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Everything posted by gamercross

  1. Can anyone help me out with this then? Thanks, Gamercross
  2. Hi, im looking for a script that i can place a little box on my site, and then through a form on an alternate location, edit what is in the box, if possible using a wysiwyg editor so i can also make images appear in the box etc. I thought this was more html orientated, but may contain an aspect of php. Thanks, Awaiting a Response, Gamercross
  3. I wanted to create a field that when someone enters a word such as hello, its goes to a page called: http://www.myurl.com/hello Although it seems complicated it is not, because i would of previously created these values in the database. For example: i add a new table to my database. Add an ID, and keyword which will be hello and then add a url which will be http://www.myurl.com/hello If someone enters helloeveryone, it will say please search or enter again, this is because that has not been entered yet in my database. Once i have entered all the keywords and urls i want in my database, i will need a php form and a connection script, which i believe is a CMS? Content Management System? I am a total newbie to php, i know some stuff like i have mentioned above but not with creating scripts so would be extremely grateful if anyone could help me and would be happy to add their url on my site. Thanks, Gamercross Gamercross.co.uk
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