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Everything posted by juapo2

  1. juapo2

    Best Linux OS

    Vote for the ones you think are the best, dont tell me i missed the one you like, just cote for the one you like most!
  2. Check http://richithebest.co.nr/richisflog Know MetroFlog or Fotolog? Then RichisFlog may be of your attractive, simple registration form, newsletter registration (newsletter in spanish) And everything else
  3. HI, I´ve just got Knoppix, and when i boot it from CD, it runs perfect, the only thing, is that i cant connect to internet, my wireless device is not working, any help you share with me to make it run?? Or how to make it run lol:D Help please
  4. juapo2

    2 quick questions

    Yes, you can actually have Windows and Linux on your pc, if u are new to Linux, first try Knoppix, because it boots from the Cd or DVD, no need to install...
  5. juapo2

    Best Linux OS

    Sorry m8, that were the only Linux versions that i remembered...
  6. Than you every1 for all your help!! TOPIC SOLVED!! check my subscription form: http://richithebest.co.nr/newsletter.html
  7. Thank you, ill try them, ill tell you if they work
  8. Heres my code: test.html: <form action='addemail.php' method='GET'> E-mail: <input name="email" type="text" /> <input name="submit" type="submit" value="Submit" /> <input name="reset" type="reset" value="Reset" /> </form> addemail.php: <?php if (isset($_GET['submit'])){ $email = $_GET['email']; //adding a new line character so that each email address has its own line $email = "$email \n"; //opening the file for writing $textfile = fopen("emails.txt","a"); //writing the email fwrite($textfile, $email); //closing the textfile fclose($textfile); } ?> And lists.txt (CHMOD 777)
  9. Check this, i have this code, it works pretty good, writes the email to the file and eveything, but when i click submit, the screen goes white, and in the address bar it appears: What can i do so when they click submit, they redirect to a thank page?
  10. I use FF, because Internet explorer is pretty slow, and with FF i get everything better, dont you guys prefer FF as me and as others ?
  11. I use 5, because it has many more features, but i dont like very much to write as extension: .php5, i think it sounds better .php doesnt it?
  12. I think phpBB 3 because it has a very attractive look and easy to use.
  13. Sorry, i forgot to add that languages, so Java And PHP are on right now
  14. Thanks man, ill try it, ill tell you if it worked
  15. Thanks ohdang888 for sharing your code, So its just one .php file that i have to create with this code inside? <?php if (!isset($_POST['submit'])) {?> <form method="post"> E-Mail:<input type="text" size="15" maxlength="30" name="email"/> <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Submit"/> <form> <?php } else { $email = $_POST["email"]; $emailfile = "../emaillist.txt"; $FH = fopen($emailfile, 'a') or die("can't open file"); fwrite($FH,$email . ','); //LOOK AT THIS PART fclose($FH); } ?> Or i have to separate the code in an html code and php...? OH, and Northern Flame, isnt the same <?php //Add item to list if(isset($_POST['submit']) && $_POST['mailing_list_name'] != "" && $_POST['mailing_list_email'] != "") { $file_ptr = fopen("list.txt", "a+") or die("Couldn't create new file"); fwrite($file_ptr, $_POST['mailing_list_name'] . "\r\n"); fwrite($file_ptr, $_POST['mailing_list_email'] . "\r\n\r\n"); fclose($file_ptr); } ?> Than <?php //Add item to list if(isset($_POST['submit']) && $_POST['mailing_list_name'] != "" && $_POST['mailing_list_email'] != "") { $file_ptr = fopen("list.txt", "a+") or die("Couldn't create new file"); fwrite($file_ptr, $_POST['mailing_list_name'] . "\r\n"); fwrite($file_ptr, $_POST['mailing_list_email'] . "\r\n\r\n"); fclose($file_ptr); } ?> If it is not, i save that code in my subscribe.html, and change it to subscribe.php? After i change it, i upload subscribe.php, createlists.php, and lists.txt (CHMOD 777)?
  16. I didnt understand the last part, can you explain it again?
  17. I didnt understand what you told me man..:S
  18. Thanks for that man, didnt think of that
  19. I got the form here is it, the HTML form: <h1>NewsLetter Subscribers</h1> <form action="subscribe.html" method="post" name="form"> Name: <input name="mailing_list_name" type="text" size="40"><br><br> Email: <input name="mailing_list_email" type="text" size="40"> <br><br> <input name="submit" type="submit" value="Submit"> <input name="reset" type="reset" value="Reset"> </form> Then this is my PHP code to add the e-mail to the list: <?php //Add item to list if(isset($_POST['submit']) && $_POST['mailing_list_name'] != "" && $_POST['mailing_list_email'] != "") { $file_ptr = fopen("list.txt", "a+") or die("Couldn't create new file"); fwrite($file_ptr, $_POST['mailing_list_name'] . "\r\n"); fwrite($file_ptr, $_POST['mailing_list_email'] . "\r\n\r\n"); fclose($file_ptr); } ?> And in my web server, i have a lists.txt file chmod to 777 Then i call the subscribe.html by doing this: http://mydomain.com/subscribe.html then, i add my name and email and i click submit, the same page appears and the lists.txt is still empty, now is there any1 that could help me?
  20. And if that doenst work, you can use "?" (without the quotes) if it is true Use ":" (without the quotes) if it is false Try the first thing i said, and if it doesn´t work, try this...
  21. As you can see, where it has the //this is a ternary - (condition) ? value if true : value if false; Means you have set it to true or false, depending if you want it checked or unchecked
  22. If you cant send, maybe it is because your server has bllocked the Email sending with php and smtp sending, you should also know, that yahoo uses SSLlogin, and uses a port to send emails, eg. 25 or 587 Contact your webserver about the mail funcionts
  23. Now, go to www.sitename.com/grwgwgd/ and you should get the 404 Error. If you dont get anything, check you .htaccess file, it should have just Options -Indexes As you can see, if only has one space, then save the file with .htaccess and upload it, then go to www.sitename.com/grwgwgd/ it should work now
  24. Check all your code from all scripts, not getting MySQL error? Yes, try <?php include("loggedin.php"); use the <?php statement instead of <? tell me if you get any result
  25. Because for experts is very easy, but im not an expert..so i need help
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