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  1. Hm. Interesting idea, but I think that trashing someone's reputation deserves a thread of its own, no? Many people do do business under their real names (me, for one), so the username-changing issue might not be that big.
  2. I prefer Python, myself. In my opinion it's much more powerful and easy to use.
  3. This is actually a future project of mine - of all the forums I've tried, they either a) aren't free software or b) suck. So when I get time I'm going to write my own.
  4. Downtime make Naihab ANGRY! Naihab smash!
  5. OCaml comes to mind for Web stuff, though I'm not at all certain.
  6. Ever since I started coding seriously, I've used vim, and don't plan to change anytime soon.
  7. WAMP = my idea of hell on Earth. I'd go with Ubuntu Server any day.
  8. Well, your proposed solution is the obvious one to me, but perhaps there's a better one out there - why not have a look at the source code for SMF or PHPBB or something and see how they do it?
  9. Ubuntu or Debian, for the package management system. Apart from that, pretty much anything, though Zenwalk comes with a nice set of development tools preinstalled.
  10. Update: Nevermind, I figured it out. Had to edit .htaccess.
  11. Greetings, all. I hope this is in the right forum - it does seem to be a server issue. When I type in the URL of my site, in the format [subdomain].[domain].[ext], I get a 403 forbidden message. However, when I type in [subdomain].[domain].[ext]/index.html the index file is shown, and I have no idea why. What could be causing this? Thanks a lot.
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