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  1. Hi, I am trying to integrate Protx with a website using the VSP Direct PHP integration kit. I have a problem in that it does not correctly display the total amount of the shopping cart. It seems to be displaying 1.50 for all transactions which is basically the default shipping cost added in the code. If i remove that then it only displays 0.00 but i can see that in the shopping cart there are 2 products and i can see the correct amounts in there. Has anyone used the kits themselves and found a solution to the problem?
  2. Brilliant thank you!
  3. UPDATE tbl SET passwd = MD5(passwd); Erm... wont this set everyone's password to "passwd"??
  4. Yeah basically there is a table which holds user data and currently it holds their passwords in a non encrypted format which is very bad. So i just wanted to keep all the passwords the same but to apply MD5 encryption to them so that the data is more secure.
  5. Hi I have a load of data in a database and want to convert a varchar field to an md5 password field. Is there some kind of query i can run?
  6. Hi i am using PHPlot and it works great i just have 1 problem. Along the y axis i have labels that are in the format 675889 and i would like them to be 600,000 and go up by 10000 or something. Does anyone know how to do this? ???
  7. Does anyone know if there is a good open source script that imports excel files (csv, xml, whatever) into a MySQL database? ???
  8. No it's crap just don't even go there!
  9. I've actualy set up my shop already it was really quick! It's pretty similar to OSCommerce in terms of page layouts and stuff but it is much easier to customise! I think it helps that the HTML isn't hidden in webs of tables. So, many thanks again for your help P.S. I still have to figure out how to integrate the the whole thing with a paygate (think i'm going to use Protx) so if I get that working then this is definitely a good script! Will let you know...
  10. Thanks so much ardyandkari! I think I came across open cart before but i'll have another look. That other free shopping cart script looks nice and simple but i have to include their logos on every page so will see how i go with Open Cart first. Many thanks for your help.
  11. Hi I'm looking for an open source PHP shop script. I don't need anything fancy but I do need it to be easy to customise so that I can easily change the way the homepage looks for example. Anyone have any recommendations? Not interested in OSCommerce or anything similar as it's a pain to customise!
  12. Still not working I don't understand why ??? This is my full code $insertSQL = "INSERT INTO tblProcessEvent (TMProcessID, EventTypeID, EventDate) VALUES (".$_POST['TMProcessID'].", ". $_POST['EventTypeID'].", STR_TO_DATE('".$_POST['DPC_date1']."', '%d/%m/%y'))"; Still getting this error: You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '('28/03/08', '%d/%m/%y'))' at line 1 help?
  13. My field is actually a datetime field as I mentioned in my first post but I am thinking it doesn't need to be. Ok problem solved. Thanks you! Got to love those sql functions
  14. Tried that with no luck. I'm getting the following error: You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '13/03/08', '%d/%m/%y')')' at line 1 So it's obviously a problem with the STR_TO_DATE.
  15. Yeah I realised that after I posted it but it still isn't working and my code is now: INSERT INTO tblProcessEvent (TMProcessID, EventTypeID, EventDate) VALUES (2, 1, STR_TO_DATE('20/03/08', '%d/%m/%y')) strange...
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