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Posts posted by allmetallica

  1. erm..I changed them to post and it only displayed a very limited amount of characters..but it let me post it this time at least..here is the code


    else if(!isset($submitNow)) {

    echo \"<form name=\"addNews\" action=\"$PHP_SELF\" METHOD=\"GET\">\" .

    \"<input type=hidden name=\"submitNow\" value=\"true\">\" .

    \"<input type=hidden name=\"action\" value=\"Add\">\" .

    \"<input type=hidden name=\"type\" value=\"News\">\" .

    \"<b>Headline:</b> <input type=\"text\" name=\"headline\" size=\"30\" maxlength=\"100\" length=\"100\">\" .

    \"<br><br><b>Submitted by:</b> <input type=\"text\" name=\"poster\" size=\"30\">\" .

    \"<br><br><b>Full story:</b><br><textarea name=\"story\" cols=50 rows=14></textarea>\" .

    \"<br><br><input type=\"submit\" value=\"Add news item now\" name=\"submit\">\" .


  2. Okay. I am really new to My SQL and databases and stuff but here goes my question


    My friend designed for me a php script which posts news articles directly on a website and pulls it from an SQL database. Now, it works fine until there are too many characters in the post, and it wont let me submit the article. I just press the submit button and it doesnt work


    My friend checked and it isnt a problem in the php but some setting in SQL. I checked the field and it is set on \"text\" which means it should allow unlimited text in that field, right??


    I am wondering if its a server limitation or something in PHP My Admin that I overlooked


    Please explain this to me like im a 4 yr old cuz im very new,





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