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About srinivas6203

  • Birthday 03/20/1982

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  1. Hi Barand Thanx for ur reply. But these type of equations comes from database dynamically. According to u, can you give me some code snippets. Thanq
  2. Hi I have one problem to calculate number equation using php. How can i calculate the following equation using php (((1000)11.11%)+((1000)65.66%)65.63%)/((56425)87.87%) I want final value. Can any one tell me pls. Thanq
  3. HI $update = "update sip set outbound_cid = '" . $_POST['outcid'] . "',never_override_cid = '" . $_POST['keepcid'] . "',max_chan = '".$_POST['maxchans'] . "',disable_trunk = '".$_POST['disabletrunk'] . "',monitor_trunk_failures = '".$_POST['failtrunk']. "',monitor_trunk_failures_stat = '" . $_POST['failtrunk_enable'] . "',dial_rules = '" . $_POST['dialrules']."',dialrules_wizard = '".$_POST['autopop']."',outbound_dial_prefix = '".$_POST['dialoutprefix']."',trunk = '".$_POST['channelid']."',peer_details = '".$_POST['peerdetails']."',user_context = '".if(isset(!$_POST['peerdetails'] && !$_POST['userconfig'])) $username_c."',user_details = '".$_POST['userconfig']."',register_string = '".$_POST['register']."' where id = '".$trunk_id."'"; In the above can u find out any error. I got a error like Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_IF Thanq
  4. go through this http://www.zapatec.com/website/main/products/prod1/demo.jsp#example1.html
  5. Hi i have flash related graph. It showing staticstics. I want to display a calendar above the graph. If we have drag the calendar onto the graph, calendar goes back to the flash file. Can anyone know
  6. Thanx for ur reply. Can u send me sample scripts.
  7. Hi all I am doing a website. when user edit his account total details are stored into the database. Then he click "apply changes" link, a .conf file will be generated with his total details fetching the values from database. Total these task working fine. But management asking as "When user edit his account then only 'apply changes' link will be come. The link will be there until he click that link. If he click that link .conf file will be generated with his modified details. otherwise the link will be there until he click that. any idea pls thanq
  8. Hi dilum Thanx for ur reply. I am asking about ajax confirmation dailogue box. Not a normal javascript. I hope u will be understood. Thanq
  9. Hi all I want to delete some item from my website. If i click on "delete" link, the ajax confirmation dailog box have popup. Can any one send links or scripts Thanq
  10. Thanx for ur reply $dh="/var/www/admin/"; //`sudo chmod 777 $dh`; $file="additional.conf"; $fullpath=$dh.$file; `sudo chmod 777 $fullpath`; $create_file=fopen($fullpath,"w+"); $sql=mysql_query("select * from table"); while($row=mysql_fetch_array($sql)) { $content =$row['field']"; } file_put_contents($fullpath, $content); fclose($create_file); if($create_file) { header('location:index.php'); } else { echo "file not generated"; } here $content ="host=***provider ip address*** username=***userid*** secret=***password***"; This is the code.
  11. Hi i am generating one file with data which was getting from database table using php. The data was as following. host=***provider ip address*** username=***userid*** secret=***password*** But this data was displayed in file as follows host=***provider ip address***^M username=***userid***^M secret=***password***^M type=peer I dont want to print this '^M' character. Why because, because of this character i will be face so many problems according to the security. Can any one help me out. pls
  12. Problem was solved by using following script. Thanx for every cooperation. $dh="/var/www/admin/"; `sudo chmod 777 $dh`; $file="test.txt"; $fullpath=$dh.$file; `sudo chmod 777 $fullpath`; $create_file=fopen($fullpath,"w+"); $stringData = 'sample'; fwrite($create_file, $stringData); fclose($create_file);
  13. how can i change file permissions
  14. I tried by the using of following script. But i got errors. $path="var/www/files/"; $file=$path."test_file.txt"; $fp=fopen($file,"w"); //echo file_put_contents($file,"Hello World. Testing!"); fwrite($fp, 'sample data'); fclose($fp); I got following errors: Warning: fopen(var/www/files/test_file.txt) [function.fopen]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /var/www/admin/conf_changes.php on line 11 Warning: fwrite(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /var/www/admin/conf_changes.php on line 13 Warning: fclose(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /var/www/admin/conf_changes.php on line 14 Please help me out.
  15. Thanks for your reply friends. Can you send me scripts please.
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