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Everything posted by greatstar00

  1. u need to learn pointer, in c++, cause i take this as example use classes ie: channel (class name) channel points to each user so, channel has channelStarter->user1 -> user2 -> user3 (-> means pointer, after user 1, there is a next pointer, to go to next user) kind of like a chain user class: user contains a property pointer, it points back to the current channel when u send message user.get channel for each users in channel, message.send so, in server, u have 2 or more channel classes [attachment deleted by admin]
  2. http://us2.php.net/manual/en/function.mb-convert-encoding.php
  3. <a href="pic.php?pic=3&act=previous">Previous</a> take the above as example pic=3, the current pic, and act is the action u doing, forward of backward if($_GET['act']=="previous") echo "pic".(--$_GET['pic'])."jpg";
  4. below for client side programming in the subform, <form onclick="return returnvalue()" name="form1" /> function returnvalue(){ document.form2.hiddenfield.value = document.form1.field.value; return false; } in your inner (actually, the 1st form), use javascript to pass the value to the 2nd form(outer form) hidden field below for server side programming create 2 pages, 1st page contain the inner form only submit to 1st page, then on this 1st page, write the 2nd form, include 1st's form value as hidden field <input type="hidden" name="1stformname1" value="<?php echo $_POST[1stformname1] ?>" />
  5. $volunteer[]=$_POST['volunteer[]']; should be $volunteer=&$_POST['volunteer[]'];
  6. mod rewrite search on internet for this
  7. $images[0]['residential']['imgUrl']; should be $images[0]['i']['imgUrl'];
  8. the only way you can do is have a file version file in both client sever, and central server have the client (your visitors, the admin), load the current server's file version have a iframe to load central server's version in the iframe, use parent.document.getElementById("version")==document.getElementById("serverversion")
  9. wat code is inside get_feed_meta('face')
  10. //code to select data, and query stored to $q echo '<table>'; echo '<tr><td>headings</td>.........</tr>'; while ($r=mysql_fetch_assoc($q)){ echo '<tr>'; foreach ($r as $value){ if(is_array($value){ //do array stuff, the inner table, i would recommend put all foreach in a recursive function } echo '<td>'.(empty($value)?' ':$value).'</td>'; } echo '</tr>'; } echo '</table';
  11. the zero is the index not the value in the array
  12. he is saying $row[spot_id]+1; is incorrect, although it added 1, and it didnt save the result somewhere, and the computer will soon replaced this memory chunk with some other variables so, what it means, the result produced by above code is garbage so, change that to what he suggested
  13. mail header, or http header, or ftp header, is those thing the server sending to each other, telling each other, what kind of information they both receiving like, who it is from, what type of text encoding, how the connection be handled after everything are done etc these header wont be seen in header, and human eyes just the server will see it, and process it by the meaning of the sender like http header http 1.1 200 OK content-type: text/html connection: close the above 3 lines are the most common type of header when u use browser (100% of browser will send this out) do u see these 3 lines? NO so, the header in mail is same, it wont be seen by human eye, except the following From: (maybe more) according to this link, the For header isnt used like the way u do http://www.avolio.com/columns/E-mailheaders.html
  14. maybe your are looking for http address rewrite then name your update.php into something really weird i am not so good at this, and not very sure about how it work actually (i mean if it redirect to another page)
  15. if (do_readfile_string(&$clicks,$filename) the & means pass value by reference if you change the $clicks in the function, the value that it gets from, will change without &, if you change the value in the function, the value that it gets from will NOT change
  16. put your result into array? like this $q=mysql_query(select * from table1 where user='user1') $arr=array(); $i=1; while($rc=mysql_fetch_array($q)){ foreach($rc as $key =>$value){ $arr[$i][$key]=$value;// replace $key with 'user' if you only want to display 'username' } } //now, when you echo like this foreach ($arr as $key=>$value){ echo $key.' '.$value['user'];//you will see for example: 1 John }
  17. NULL is blank, the ascii value of 0 (not a printable character, printable character is from 32 to 126, inclusive), anything beyond 128, is used for the purpose of other language if u want it to be the text NULL do this UPDATE TABLE1 SET photo="NULL" WHERE username='%s Another thing, depends what software u using, they might have different way of displaying NULL (the ascii 0) some display NULL (with some background color), like the mysql official GUI tool
  18. u should go about if(!($postcount%15)), because 0 actually is false, and !false = true
  19. all u can try it use ajax to check
  20. you would need to use preg_match if u want to use wildcard characters which it belong to regular expression
  21. if you want to see how many rows are updated, u should use http://php.net/manual/en/function.mysql-affected-rows.php
  22. in the update part u got $_POST["$submit"] which $submit is a unset variable, it is blank so, your actually accessing $_POST[], and this is nothing, and of course return nothing
  23. what is not working, can u be specific?
  24. logically, these 2 are the same while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) while ($file = readdir($handle))
  25. ignace, i bet you will make him confuse more
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