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  1. Hm, did I mention that it's not finished or was I just dreaming that? Also, who really cares if the layout is similar to Google? It doesn't affect the functionality of the search engine, so it doesn't matter. Also, if you bothered to read the news, you could have reported that link instead of complaining about it. <sarcasm> And "I'm just another Google clone" because so many people actually write their own web crawler. </sarcasm> mod edit: obscenity removed
  2. Now that my web crawler has collected a considerable amount of pages (over 20,000), I have decided to open my search engine. My web crawler was designed to search the web for computer related web pages (such as programming, hacking, web design, etc). There is still much more to add (such as better search results). Also, if you find any exploits or bugs (which I know there will be) I ask that you please tell me instead of using them to your benefit. Thanks! http://search.helnet.org
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