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  1. *bump* Please guys, it's the morning now and it's pretty urgent. :s
  2. But how would I get them into a mysql_query command? I've tried $string[0] and $alone[0] but none have worked.
  3. I was going to say you'll need your full path, which you can find by placing a file in your "uploads" folder called, lets say for instance, testblah.php with the contents: <?php prin/*t "hi"; ?> That should give an error, the path of the error that it gives is your full path, minus the filename of the file.
  4. Nope. It was a PDF file, but I converted it to a TXT file, so it's a .txt file.
  5. Ok, so I have a massive file of information, now FIND AND REPLACE techniques do not work, so making a PHP script, should. Now I have the information like so (exactly how it is in the file) id<br> name<br> title<br> album<br> year<br> id<br> name<br> title<br> album<br> year<br> id<br> name<br> title<br> album<br> year<br> So on and so forth for about 4,500 times. (Obviously the values are set in the text file though). Now I am wondering how will I go about putting it into my database? I know how to insert: mysql_query("INSERT INTO listings VALUES('','','','','')"); But not sure how to make my text file do it in the format it is in. I need to find a solution by tommorow morning at the latest, any ideas please?? Note 1: The <br> tags are in the file. Note 2: The insert command will insert the information from every 5 lines.
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