ok im working with subdreamer and installed a mod which interacts with a forum on my host so that news is shown on the front page, but i have a 20word limit so the bbcode is usually cut short which in turn messeges the whole row of news up (beyond the one article it is in)
soo i have tried to remove it i can eaily deactive the bbcode but i cannot remove the tags thus i introduce this code
$no_bbcode = explode(bbencode_second_pass($post['message'], $post['bbcode_uid']));
foreach ($no_bbcode as $nobbcode)
$post['message'] = eregi_replace($nobbcode, "", $post['message']);
i have tried a few variations of this including
$no_bbcode = explode($post['bbcode_uid']);
foreach ($no_bbcode as $nobbcode)
$post['message'] = eregi_replace($nobbcode, "", $post['message']);
$no_bbcode = explode('|','[b]|[/b]|[i]|[/i]|[u]|[/u]|[quote]|[/quote]|[code]|
foreach ($no_bbcode as $nobbcode)
$post['message'] = eregi_replace($nobbcode, "", $post['message']);
} [/code]
non work as they should, i would have tried something like mysql_escape_string() but that wont effect bbcode will it?
lil help please im non a very good php code junky and im stil teaching myself but im genuinly stuck