page that really needed to be dynamic is the News page , all the rest could remain XHTML pages, they think otherwise ??? Who is right , who is wrong ? And would 'Wordpress' be a good way to update the news page ?? , As i would like to design XHTML/CSS sites then add PHP code aftewards , which i am sure with Wordpress the code is kept to a minimum and quite intuitive. many thanks!!
PHP Errors with New Hosting Provider
slimboyfatz32 replied to slimboyfatz32's topic in PHP Coding Help
I do not have a php.ini file included with my guestbook , how would i turn off error reporting ?? here is the full code .... <? # THE FOLLOWING VARIABLES SHOULD BE EDITED TO REFLECT YOUR ENVIRONMENT #error_reporting(0); $admin_pass='sensory';# CHANGE THIS TO YOU OWN!!! OTHERWISE ANYBODY COULD POTENTIALLY DELETE YOUR ENTRIES $gbook_title='JJs Sensory Play Centre - Guestbook'; $gbook_name="guestbook.html"; # CHANGE TO YOUR OWN! the name of the html guestbook file itself. THIS FILE MUST BE IN THE SAME DIRECTORY AS THIS PHP FILE AND MUST HAVE WRITE PERMISSIONS (666) $gbook_url="http://www.jjsplaycentre.co.uk/php_guestbook/guestbook.html"; # THE URL OF YOUR HTML GUESTBOOK FILE. Change to your own! $admin_email="[email protected]"; # set to your e-mail address $gbook_email="[email protected]"; # will be in the From: field of messages sent by this script $sendmail_onpost=1; # SET TO 1 IF YOU WANT TO GET A WARNING E-MAIL WHEN A NEW POST IS MADE $sendmail_onspam=1; # SET TO 1 IF YOU WANT TO GET A WARNING E-MAIL WHEN A SPAM/ILLEGAL/BANNED IP POST ATTEMPT IS MADE. Spam that fails the image verification is NOT reported nor logged, you get an e-mail only if something is blocked by the keyword-based filters # SET HERE THE WORDS THAT YOU DO NOT WISH USERS TO USE IN THE POST. COULD BE SPAM OR ADULT STRINGS AND FORBIDDEN HTML TAGS $forbidden_strings=array("history\.go","src=\"javascript","<meta","http-equiv","offthebest","riverhouselodge","referatik","refe.ru","googlepages","online keno","scrubsystem","violetpots","bestdatingblogs","aahubs","actorsite","aboutlaw","ameranet","4noles","puttan","opfkf","cuteweblog","aaawebpage","screenplaysmag","blogcentro.com","reductil","wilsonriverartisans","luogo grande","lo gradisco","sekob.com","sexblogsite","phaa3","bennyb","teen sex","teen-sex","teensex","xxx","gay-movies","craps","datafarmdesign","saveplanet.net","systemdoctor","prescription-drug","ewqe","prescription drug","online slots","slots online","play slots","vitosfromsicily.com","atlantawebpackages","baccarat","rkpayne.com","invisionlasercenter.com","terrysmazda.com","plongee83.com","collinsdollnissan.com","andycagliarealty.com","whiterockagent.com","alumafence.com","penis","black jack","black-jack","elcom-inc.com","interfree.it","praize.com","elcom-inc","laketahoerez","computerpro-atl","laketahoerez","cherryfalls","hold em","hold-em","hazelshideaway","p-65.com","holdem","boltscarcare","ccwgroup","ambersells","boltscarcare","myteeundercar","whyreadthepaper","puebloairmotive","loan","faststartdirect.com","bondage","canalblog","kaotek","fullrxlist","effexor","fluoxetine","fowlplayer.com","blackjack","roulette","gammon","texas-holdem","pvgbw.org","megs.com","mb.com","250m.com","hydroc","fastpages.com","zolam","domaindlx","yourfreespace.net","50megs","fullka","celebrex","zepam","batcave.net","phenter","741.com","501megs.com","bestklik.info","seklik.com","125mb.com","freeadult","usapages","sweethost","esubahost","freehostonline.com","republika.pl","refinanc","insurance","barashka","huylo","20mbweb.com","sekob.com","beam.to","adipex","virtualklik","ringto","ripway.com","ownsthis","yourfreespace.net","levitra","meridia","\[u","tramadol","net4free","ambien","zolof","smutstars","netscape.com","tamiflu","xanax","valium","propecia","gruagrua","viagr","vicod","ciali","acne","porno","lesbian movie","lesbian-movie","cutpage.com","sekob.com","winantispyware","winfix","cutepage.com","rogalik","onesite.com","mandsstudiopa","sekob.com","pharmac","suck","fuck","tits","mortgage","bad credi","shit","poker","myteeundercar","casino","xxxnations","cock","<.*embed","iframe","<h","<script","<.*!--","COMMENTS-START"); $banned_ips=array("123.221.331.21","111.122"); # these are just examples. You can ban entire classes/sets of ip addresses by listing the initial numbers only # END REQUIRED VARIABLES. YOU CAN CUSTOMIZE THE OUTPUT OF THE SCRIPT ON THE WEB OR BY E-MAIL BY EDITING THE FOLLOWING VARIABLES $max_message_length=1500; # maximum allowed number of characters for a message $max_word_length=80; # this prevents a malicious user from posting a long uninterrupted string that might disrupt the guestbook page layout $last_message_to_top=1; # set to 1 if you want the last post to be the upper one in the page, or to 0 if you want the last post to be at the buttom $confirm='<META HTTP-EQUIV="refresh" CONTENT="2; url='.$gbook_url.'" >'.'If you are not redirected automatically, you can go back to the guestbook by clicking here: <A HREF="'.$gbook_url.'">Guestbook</A>'; # SCREEN MESSAGE GIVEN TO THE USER AFTER POST $ip_addr=$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];# DO NOT MODIFY THIS LINE, getting the poster's IP $confirm2='Your IP: '.$ip_addr.' status: logged';# SCREEN MESSAGE GIVEN TO THE USER ON SPAM/ILLEGAL POST # $email_mssg1="There is a new post in your guestbook at the following address:\n".$gbook_url; # this variable is now moved around line 400-450 of the script $email_mssg2="There was a spam/illegal post attempt or a post attempt from a banned IP in your guestbook at the following address:\n".$gbook_url."\nThis was apparently from a human, as it passed the image verification but was blocked by the keyword filters. \nWe remind you that spam attempts that fail the image verification are not reported nor logged";# content of e-mail sent on new spam attempt or post from banned IP $email_subj1='Message from your Guestbook: new post'; # subject of the email warning of a new post $email_subj2='Message from your Guestbook: spam attempt'; # subject of the email warning of a new spam attempt/banned IP post # log file name $logfile="gbook_log.txt"; $date=date('H:i, d m Y');# getting the current date and time $posts_file="posts.txt"; $p_template='<P><B>Name: </B> $namep <BR><B>E-mail: </B> $emailp <BR><B>Date Posted: </B> $datep <BR><B>Message: </B> $messp <HR width=300 align=left>\n'; # THIS IS THE HTML TEMPLATE FOR THE POSTS $admin_template='<TR><TD valign=top><input type=checkbox name=$cbname value=on></TD><TD valign=top>$postid_a</TD><TD valign=top>$date_a <BR>From IP: $ip_a</TD><TD valign=top width=60%><B>Name: </B>$name_a <B>E-mail: </B>$email_a<P>$mess_a</TD></TR>\n'; # THIS IS THE ADMIN TEMPLATE FOR THE POSTS # IMAGE VERIFICATION $enable_image_verification_step=1; # set this to 0 if you want to disable the image verification step for any reason # DO NOT EDIT BEYOND THIS POINT UNLESS YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING $use_sessions=1; # on some PHP versions sessions might not work with the code used in this script. If so, set to 0. When set to 0, a temp file will be used to store the security code, instead of a session object # A little function to send an e-mail function msendmail ($from,$to,$subj,$mess){ mail($to,$subj,$mess,"From: $from\n"); } # a function that updates the html guestbook file based on the flatfile function UpdateHTMLguestbook ($flatfile,$html_file,$post_template,$last_message_to_top) #flatfile is called $posts_file in this script and $html_file is called $gbook_name { $posts1=file($flatfile);# the file function reads the file in an array with an element for each line $posts2=array(); foreach($posts1 as $post){ $spl_post=preg_split('/;/',$post); # we create an array that contains all the fields for each post in the posts file $posts2[]=$spl_post; # and then add it to the posts2 array } $f_post1=''; foreach($posts2 as $post){ $namep=$post[2]; #echo $namep; $emailp=$post[3]; $datep=$post[4]; $messp=$post[5]; eval("\$f_post = \"$post_template\";"); # creating the html line for the post based on the post template defined at the top of the script #echo "<p>this is the f_post variable".$f_post; if ($last_message_to_top==0){$f_post1=$f_post1.$f_post;} # on each iteration we add the html line to the $f_post1 variable. At the end this variable will contain the full html for the posts to be placed on the guestbook html file elseif ($last_message_to_top==1){$f_post1=$f_post.$f_post1;} #echo " 3333".$f_post1." 3333"; } # following 2 line, restoring the ; originaly present in the message $f_post22=preg_split('/&&&&#/',$f_post1); $f_post1=implode(";",$f_post22); $post=$f_post1; # we rename the html for the posts to $post $g_content=file_get_contents($html_file); # getting the whole html guestbook contents #echo $g_content; $comstart_reg="/<!-- COMMENTS-START -->.*\\n/"; $comstart="<!-- COMMENTS-START -->\n"; $comend_reg="/<!-- COMMENTS-END -->.*\\n/"; $comend="<!-- COMMENTS-END -->\n"; $chars = preg_split($comstart_reg, $g_content); # we split in 2 the html guestbook file bu using the comments start regular expression $chars2 = preg_split($comend_reg, $chars[1]); # the second part is further split in 2 to separate the messages from the footer $len_c2=count($chars2); # this will be =1 if the comments end tag is not there, or = 2 if it is there if($len_c2==1){$chars3=$chars2[0];}# maybe the end tag is not there (upgrade from old version of the script), in this case everything after the start tag is treated like a footer elseif($len_c2==2){$chars3 = $chars2[1];} # this is the footer of the guestbook page #if ($last_message_to_top==1){$contents=$chars[0].$comstart.$post.$chars[1];} $contents=$chars[0].$comstart.$post.$comend.$chars3; # we re-build the guestbook html page by putting together all the pieces $fp = fopen($html_file, "w"); $write = fputs($fp, $contents); # and then write this to the guestbook file fclose($fp); #echo "guestbook html file updated correctly<P>"; } #end function definition UpdateHTMLguestbook function CreateAdminPage ($flatfile, $administration_template,$gbook_url,$gbook_title,$posted_pass ) # this creates and display the admin interface starting from the flatfile { $posts1=file($flatfile);# the file function reads the file in an array with an element for each line $posts2=array(); foreach($posts1 as $post){ $spl_post=preg_split('/;/',$post); $posts2[]=$spl_post; } $adm_pag1=''; foreach($posts2 as $post){ $postid_a=$post[0]; $cbname=post.$post[0]; $ip_a=$post[1]; $name_a=$post[2]; $email_a=$post[3]; $date_a=$post[4]; $mess_a=Truncate(htmlspecialchars($post[5])); eval("\$adm_pag = \"$administration_template\";"); $adm_pag1=$adm_pag1.$adm_pag; } echo '<style type="text/css"> h1 { font-family:verdana; font-size:20px; line-height:150%} h2 { font-family:verdana; font-size:18px; line-height:150%} .splink { cursor:pointer; font-family:verdana; font-size:10px; font-weight:bold; line-height:150%; color:blue} * { font-family:verdana; font-size:11px; line-height:150%} </style>'; echo "<H1>Welcome to the <A HREF=$gbook_url>$gbook_title</A> Admin section</H1>"; echo '<H2>In this page you can delete messages posted to your guestbook</H2><P>'; echo '<form action="" method=post>'."\n"; #echo 'test checkbox <input type="checkbox" name="pippo" value="on"><P>'; echo '<table width="80%" cellpadding=10 border=1 bordercolor=blue>'."\n"; echo "<TR bgcolor=blue><TD><B><font color=white>Select</font></B></TD><TD><B><font color=white>Message Id</font></B></TD><TD><B><font color=white>Date Posted/IP</font></B></TD><TD><B><font color=white>Message</font></B></TD></TR>\n"; echo $adm_pag1; echo "</TABLE>\n"; echo "<input type=hidden name=adpass value=".$posted_pass.">\n"; echo "<input type=hidden name=user value=admin>\n"; echo "<input type=hidden name=task value=delete>\n"; echo "<input type=submit value=delete selected messages>\n"; die(); } # fuction to write to the log file function writelog($filename,$text){ #echo("writing the log file"); $fp = fopen($filename, "a"); $write = fputs($fp, $text); fclose($fp); } # end function definition writelog function Truncate ($str, $length=300, $trailing='.....') { // take off chars for the trailing $length-=strlen($trailing); if (strlen($str) > $length) { // string exceeded length, truncate and add trailing dots return substr($str,0,$length).$trailing; } else { // string was already short enough, return the string $res = $str; } return $res; } # GETTING THE VARIABLES POSTED THROUGH THE FORM $user=$_POST['user']; $task=$_POST['task']; $posted_pass=$_POST['adpass']; if($user=='admin' and $task=='show'){ # if there is a call for the administration page if($posted_pass==$admin_pass){ # and if the password is correct CreateAdminPage ($posts_file, $admin_template,$gbook_url,$gbook_title,$posted_pass); # the administration page is shown } else{die('wrong password');} # else it is not shown } elseif($user=='admin' and $task=='delete'){ # if there is a 'delete' call coming from the administration page if($posted_pass==$admin_pass){ $posts1=file($posts_file);# the file function reads the file in an array with an element for each line $posts2=array(); foreach($posts1 as $post){ $spl_post=preg_split('/;/',$post); $post_id=$spl_post[0]; $post_form_field=post.$post_id; $post_value = $_POST[$post_form_field]; if($post_value==''){$post_value='off';} #echo "il valore di post per il post $post_form_field e' pari a $post_value<P>"; #eval("\$post_value = \"$_POST[$post_form_field]\";"); #echo 'analysing post '.$post_form_field.' with value'.$post_value.'<P>'; #echo 'a test '.$_POST['post2']; #echo 'and here are all values: <P>'; #foreach ($_POST as $key => $value) { #echo "Chiave: $key; Valore: $value<br>\n"; #} if ($post_value=='off'){$posts2[]=$post;} #elseif($post_value=='on'){echo "post $post_form_field not added to the winning list<P>";} } $posts3=''; foreach ($posts2 as $post){ $posts3=$posts3.$post; } $fp = fopen($posts_file, "w"); $write = fputs($fp, $posts3); fclose($fp); # the following code updates the html guestbook file based on the posts.txt file contents (the flatfile database of the posts) UpdateHTMLguestbook ($posts_file,$gbook_name,$p_template,$last_message_to_top); die('message(s) deleted successfully, You can go back to the <A HREF='.$gbook_url.'>Guestbook</A> ' ); } else {die('not authorized');} } $name=$_POST['name']; if ($name==''){die("Name field empty, please go back and try again");}# the script stops if the name is missing $email=$_POST['email']; # GETTING THE MESSAGE AND THEN CHECKING FOR LENGTH PROBLEMS $message=$_POST['message']; if ($message==''){die("Message field empty, please go back and try again");}# the script stops if the message is missing if (strlen($message)>$max_message_length){die ("Your message is longer than $max_message_length characters, please go back and try again, thank you");} # CHECKING FOR TOO LONG WORDS THAT COULD BREAK THE PAGE DESIGN $mescheck1=preg_split('/ /',$message); foreach($mescheck1 as $value) { if (strlen($value)>$max_word_length){die("Some words in your message are too long. Please go back and try again, thank you");} } $message=preg_split('/;/',$message); $message=implode("&&&&#",$message); $imgverify=$_POST['imgverify']; $random=$_POST['random']; # CAPTCHA VERIFICATION if ($imgverify=='' and $enable_image_verification_step==1) { # CAPTCHA IMAGE VERIFICATION // Date in the past header("Expires: Mon, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT"); // always modified header("Last-Modified: " . gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s") . " GMT"); // HTTP/1.1 header("Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate"); header("Cache-Control: post-check=0, pre-check=0", false); // HTTP/1.0 header("Pragma: no-cache"); # this code was adapted from an image verification code found on http://www.planet-source-code.com/vb/scripts/ShowCode.asp?txtCodeId=739&lngWId=8, by Darryl Porter /*header*/ #Header("Content-Type: image/png"); /* initialize a session. */ if ($use_sessions==1){session_start();} /*We'll set this variable later.*/ $new_string; /*register the session variable. */ #session_register('new_string'); OLD WAY OF HANDLING THE SESSION VARIABLE /*You will need these two lines below.*/ echo "<html><head><title>JJ's Sensory Play Centre Guestbook Turing Test</title>"; echo '<META HTTP-EQUIV="Cache-Control" CONTENT="no-store"><META HTTP-EQUIV="Cache-Control" CONTENT="no-cache"><META HTTP-EQUIV="Cache-Control" CONTENT="must-revalidate"><META HTTP-EQUIV="pragma" CONTENT="no-cache"><META HTTP-EQUIV="Expires" CONTENT="Tue, 26-Oct-1965 12:00:00"><META HTTP-EQUIV="Expires" CONTENT="NOW"><META HTTP-EQUIV="last modified" CONTENT="NOW">'; echo '</head>'; echo "<body>"; /* set up image, the first number is the width and the second is the height*/ $im = ImageCreate(100, 30); /*creates two variables to store color*/ #randomiziong the background color srand((double)microtime()*1000000); $selbgcol=rand(1,5); if($selbgcol==1){ $captcha_bg_color = ImageColorAllocate($im, 198, 24, 0);#RED } elseif($selbgcol==2){ $captcha_bg_color = ImageColorAllocate($im, 0, 0, 0);#BLACK } elseif($selbgcol==3){ $captcha_bg_color = ImageColorAllocate($im, 43, 130, 26);#GREEN } elseif($selbgcol==4){ $captcha_bg_color = ImageColorAllocate($im, 255, 153, 0);#ORANGE } elseif($selbgcol==5){ $captcha_bg_color = ImageColorAllocate($im, 0, 88, 238);#BLUE } $white = ImageColorAllocate($im, 255, 255, 255); #$black = ImageColorAllocate($im, 0, 0, 0); /*random string generator.*/ /*The seed for the random number*/ srand((double)microtime()*1000000); /*Runs the string through the md5 function*/ $string = md5(rand(0,9999)); /*creates the new string. */ $new_string = substr($string, 17, 5); # NEW WAY OF HANDLING THE SESSION VARIABLE COMPATIBLE WITH PHP BEYOND 4.2.3 if ($use_sessions==1){$_SESSION['new_string'] = $new_string ;} # this is a newer session code, the older code did not work with php 5 elseif ($use_sessions==0) { $fp = fopen('temp_code.txt', "w"); $write = fputs($fp, $new_string); fclose($fp); } /*fill image with background color*/ ImageFill($im, 0, 0, $captcha_bg_color); /*writes string */ ImageString($im, 10, 28, 7, $new_string, $white); /* output to browser*/ ImagePNG($im, "verify.png"); ImageDestroy($im); #some manip of the message $mess1=stripslashes($message); $mess2=preg_split("/'/",$mess1); $mess=implode("####",$mess2); /*I plugged our image in like I would any other image.*/ echo "<img src=\"verify.png\">"; echo "<br><br>"; echo "Type the code you see in the image in the box below. (case sensitive)"; echo "<P><B><font color=red>Important:</font></b><BR>If this is not the first message you have submitted in the last minutes, you might have to reload this page to get a new, valid code"; echo '<form action="" method=post>'; echo '<input name="random" type="text">'; echo '<input type="hidden" name="imgverify" value="verification">'; echo '<input type="hidden" name="name" value="'.$name.'">'; echo '<input type="hidden" name="email" value="'.$email.'">'; echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"message\" value='".$mess."'>"; echo ' <input type="submit" value="Submit Code">'; echo "</form>"; echo "</body>"; echo "</html>"; } elseif ($imgverify==verification or $enable_image_verification_step==0) { if ($imgverify==verification){ if ($use_sessions==1){session_start(); } $random = trim($random); if ($random==''){die ('You forgot to enter the image verification code');} #if ($new_string == $random){$verif=1;} this was with the old session handling if ($use_sessions==1){ if ($_SESSION['new_string'] == $random){$verif=1;}# changed this line to use the new session handling with $_SESSION else{$verif=0;} $_SESSION['new_string']=""; session_destroy(); } } elseif($use_sessions==0){ $the_code=trim(file_get_contents('temp_code.txt')); unlink('temp_code.txt'); if ($the_code == $random){$verif=1;} else{$verif=0;} } elseif($enable_image_verification_step==0){$verif=1;} if ($verif==1){ # if the image verification step is passed, or if it was disabled in the configuration variables # CHECKING IF THE GUESTBOOK IS WRITABLE $gbook_perms = substr(sprintf('%o', fileperms($gbook_name)), -4); if ($gbook_perms>=666){ $gbook_writable=1; } else{$gbook_writable=0;} if ($gbook_writable==0){die("The Guestbook html file is not writable! Check the file permissions and try again. Good Luck.");} # CHECKING IF THE LOG FILE IS THERE, AND IF IT IS WRITABLE if (file_exists($logfile) == true){ $log_exists=1; #echo('the log file exists<P>'); $log_perms = substr(sprintf('%o', fileperms($logfile)), -4); if ($log_perms>=666){ $log_writable=1; #echo('the log is writable<P>'); } else{$log_writable=0; #echo('the log is NOT writable<P>'); } } else{ $log_exists=0; $log_writable=0; } #echo('the log file does not exist<P>'); #echo('the $log_exists variable is set to: '.$log_exists.'<P>'); #echo('the $log_writable variable is set to: '.$log_writable.'<P>'); # FORMATTING THE POST FOR THE WEB. YOU CAN EDIT THE HTML IN THE '$post' VARIABLE TO CHANGE THE APPEARANCE OF YOUR POSTS AND ADAPT IT TO YOUR WEB LAYOUT $fmess1=preg_split('/\\r\\n|\\n|\\r/',$message); $fmess=implode("<BR>",$fmess1); $fmess2=stripslashes($fmess); $fmess2=preg_split('/####/',$fmess2); $fmess2=implode("'",$fmess2); # CHECKING THE POST FIELDS FOR FORBIDDEN ENTRIES $check=0; # check 0 means that the post is OK as far as forbidden strings and IP are OK. We start by setting this to OK and then make it =1 if something goes wrong foreach($forbidden_strings as $value) { if (preg_match('/'.$value.'/'.i,$name)==1){ $check=1;} if (preg_match('/'.$value.'/'.i,$email)==1){ $check=1;} if (preg_match('/'.$value.'/'.i,$message)==1){ $check=1;} } # IS THE IP OF THE POSTER IN THE BANNED LIST? foreach($banned_ips as $value) { if(preg_match('/^'.$value.'/',$ip_addr)){ $check=1;} } #echo("status of check variable is: "); #echo($check."<P>"); # WRITING THE POST TO THE GUESTBOOK IF THE WORDS AND IP CHECKS WERE PASSED if($check==0){ ########## WRITING THE FLAT FILE ######## this is done only if the forbidden words and the IP checks are passed if (file_exists($posts_file) == false){$fp = fopen($posts_file,"w");fclose($fp);}# if flat file does not exists, we create it $posts1=file($posts_file);# the file function reads the file in an array with an element for each line #$posts1=preg_split('/\\r\\n|\\n|\\r/',$pf_contents); $num_posts=count($posts1); $lpi=$num_posts-1; # last post index #echo "there are $num_posts posts<P>"; $last_post=preg_split('/;/',$posts1[$lpi]); $last_post_id=$last_post[0]; if($last_post_id==''){$last_post_id=0;} $post_id=$last_post_id+1; $new_line="$post_id;$ip_addr;$name;$email;$date;$fmess2\n"; $fp = fopen($posts_file, "a"); $write = fputs($fp, $new_line); fclose($fp); ######### READING THE FLAT FILE FOR WRITING TO THE GUESTBOOK HTML FILE ######## #$g_content=file_get_contents($gbook_name); #echo($g_content); UpdateHTMLguestbook ($posts_file,$gbook_name,$p_template,$last_message_to_top); echo($confirm); $email_mssg1="There is a new post in your guestbook at the following address:\n".$gbook_url."\n\nThe following message was posted:\n\n".$post_log; # content of e-mail sent on new post if ($sendmail_onpost==1){ msendmail($gbook_email,$admin_email,$email_subj1,$email_mssg1); #echo('THE EMAIL WAS SENT'); } } # end of 'if checks passed' code block #else {echo('WHAT THE HECK');} # IF THE CHECKS ARE NOT PASSED: else{ echo($confirm2); if ($sendmail_onspam==1){ msendmail($gbook_email,$admin_email,$email_subj2,$email_mssg2); } } $post_log=stripslashes("\n<ENTRY>\nName: ".$name."\nE-Mail: ".$email."\nMessage: ".$message."\nDate Posted ".$date."\nFROM IP: ".$ip_addr."\n</ENTRY>\n"); # formatting for the log file ##echo('This is the post formatted for the log: <P>'.$post_log); # WRITING THE LOG FILE if ($log_exists==1 && $log_writable==1){ writelog($logfile,$post_log); # the post is logged even if the checks are not passed. #else{echo('<P>Log Not written');} #echo($confirm); } } # end block 'if the checkpoints are not passed' else {die("Unable to verify that you are a humam being: Turing Test Failed. <P>If you are sure you entered the right code and still see this page try the following:<BR><LI>press the browser back button and reload the page with the code. If it says that the page has expired, do you want to resend data, choose yes.<LI>On the page with the new image code you get, type in the new code in the text box and resubmit, it should work fine");} } # end of the block executed if the image verification was passed or was disabled ?> -
PHP Errors with New Hosting Provider
slimboyfatz32 replied to slimboyfatz32's topic in PHP Coding Help
Thanks all for the replies , here is a snippet of code from aforementioned problem ..... $user=$_POST['user']; $task=$_POST['task']; $posted_pass=$_POST['adpass']; -
Hi to all on the Forum , I am a relative newcomer to PHP , and have a guestbook with a new hosting provider (my old host was a Linux environment and so is the new one) , I had no problems by the way with my old host and said guestbook. When I try to execute the PHP script I get these errors returned : Notice: Undefined index: user in /home/fhlinux169/j/jjsplaycentre.co.uk/user/htdocs/php_guestbook/php_guestbook.php on line 167 Notice: Undefined index: task in /home/fhlinux169/j/jjsplaycentre.co.uk/user/htdocs/php_guestbook/php_guestbook.php on line 168 Notice: Undefined index: adpass in /home/fhlinux169/j/jjsplaycentre.co.uk/user/htdocs/php_guestbook/php_guestbook.php on line 169 I am at a standstill , any help is much appreciated