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About Shiny_Charizard

  • Birthday 03/08/1994

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    Chicago, IL
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  1. Thanks, I'll restart it then. No, there isn't really a problem with the site, I just want the layout to look just right. Thanks again.
  2. It looks messed up on Firefox and it looks the same on IE.
  3. Can you guys tell me what I should do to make this layout compatible with internet explorer? Here is the layout: http://www.flamezinteractive.cn Style Sheet: a:link {color: #A50000; text-decoration: none;} a:active {color:#A50000; text-decoration: none;} a:visited {color:#A50000; text-decoration: none;} a:hover {color: #E25A00;} body { background-color: #FF7519; font-family:franklin gothic medium; font-size:11px; } #header_left { background-image: url('http://img.flamezinteractive.cn/layout/left_header.png'); width: 91px; height:113px; } #header_right { background-image: url('http://img.flamezinteractive.cn/layout/right_header.png'); width: 91px; height:113px; } #header_middle { background-image: url('http://img.flamezinteractive.cn/layout/header_rep.png'); width:600px; height:113px; background-repeat: repeat-x; font-family:Lucina medium; } #menu { border-left: 2px solid #404040; border-bottom: 2px solid #404040; background-image: url('http://img.flamezinteractive.cn/layout/unhovered_menu.png'); height: 40px; background-repeat: repeat-x; color: #E25A00; text-align: center; } #n_menu { border-left: 2px solid #404040; border-bottom: 2px solid #404040; background-image: url('http://img.flamezinteractive.cn/layout/unhovered_menu.png'); height: 40px; background-repeat: repeat-x; color: #E25A00; text-align: center; } #menu:hover { border-left: 2px solid #404040; border-bottom: 2px solid #404040; background-image: url('http://img.flamezinteractive.cn/layout/hovered_menu.png'); height: 40px; background-repeat: repeat-x; color: black; text-align: center; } #content_side_l { border-right: 2px solid #686868; background-image: url('http://img.flamezinteractive.cn/layout/content_sides.png'); width: 86px; background-repeat: repeat-y; } #content_side_r { border-right: 2px solid #686868; background-image: url('http://img.flamezinteractive.cn/layout/content_sides.png'); width: 87px; background-repeat: repeat-y; } #content { background-color: #8E8E8E; width: 600px; color: #C40000; } #footer_left { background-image: url('http://img.flamezinteractive.cn/layout/left_footer.png'); width: 91px; height:113px; } #footer_right { background-image: url('http://img.flamezinteractive.cn/layout/right_footer.png'); width: 91px; height:113px; } #footer_middle { background-image: url('http://img.flamezinteractive.cn/layout/footer_rep.png'); width:600px; height:113px; background-repeat: repeat-x; } img { border: 0; } html: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en" lang="en"> <head> <title>Home :: Flamez Interactive</title> <meta name="description" content="Flamez Interactive - Websites, Software, and more!" /> <meta name="keywords" content="websites, software, games, video games, auto insurance, credit score, credit report, debt consolidation" /> <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css" type="text/css" /> </head> <body> <center> <table rules='rows' border='0'> <tr border='0'> <td id='header_left' border='0'></td> <td id='header_middle' border='0'> <img src='http://img.flamezinteractive.cn/fi_logo.png' width='130' height='80' alt='Flamez Interactive Logo' /> <font size='6'>Flamez</font> <font size='3'>Interactive</font> </td> <td id='header_right' border='0'></td> </tr> </table> <!-- Menu START --> <table rules='rows' border='0'> <tr border='0'> <td id='n_menu' border='0' width='85px'> </td> <td id='menu' border='0'> <a href='?location=index'>Home</a> </td> <td id='menu' border='0'> <a href='?location=games'>Games</a> </td> <td id='menu' border='0'> <a href='?location=websites'>Websites</a> </td> <td id='menu' border='0'> <a href='?location=software'>Software</a> </td> <td id='menu' border='0'> <a href='?location=contact_us'>Contact Us</a> </td> <td id='menu' border='0'> <a href='?location=staff'>Staff</a> </td> <td id='n_menu' border='0' width='319px'> </td> <td id='n_menu' border='0' width='85px' style='border-right: 2px solid #404040;'> </td> </tr> </table> <!-- Menu END --> <table rules='rows' border='0'> <tr border='0'> <td id='content_side_l' border='0'> </td> <td id='content' border='0'> <!-- AdSense START --> <center> <script type="text/javascript"><!-- google_ad_client = "pub-0302984311616959"; /* Content (468x60, created 12/23/08) */ google_ad_slot = "3728975617"; google_ad_width = 468; google_ad_height = 60; //--> </script> <script type="text/javascript" src="http://pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/show_ads.js"> </script> </center> <!-- AdSense END --> <br /> <br /> <!-- Content START --> <center><b><u>News</u></b><br /><br /> <small><i>December 20, 2008 (9:57pm):</i> The layout is completed.</small> </center> <!-- Content END --> <br /><br /><br /> </td> <td id='content_side_r' border='0'> </td> </tr> </table> <!-- Footer START --> <table rules='rows' border='0'> <tr border='0'> <td id='footer_left' border='0'></td> <td id='footer_middle' border='0'><center> &copy 2008-2009 Norberto Hernández. All Rights Reserved.</center></td> <td id='footer_right' border='0'></td> </tr> </table> <!-- Footer END --> <br /> </center> </body> </html> Thanks a lot!
  4. Thanks, that worked perfectly!
  5. I know but I want to make it show my own message.
  6. I wanted to know if there was anyway to find out if it required a file correctly? Example 1: <?php $req = require_once 'file.php'; if ($req == false) { echo "File not found!"; } ?> Example 2: <?php require_once 'file.php' or exit ("File not found!"); ?> Thanks you.
  7. Thanks it works now. Yeah, the code is mine I made a few months ago but it used to log the user in with sessions and yesterday I decided to make the user log in with cookies and I was moving things around I started having some problems. Thanks for the help.
  8. How is it being overwritten?
  9. I'm having a problem with a login page I made. It keeps saying that the username field is empty when I know it was not. I looked trough the script many times but I couldn't find the problem, so if anyone can help me on this one I would appreciate it. Here is the page: login.php <?php #login.php #Connect To The DB require_once 'include/db-conn.php'; #Set Permission $Permission = 3; #Require Cookie File require_once 'include/permissions.php'; $Page_Title = "Login To Your Account -"; #Require Header File require_once 'include/header.php'; #Page Title echo "<center><b><u>Login</u></b></center> <br /> <br />"; #Submit Variable $Submit = $_POST["Submit"]; #Redirect Variable $Redirect = $_GET["Redirect"]; #IfThe Form Was Submitted if($Submit) { #User Variable $User = $Member["UserName"]; #Unencrypted Password $Unencrypted_Pass = $_POST["PassWord"]; #Password Variable $Pass = $_POST["PassWord"]; #Fetch Member Details $MQuery = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `Users` WHERE `UserName` = '$_POST[userName]'"); $Member = mysql_fetch_array($MQuery)or die(mysql_error()); #Encrypted Password $Pass = sha1(sha1(md5(md5($Pass)))); #Check If Member Details Are Correct $Check = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `Users` WHERE `UserName` = '$User' AND `PassWord` = '$Pass'"); #Count How Many Matches Were Found $Check_Num_Rows = mysql_num_rows($Check); #Fetch Rows From Query: $Check $Check_2 = mysql_fetch_array($Check); #User ID Variable $User_ID = $Check_2["User_ID"]; #If The Usernam Field Are Empty if(strlen($User) == 0) { echo "<center>Please fill in the username field!<br /> <a href='login.php'>Go Back?</a></center><br />"; #Require Footer File require_once 'include/footer.php'; exit(); } #If The Password Field Are Empty elseif(strlen($Pass) == 0) { echo "<center>Please fill in the password field!<br /> <a href='login.php'>Go Back?</a></center><br />"; #Require Footer File require_once 'include/footer.php'; exit(); } #If There Are Zero Matches elseif($Check_Num_Rows == 0) { echo "<center>Sorry the password: <b>$Unencrypted_Pass</b> does not match the username: <b>$User</b>! <br /> <a href='login.php'>Go Back?</a></center><br />"; #Require Footer File require_once 'include/footer.php'; exit(); } else { #if checkbox is checked if ($_POST["check"] == 1) { #Exipre in a week $expiration = 7; } else { #Expire in an day $expiration = 1; } #Set Cookies ?> <script type="javascript"> function setCookie(c_name,value,expiredays) { var exdate=new Date(); exdate.setDate(exdate.getDate()+expiredays); document.cookie=c_name+ "=" +escape(value)+ ((expiredays==null) ? "" : ";expires="+exdate.toGMTString()); } setCookie('UserName','<?="$Member[userName]"; ?>',<?="$expiration"; ?>); setCookie('PassWord','<?="$Pass"; ?>',<?="$expiration"; ?>); setCookie('UserID','<?="$User_ID"; ?>',<?="$expiration"; ?>); </script> <? /* setcookie("UserName", $Member["UserName"], time+$expiration); setcookie("PassWord", $Pass, time+$expiration); setcookie("UserID", $User_ID, time+$expiration); */ $User_IP = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; $Users_Online2 = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `Users_Online` WHERE `UserID` = '$Member[user_ID]'"); $Users_Online = mysql_num_rows($Users_Online2); mysql_query("UPDATE `Users` SET `Current_IP` = '$User_IP' WHERE `UserName` = '$User'"); if(empty($Redirect)) { echo "You have successfully logged in!<br />Welcome $User, ID: $User_ID to The Pokémon Flamez RPG!<br /><a href='index.php'>Continue?</a><br />"; #Require Footer File require_once 'include/footer.php'; exit(); } else { echo "<center><meta http-equiv='Refresh' content='0; url=$Redirect' />Redirecting..."; #Require Footer File require_once 'include/footer.php'; exit(); } } } ?> <form method='POST'> <center> If you haven't registered an account, you can do so by clicking <a href='register.php'>here</a>. <br /><br /> If you have a registered TPF account and you would like to log in, you may do so by entering your username and password below. <br /><br /> <b>Username:</b> <br /> <input type='text' name='UserName' /> <br /> <B>Password:</b> <br /> <input type='password' name='PassWord' /> <br /> <input type='checkbox' name='check' value='1' /> Keep me signed in for a week <br /> <br /> <input type='submit' name='Submit' onclick='Loading();' value='Login' /> </form> <br /> <br /> <small><b>Note:</b> You must have cookies and javascript enabled in your browser to login.</small> </center> <?php #Require Footer File require_once 'include/footer.php'; ?>
  10. Thanks, I was just making sure it would work before I tried it.
  11. Is it possible to set a cookie with javascript and retrieve it with php? If so how would I go about doing that?
  12. So does that mean it won't work in mine, because my server is Linux.
  13. I was wondering if there is a way to execute an ".exe" file with php. I there is a way can anyone explain to me how to do it?
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