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Everything posted by pianoman993

  1. Aha! I though bbcode was a special term only applied to vBulletin! I typed in "creating bbcode tutorial" in google and there they were! Thank you for pointing me in the right direction!
  2. Hello PHP experts! I am creating my own forum and I have all the core components of a basic forum down. However I'm having a bit of a problem with creating buttons like (bold, italic, underline, quote, code..) when users are creating a new post. Does anybody know of any websites that have tutorials I can follow? I have searched and searched for any type of tutorial but haven't found any :/ Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thank you! - Pianoman993
  3. Hello there PHP experts! I just have a short question for you. I have a piece of code here $get_upload_user_stats_desc = mysql_query(" SELECT * FROM upload_user_stats ORDER BY uploads_counter LIMIT 5"); $upload_user_stats_desc = mysql_fetch_assoc($get_upload_user_stats_desc); Is it possible to get every row from the $get_upload_user_stats_desc query and put it into an array where data could be extracted from it like an associative array? I fear the solution is ingeniously simple :/ - Pianoman933
  4. Hello there PHP gods, I have a small question for you. I have this string from a URL: user=/users/username/20081229_11/ Now I would like another variable called username to be equal to what is is after the /users/ and before the /20081229_11/. Is that possible? If so could someone show me what the code for that operation would look like? I am drawing a complete blank. Thanks! - Pianoman993
  5. Alright thanks, I'm doing that now. How hard can a redirect be? ... my last dying words.... ... . .
  6. I'm not exactly sure what laungage, and I might have a change at converting it... if I had the experience haha. But is it possible to maybe redirect the browser at the end of the CGI file to a PHP file with $_GET URL variables? If so could someone show me what the code for a CGI redirect would look like? - Pianoman993
  7. Hello PHP gods, I have a small question for you! I have a small CGI application that uploads audio files. I would like it to check each file it uploads to see how long it is. That is were my GetID3 question comes in. (GetID3 is a PHP script that allows the user to see how long (seconds) a file is). Is it possible to call to use GetID3 in a CGI file? If so please post any code that would help me understand this. Thank you so much. Any help is greatly appreciated!! - Pianoman993
  8. Thank you for your response. What you say makes good sense, however, I am a complete novice in the area of actionscript 3.0 and will need to get familiar with that area of programming in order to accomplish this mp3 player. Do you have any suggestions on any tutorials I can browse in order to understand how actionscript and php can "talk" to each each other? Again, thanks - Mark
  9. Hello, just have a short and simple question. Is there such a thing as a flash audio (mp3) player than can load an external sound file through javascript or php instead of loading an XML playlist? Thanks for any help in advance, - Mark
  10. Sorry, I just have one more question that just crept into my head and that is, how do forums ( like this one for instance) make it in their database so that the user ( me ) knows what thread was viewed since it was last modified and which thread was not. It would be a complete waist for the database to make a table containing a row for each user correlating to each thread in the forum so how do they do it?! I'm quite puzzled on this Any ideas? - Mark
  11. I think that just about covers everything. Thanks everyone for your help
  12. Gotcha, and sorry for the nooby follow-up question but I just have to ask, how can script search a database with say, billions of records, and still return a result in a matter of seconds?
  13. That makes sense, are you sure that it if there are something 1000 messages, that this won't waist space in the database and be too hard to search?
  14. Hello, I am creating a private messaging system and I am having trouble figuring out how to allow for a person to send a message to multiple people. Here's an example of what I mean. If I sent a message (I have an ID of lets say 3) and I would like to send my message to a group of people (IDS of 4, 5 and 6), I would insert the numbers 3,4,5,6 into a recipient field and 3 into an author_id field. Is that a good method for allowing multiple recipients? I ask this because it defies the rules of normalization. Also, if this is the correct method, then how do I insert multiple values into a database and have them seperated by something like a ; and how do i search the database to find if a number in the array exists? Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks! - Mark
  15. Hello, I am currently using ffmpeg to convert movies. I am able to successfully upload small movies but when it comes to the bigger ones... well there's the problem. When I select a big movie(large size like 30MB) and click the upload button i just get sent back to the same page without any errors or any sign of anything done. On the other hand when I upload a small movie I either get a success message or an error message. I believe the solution lies in the php.ini file which I have edited but I do not believe I have fixed anything because I am getting the same results. I have posted my some of my php.ini settings below, if anybody can pinpoint the reason my problem occurs please respond! upload_max_filesize = 300M memory_limit = 3000M max_input_time = 1200 max_execution_time = 1200 Thanks a bunch! - Mark
  16. Hello, I believe I have a fairly simple question about converting time. I currently have a variable containing a number of seconds. Is there any way I could format that number of seconds so that it displays as something like 00:00:10. So for example if I have a variable containing 10 seconds, how could I format that to display the 10 seconds as 00:00:10? Thanks a bunch in advance for any help. :-D - Mark
  17. Thank you soo much! That solved all my questions
  18. Sorry for not being more specific. I was wondering if there was any way I could capture the time of a movie (seconds and minutes) and put into a variable to be stored in a database. If it is possible to capture the file size and length in frames I'd love to do it also but I"m not sure if it's possible.
  19. Hello, I am currently using ffmpeg to upload and convert movies in my website. However, I am having a heck of a time trying to figure out how to get the length of a movie before or after it was uploaded. If anyone knows how to get the length of a movie please respond. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks a lot! Mark
  20. Yes but I have to warn you.. it's not pretty <div class="profile_list"> <ul> <li class="border"> <a href="#" onClick="toggle('about_me')"> <img height="12" width="12" style="border:0px;float:left;padding-right:5px;" id="arrow_about_me" src="<?=base_url()?>img/icons/arrow_down.gif" /> </a> <a href="#" onClick="toggle('about_me')"><b>About Me</b></a> <div id="about_me" style="margin-left:10px;margin:5px 10px 5px 15px;"> <?=form_open('profile/modifyprofile/'.$this->uri->segment(3))?> <textarea class="textarea" name="field_data" ><?=$field_about_me?></textarea><br /> <input type="hidden" name="field_name" value="about me" /> <input type="submit" name="modify" value="Modify" style="font-size:11px;border:1px solid #CCC;margin-top:5px;" /> </form> </div> </li> <li class="border"> <a href="#" onClick="toggle('contact_info')"> <img height="12" width="12" style="border:0px;float:left;padding-right:5px;" id="arrow_contact_info" src="<?=base_url()?>img/icons/arrow_down.gif" /> </a> <a href="#" onClick="toggle('contact_info')"><b>Contact Information</b></a> <div id="contact_info" style="margin-left:10px;margin:5px 10px 5px 15px;"> <?=form_open('profile/modifyprofile/'.$this->uri->segment(3))?> <textarea class="textarea" name="field_data" ><?=$field_contact_info?></textarea><br /> <input type="hidden" name="field_name" value="contact information" /> <input type="submit" name="modify" value="Modify" style="font-size:11px;border:1px solid #CCC;margin-top:5px;" /> </form> </div> </li> <li> <a href="#" onClick="toggle('website')"> <img height="12" width="12" style="border:0px;float:left;padding-right:5px;" id="arrow_website" src="<?=base_url()?>img/icons/arrow_down.gif" /> </a> <a href="#" onClick="toggle('website')"><b>Website</b></a> <div id="website" style="margin-left:10px;margin:5px 10px 5px 15px;"> <?=form_open('profile/modifyprofile/'.$this->uri->segment(3))?> <input type="text" class="textfield" name="field_data" value="<?=$field_website?>" /><br /> <input type="hidden" name="field_name" value="website" /> <input type="submit" name="modify" value="Modify" style="font-size:11px;border:1px solid #CCC;margin-top:5px;" /> </form> </div> </li> </ul> </div> </div> <script> toggle('about_me'); toggle('contact_info'); toggle('website'); </script>
  21. Here is an expandable list. The problem is, it doesn't work in internet explorer (It displays everything on load instead of being collapsed). However this script runs great in everything but! .. go figure :/ If anyone has a solution, I would greatly appreciate it! function toggle(id) { ul = id; img = "arrow_" + id; ulElement = document.getElementById(ul); imgElement = document.getElementById(img); if (ulElement){ if (ulElement.style.display=='none'){ ulElement.style.display='' imgElement.src = "img/icons/arrow_top.gif"; }else{ ulElement.style.display='none' imgElement.src = "img/icons/arrow_down.gif"; } } } Thanks, Mark
  22. How secure are session variables? Ff I had a user successfully login and then created $_SESSION['username'] = $username; variable, would this be safe practice? Is it possible that somebody could get into the session variable and change it? This question is especially important for changing passwords where the username should be remembered server-side for quick database reference. Any comments would be appreciated, thanks a bunch. - Mark
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