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  1. I guess I am on my own with this one.
  2. Maybe using a continue; ?
  3. Well here is what actually updates the twitter status it connects to the db further up and uses a while to run this stuff require("config/config.php"); require("config/opendb.php"); require ("Twitter.class.php"); //Grab content from MySQL $data = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users") or die(mysql_error()); // keeps getting the next row until there are no more to get while($row = mysql_fetch_array( $data )) { // check whether get variables are existing and read xml file if (file_exists($path.$file)) { $xml = simplexml_load_file($path.$file); $xbltweet2 = $xml->Gamertag; $xbltweet = $xml->PresenceInfo->Info; $xbltweet1 = $xml->PresenceInfo->Info2; //if ($xml->PresenceInfo->Online == false){ //Some Code Once I figure It Out //}else{ //data to get $tuser = $row[twitteruser]; $tpassword = $row[twitterpass]; //echo $tuser $tweet = new Twitter("$tuser", "$tpassword"); // Set a new status. This can be called multiple times on the same object. // The update() function returns true if the status update was successful or // false if an error occured. In case of an error, a string describing the error // is stored in the error variable of the object (in our case $tweet->error) $success = $tweet->update("$xbltweet2 : $xbltweet : $xbltweet1"); if ($success) echo "Tweet successful!"; echo $tweet->error; } }
  4. I was just typing that same solution up as a suggestion
  5. Would making each row a link work for your situation?
  6. Maybe you should try reformatting that if statement try something like if (condition) code to be executed if condition is true; elseif (condition) code to be executed if condition is true; elseif code to be executed if condition is false; else code to be executed if condition is true; //And so on.... Split each of the bad words up with the elseif but hey I am fairly new to this so that's just my 2 cents.
  7. I have a script that updates a users status on twitter based on their xbox live info it works all great but I need to implement something that will allow it to only update users status if their xbox live status is online else it just spams the account away. I am pretty new to using arrays and what not so I am not really sure where to start with having it check that condition and if they are offline it would just skip to the next user in the database and not run the update on their account.
  8. I shut off display_errors in php.ini that should keep the script quiet
  9. Well then if you know how tell me cause I don't when the API server gets a bad name it just displays a HTML page saying ERROR which has no XML hence the error when you give it a bad name I just go to the php.ini and disable display errors that stops the messages.
  10. Well they are just bad formatted XML files as the file name was weird my content server displays info from my API server the API server returns results and my content server stores the results as XML so I can cache the info and not whack the hell out of my API server lol. Once a weird name is sent it scrambles my XML hence the XML error. To me thats not that big of a deal as if I have error reporting off no one will see the errors.
  11. I usually have error reporting off on that script but I was testing things also that is how I am using the simplxml:load function.
  12. I finally started laying it out a little nicer also I will be adding a top games played based on the searches this weekend I hope
  13. sure just shoot me a PM or what ever with your IP I have really strict firewall rules also strict mod_sec rules that will block in the firewall also.
  14. OHHHH thats easy here: http://xbltwitter.com/phpfreakstesting.html
  15. A document? like me typing I own this? lol I figured with how crude the layout and coding is it would be obvious. I don't know what document would show that I own it.
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