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  1. $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] would help in a sub-domain situation. I should have thought of that. Thank you so much.
  2. @ricmetal that method would only work after you had use htmlspecialchars() function. It is just to replace the special chars back to tags.
  3. /home/myaccount/files is the folder that I would like to store files in while the sub-domain actually points to /home/myaccount/something/ So just by using $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] would let me do what I wanted?
  4. So if we use the nl2br() function, the function itself will change \n to <br>?
  5. Perhaps you can try this method str_replace('<br>', '<br>', $var);
  6. Hello all, I would like to ask if I can upload files to a folder in the TLD (top-level domain) from which I access the PHP file from sub-domain. Example: http://something.yourdomain.com/upload.php to store files in http://yourdomain.com/files/
  7. Hi readers, I have some problems with Pagination such that if I have 100 pages, the html part of displaying 100 pages button seems so long and occupies a lot of spaces. I have been to some forum which is able to display pages like the below pattern Page: 1 2 3 4 5 .. 20 21 23 Now, may I ask how to do the jumping display page button part? Thanks in advanced.
  8. Okay this is the case. Normally if I does url rewrite on my software where my software will be located in the root folder, it works all fine. I normally use $page = explode("/", $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']); to return to a variable and then check $page[1]. In this example, www.example.com/somepages/ where the "somepages" refer to $page[1]. But now if I placed my software in a folder, the $page[1] appears to be the folder name and now I have problems retrieving the rewrited url. www.example.com/folder/somepages/ How can I solve this problem?
  9. Hopefully this helps. stripslashes($str);
  10. If you guys don't understand what I wrote, can leave a message. Thanks.
  11. Sorry, kind of blur here. Is there any problem in using ajax to show the extracted data or you do not know how to use ajax to show the extracted data?
  12. $page = explode("/", $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']); The above code is to detect uri variables. I always used $page[1] to see what was the first parameters that was parsed in the browser url. Now, the problem is whether you placed your scripts in root directory or in a folder. If I place my scripts and all files in the root directory it would be like this. The debuuged $page values. Array ( [0] => [1] => ) If I placed my scripts and all files in one folder then it would be like this Array ( [0] => [1] => somefolder [2] => ) I can no longer use $page[1] as the first parameters. Any ideas how I can solve this problem? I want it to be dynamically
  13. div { width: 250px; /* any width you like */ margin: 0px auto; position: relative; }
  14. Mr.Shawn

    footer div

    Owned. Thanks jcombs_31. It solves my problem.
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