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--But that's only true as long as the page is valid html, isn't it bronzemonkey? If invalid html is found, it could jump into quirks mode at any time. did you validate the page, tissue? offcourse I did validate it with w3c. And therefore it also has a valid doc type. I didnt dare to submit an unvalidated page with errors here I read some other topics before posting Still I had trouble with setting margins and IE6. IE6 did other things than firefox. But as I said, it works now, but only not most elegant. I might spend some time and frustration optimizing the layout later, now i have other priorities tnx again for all the feedback! grtz Tissue
well I could not set margins that work in IE6 and Firefox. Some times IE6 even doubled the margins set. And when setting margins it made the div bigger in IE6. And that is not what I needed. If you can make it work without the spacers AND without placing extra divs, be my guest Find the source and CSS on entropia.wietze.net cheers
Its just converted to jpeg. You can as well get screenshots as bmp or png. btw. the one i was referring to uses a stand alone application that captures screens and then reads content. So you might be right. Allthough i think patterns are not that difficult, because its a fixed font. tnx all for thinking with me!!! grtz Tissue
I spoke with someone who has a screenshot analysing software made, that extracts text out of the screenshots made. Hey told me, that the fonts in this game always give a perfect match when he analyses a screenshot. The font is also single coloured. So what he does is transform all the pixels with the text color in black (or 1) and the rest will be white (0). Then he reads the grid of pixels (or 1 and 0) till he finds text, and analyses it! So I think it is possible to make. Maybe even for me, but not that fast But it will consume so much time for me, that I rather spend it on other features for my website, or for doing a lot of other more important RL stuff. grtz Tissue
Tnx for the nice info!!! I fixed the issues in IE6. For the menu and header I had to set a negative margin for the header, so it did not get stretched with the menu inside. The margins messed up the layout, because of the box model in IE6. So I needed some spacer divs instead of setting a margin, to make it work. It is not a perfect piece of html, but it works. I also rather would lose the spacers! Anyway, layout is good in both IE6 and firefox! yay I'll set this topic as solved, and come back when I get more problems. Tnx to all replyers!!! grtz Tissue
virtual machine is a very handy tool. I installed it with XP and IE6. I managed to solve some of the problems of what IE6 was doing to me. Seems like IE6 couldnt handle my margin properties, so i had to include some spacer divs. Now there is still a big problem at hand. I have no idea how to solve it: My site has a menu, that has to lay over part of the content part of my site. So i placed the menu in the div above the content div, and set the top parameter to 26, to drop it down over the edge of the containing div. Works like a charm in every normal browser even in IE6. BUT... IE6 decides to make the containing header div much higher than I tell it to be. He adds up the heights of the divs inside including the menu. And instead of overflowing the div, it is stretching it. I tried different things i found on different forums. But nothing works. I cannot set the overflow of the header to hidden, because the overflow is what i want to see. Setting it to hidden does work for IE considering the menu, but the rest of the content of the header gets messed up. Offcourse this does not work for firefox, because firefox actually listens and hides the overflow. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE help me out. btw i prefer to just use one working html and css for all browsers. Here are the important codes: <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd"> <head> <title>[__WINDOWTITLE__]</title> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8" > <meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css" > <meta name="description" content="On this page, you can register your HOF and Global Collection, and view those off other avatars in the Entropia Universe. Entropia Universe is a MMORPG with a real cash economy system. You can actually make real money playing a game"> <meta name="verify-v1" content="K85M4LqXnhL8jDl++34sUijI472hdX3r4B3omRYEJy4=" > <link href="css/style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"> </head> <body> <div id="page_container"> <div id="page_header"><!-- --> <div id="page_header_spacer"><!-- --></div> <div id="page_title">[__TITLE__]</div> <div id="page_menu">[__MENU__]</div> </div> <div id="page_left_space"></div> <div id="page_left"></div> <div id="page_content_container"> <div id="content"><br><br>[__CONTENT__]<br><br></div> <div id="gradient_overlay"></div> </div> <div id="page_right"></div> <div id="page_footer"><div id="page_footer_content"><?php include("php/adspace.php"); ?></div></div> <div id="page_footer_bottom"></div> </div> <p>Copyright - Weet Tissue Chief 2007</p> </body> </html> and CSS (of page items): /*Page Layout*/ body { background-color:#B1B9AF; font-family:Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif; font-size:12px; text-align:center; } html { overflow:scroll; } #page_container{ width:949px; margin:auto; } #page_menu{ position:relative; float:left; height:0; top:-26px; left: 13px; } #page_header{ width:949px; height:191px; max-height:191px; background-image:url("../design/page_header.png"); background-position:center bottom; background-repeat:no-repeat; overflow:hidden; } #page_header_spacer{ width:100%; height:100px; } #page_title{ height:91px; width:100%; text-align:center; font-size:36px; color:#FFFFFF; } #page_left{ float:left; width:8px; background-color:#2C4118; height:440px; } #page_left_space{ float:left; clear:left; width:38px; height:440px; } #page_content_container { float:left; width:894px; height:440px; background-color:#FFFFFF; text-align:left; overflow:hidden; } #page_right{ width:8px; background-color:#2C4118; height:440px; float:left; clear:right; } #gradient_overlay { background-image:url(../design/main_bottom.png); height:21px; position:relative; top:-21px; width:878px; z-index:2; } #page_footer{ clear:both; margin-left:38px; width:910px; height:110px; background-color:#2C4118; } #page_footer_content{ margin-right:8px; margin-left:auto; padding-top:5px; height:95%; width:95%; text-align:right; } #page_footer_content a{ color:#FFFFFF; } #page_footer_bottom{ clear:both; margin-left:38px; width:910px; height:13px; background-image:url(../design/page_bottom.png); background-repeat:no-repeat; }
Ok ill install the virtual machine with IE6, and stop bothering you Anyway, if someone can tell me how to float divs correctly , so it works in IE6 (what are the rules?), please do tell me. grtz Tissue
not yet fixed :'(
tnx for the advice. First it seems so much hassle to make a virtual machine just for this. But it is getting more tempting to do that I am indeed upgrading the website to a tableless layout (apart from the tables with data) step by step. But these problems have stopped my progress
I checked with Browsershots the page without menu, and it is also messed up. Strang thing is that the right border div is positioned correctly next to the content div. But the content div does not position next to the left border div. But they use same float... grtz Tissue
how about usage of the image functions in php. php can read pixel colors right? So maybe you can let the script search a certain area of the picture for grey (font) pixels. Then compare those pixel patterns to known character patterns, and return the most likely match (most matching pixels). All letters are surrounded by space so getting area of each character must be possible too. once again, a giant task to write such a script, but i still think it is in fact possible (but i am not going to proof it to you, cause my php is not that 1337) grtz Tissue EDIT: was typing this reply at same time as GingerRobot was replying. We think the same
I am trying to find out what the hell is wrong with my websites CSS. It is shown perfect in firefox and IE7. But I hear from other people that it is rubbish in IE6. These problems started when I changed the picture menu from a table to a div with divs inside it. But I didnt find out immediately that it got messed up, so I have no idea where precisely the problem lies. I tried changing different float and clear values, but nothing seems to work. Also it is hard for me to test it out, because I cant run IE6 on my vista machine alongside version 7 of this crazy browser . here is the adress: http://entropia.wietze.net The CSS that is important for the layout is on top of the CSS file. CSS from the menu is beneath the page section. tnx for your time, grtz Tissue
Getting that info out of the game is impossible. It is a MMORPG with a lot of real cash involved, so it is quite locked down. I too think it is an epic task (or you might say: a challenge). That is why I was hoping someone already has done it, so I can use that grtz Tissue
Hello PHP freaks, I am looking for a script that can read information out of an image, like the following: http://www.wietze.net/images/entropia/GLOBAL25.JPG The information I need out of these images/screenshots is the writing in Grey. As you can see the font is always the same (but may differ in different screen resolutions) and so is the color (also one other shade of grey is available). I just need the text out of the images, so my scripts can process it further. I need the information out of those screenshots to fill up a database (as you can see here) And instead of users having to do everything manually, i would like to have it made more automatic. This should be possible because what else reason is there for sites to use those scrambled images to prevent message spamming Anyone knows an excisting script which can do this kind of magic? I tried googling, but its all text to image instead of the other way around. grtz Tissue