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  1. Thanks for responding didn't think anyone was going to. Where do you think i should put the login and signup boxes
  2. Would it be a good idea to limit the number of searches users can do to say 3 in hope that it will encourage people to signup?
  3. This is my second time posting on here for reviews on this site. It is a real estate search site so do some searches see what you think the site went under some drastic changes so see what you think. Please include hacks, design improvements and new features. Any help is greatly appreciated. http://clickonlinehomes.com
  4. Thanks guys gotta alot of work to do. That isnt the database btw i actually dont remember what that was for. How did you find that file any way? Also how did you manipulate the values of the drop down values? Did you modify the cookie?
  5. thanks guys problems fixed anything else i forgot?
  6. also if you have any design suggestions please let me know im new to design
  7. Hi Could you guys test out this site? Try and break it. If you find anything bad that i havnt been able to find please let me know. Also no one will email you or bother you if you put in your real info, you can put fake stuff if you want. http://clickonlinehomes.com Thanks
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