Dear Friends,
I have just formatted the wrong harddisk that keeps all my backups of the websites,databases and userinfos and accounts, personal programs, all my documents, mail backups, e-books, and everything.
Actually I was trying to format the usb device, but I did not notice that program asking me to format E: instead of F:, it was just one second.
So I m looking for something that ll recover my 2TB harddisk back. I really need good advices.
I have heard about the firms that recovers files etc, but I think I can not trust them since my mails, documents,databases keeps personal infos about me and people including money transfers and accounts. Is there any way? any program that can take my harddisk back?
( now harddisk is empty without anything in it and working well)
would be glad if you share your experiences also
edit :
is it possible to restore everything folder by folder?
cause it was well organized 2TB hard disk.