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Posts posted by korrupt_23

  1. Thanks man, and I do know about the 0,5, but 5 does work the same..


    And yes, I did get it fixed, but I don\'t know how.. I changed too many things at once :oops:


    Thanks again for trying man!

  2. Hmm, well, I\'m really not sure why this coding isn\'t working.. and I\'m usually fair with mySQL.. but.. here goes..


    Please tell me if you see anything wrong, even the smallest thing wrong in this code. The problem is it doesn\'t LIMIT to 5, only 1...


    $sql = "SELECT * FROM clicks ORDER BY \'unique\' DESC LIMIT 5";
    $result = mysql_query($sql);
    $number = mysql_numrows($result);
    $i = 0;
    $name = mysql_result($result,$i, "pagename");
    $clicks = mysql_result($result,$i, "raw");
    $unique = mysql_result($result,$i, "unique");
    echo "


    Anything? Or any ideas? Thanks very much..

  3. Well, I\'m attempting to use a query to select a column and check if it\'s = to a number.


    I have a vague idear, but it doesn\'t seem to wanna work...


    Thanks in advanced everyone, all this small question really help me.

  4. Hey, just quick question, but how would you make a limit be something though something. For example, 20 through 40?


    I thought it was..


    LIMIT 20.40


    But it seems to cut it off at a weird point, so I just wanna make sure.



    Thanks in advanced.

  5. Hey, I was just wondering the easiet way to add to a column. I\'m attempting to use:


    $sql4 = "UPDATE `user_info` SET `user_movie_points` = `user_movie_points+1` WHERE `user_id` = \'$userid\' LIMIT 1;";


    But it doesn\'t seem to work.


    Anyone see anything worng, or can give me a better way? :(

  6. Well, just to justify what the problem was..


    Since there has been a new version of PHP released lately, hosts have been installing them as soon as they get it, which changes the way you include. Now most includes have changed to


    <? @include("file.php") ?>


    You have to add in that @ to get rid of the seeking error and all.


    Just if anyone really cared. :shock:

  7. Please excuse the double post again, but...


    It\'s weird because I\'ve been playing with the formating of the include, and on one of the includes, it fixed it.


    I changed


    <? include \'vars.php\'; ?>




    <? include (\'vars.php\'); ?>


    And the seeking error disapeared. I\'ve never had this error before. What\'s the difference between remote files and relative ones? :?

  8. Well, I can\'t figure out another error message that\'s been popping up all over:


    Warning: main(): stream does not support seeking in /home/sticksla/public_html/ss/index.php on line 54


    Does anyone have any clue what that means? I\'ve checked the pages, and it\'s not even any PHP markup where it says the error is.


    You can see the error in action by going to http://www.stickslaughter.com


    Thanks in advanced. :?:

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