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  1. As i believe i have the correct Date/Time format, would anyone have an idea on how i can find the difference in time with the following fields - Date/time submitted AND Date/time completed Many Thanks in advance.
  2. I have changed my system so that the DATE-TIME is in this format - $today = date("F j, Y, g:i a"); // March 10, 2001, 5:16 pm This is an okay format to use for what i need ? Thanks
  3. Okay thanks, im going to go through my system now and place the date and time in one field, once iv done that i will come back lol Cheers
  4. Hi I was wondering if anyone had an answer to my question. I have 4 fields in my table called - dateactioned timeactioned datecompleted timecompleted The format of the date is - e.g Thursday, 12, March 2008 AND the time is - 22:10 I require a calculation which works out the difference between the two sets of dates and time. Thank you in advance for any help
  5. Hi Was wondering if i could get a quick hand in this, i have an email facility in my program which automatically send emails. Now i am spending too much time getting the look of the email right and am not getting anywhere, i am trying to get bold texts around the main headings in the email by putting the <b>, </b> but they just appear on the actual message. Does anyone have a idea on the code for bold text and aligning texts. Many Thanks This is my code $to = "gds@googlemail.com"; $subject = "Technical Query Progress"; $body = "Dear Client\n There has been an amendment made in your submitted Query \n \n Enquiry Number ".$formID."\n Issue Title ".$issuetitle."\n System Affected ".$systemaffected."\n\n Issue Details by the Client\n ".$issuedetails."\n Analyst Support Comments\n ".$supportcomments."\n\n Priority Level ".$prioritylevel."\n\n Status of Query ".$status."\n Thank You Jupiter Development Support Analyst ... This is an automated message, PLEASE DO NOT REPLY
  6. Thanks for all your help, im going to implement this now Thanks
  7. Does anyone know have an idea on my sql question ? Thanks
  8. Just a quick question. I need the email to read from 2 tables, which are: - Client Form From client i would need - email From Form i would need - issuetitle, systemaffected, issuedetails & supportcomments. Would i need to join the two tables together in the SQL statement and create another table in my database to show this? Any suggestions how i could do this ? Thanks
  9. The database is set up in a file called "connect.php" so i would put the following code on top of what you've given me. require "connect.php"; Il try that and see where i get.. Thanks
  10. Hi Im not quite understanding the code given above. I have looked at a few different sites and have seen this code come up a few times <?php $to = "someone@example.com"; $subject = "Test mail"; $message = "Hello! This is a simple email message."; $from = "someonelse@example.com"; $headers = "From: $from"; mail($to,$subject,$message,$headers); echo "Mail Sent."; ?> But i want the $to, $subject and $message to read from the database instead of me hardcoding it (like above). Any ideas how i could do this. Thanks in advance.
  11. Thanks for your help, im going to try and adapt that into my system. Cheers
  12. Sorry this is the code - <a href="mailto:??"> Im developing this is PHP, mysql if thats what you mean. Thanks
  13. Sorry may have worded it badly. Didnt mean to sound like i wanted it done for me, im just at a lost with this and just wanted some advice on how to go about doing it. This is the code i have already - <a href="mailto:??"> but not sure how i would express the code here to read from the database. Thanks
  14. Hi Iv developed a help desk system and want an section in the system where a user would inform a client of the progress of their query by emailing them. I believe Dreamweaver (which i am using to design my system) has this as a feature but not the way i would like it. Within my system is stored (Client table) the clients contact details such as email address. I would like to email that particular client with their email address from the database pre-filled in when i click on the email button with details of the query filled in as well (all read from the database) I hope thats clear. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks
  15. Thanks, i guess i need to create another as you mentioned to get this working..Il have ago at it and see where i get. Thanks
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