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Posts posted by fgoldberg

  1. OK, everybody.  Just about anything would be an improvement over what I'm using, so maybe a relatively simple step up would do.  Also, please remember that I am not a techie, so I need some actual code.  I googled captcha and there appear to be lots of versions out there.  Can anyone recommend one they are using?


    Really, really, a novice!

  2. I have a site that is basically a directory of merchants.  I would like my users to be able to rate them using the simple 5-star rating method like at Netflix.  Does anyone know where I can get free php code to help with that?  I realize this may require a database.  If so, I would prefer to use MySQL.

  3. I have a jpeg image on my home page and I'm trying to replace it with a series of images that will rotate whenever the page is refeshed.  I'm using the php code from this site:




    According to this article, you load a php file named rotate.php into the directory with your images and then you replace your image source url with the url for the rotate.php file.


    I've loaded rotate.php into a subdirectory calleded /images/homeimages/ along with several jpeg files.


    I'm using the following code in my test file (http://petiteresource.com/index-test.php):


    <img class="homephoto" src="images/homeimages/rotate.php"

    alt="Petite Celebrity Photo " title="Petite Celebrity Photo"/>


    All I'm getting is the missing image file icon (red x in a little box) and the title of the image. 


    Can you help?


    I'm very new at this and hardly know anything about php, so please keep that in mind.  Thanks!


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