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Posts posted by Popple3

  1. Hi,

    I wrote a quick script that *should* check my friends timeline on twitter and dump certain info into an SQL database.

    The idea is that the script will check if a status exists in my SQL, and if it doesn't, add it, and send an SMS to me using a class my friend wrote (SMS isn't in the script yet, I just want SQL working first). I will then do a cron job on this to check from time to time.


    Here is the code (without certain, obvious data):


    //------CONNECT TO DATABASE-----
    $db = mysql_connect("$sql_server", "$sql_user", "$sql_pass") 
        or die("Connection Failure to Database");
    //------GET FRIEND STATUSES-----
    $ch = curl_init();
    curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_URL, 'http://user:pass@twitter.com/statuses/friends_timeline.xml');
    curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
    curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 5);
    $xmldata = curl_exec($ch);
    $xml = new SimpleXMLElement($xmldata); //parse friend statuses
    function checkStatus($text) { //Check if status is in SQL database
    $checksql = "SELECT * FROM tweets WHERE status='$text'";
    $checkresult = mysql_query($checksql);
    if ($checkresult) {
    	return true;
    } else {
    	return false;
    function insertStatus($id, $user, $text, $time) { //Insert status into database
    $insertsql = "INSERT INTO tweets (id, user, status, time) VALUES ('$id', '$user', '$text', $time')";
    $insertresult = mysql_query($insertsql);
    //-----GO THROUGH EACH STATUS-----
    foreach($xml->status as $status) {
    $tweetid = $status->id;
    $tweettime = $status->created_at;
    $tweettext = $status->text;
    $tweetuser = $status->user->screen_name;
    $check = checkStatus($tweettext); //returns true or false
    if ($check=false) {
    	insertStatus($tweetid, $tweetuser, $tweettext, $tweettime); //inserts into SQL database
    	echo $tweetuser.": ".$tweettext."\n";


    Any ideas why it's not working? I'm stumped!

  2. Yeah, I meant to actually include it  ::)


    //Get the XML document loaded into a variable
    $xml = file_get_contents('http://picasaweb.google.com/data/feed/api/user/popple3?kind=album');
    //Set up the parser object
    $parser = new XMLParser($xml);
    //Work the magic...
    //Echo the plot of each <movie>
    foreach($parser->document->entry as $entry)
        $imgurl = $entry->media:group->media:thumbnail->tagAttrs['url'];
        echo $entry->title[0]->tagData;
        echo "<img src=\"" . $imgurl . "\">";


    And then that just returns:

    Parse error: parse error, unexpected ':' in /home/www/popple3.com/picasa.php on line 14

  3. I'm parsing XML, but many of the tags in the XML file (which I have no control over) have colons ( : ) in them, and as a result i get an "Unexpected ':'" parse error. Is there a way of escaping these colons, or removing them from the XML before it is parsed? I'm using PHP4...

    Thanks in advance

  4. I can get the information from tags, however there are two tags in the XML (that I have no control over) called media:group and media:thumbnail. When entered (as in the code below), i get an "unexpected ':'" parse error. I'm looking for a simple solution. I'm not very familiar with PHP, so examples would be helpful. Thanks in advace


    //Get the XML document loaded into a variable
    $xml = file_get_contents('http://picasaweb.google.com/data/feed/api/user/popple3?kind=album');
    //Set up the parser object
    $parser = new XMLParser($xml);
    //Work the magic...
    //Echo the title and image of each <entry>
    foreach($parser->document->entry as $entry)
        $imgurl = $entry->media:group->media:thumbnail->tagAttrs['url'];
        echo $entry->title[0]->tagData;
        echo "<img src=\"" . $imgurl . "\">";

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