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About Bulbe

  • Birthday 08/15/1991

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  • Location
    Czech Republic

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Newbie (1/5)



  1. It's ok, i would write a step-by-step manual on my pages how to define this thing and people who want to have their life easier will use it, who don't, their problem. But I'm in situation that neither I know how to define a program to a protocol, so that's why I'm aksing for your help.
  2. It's strange, when I open something in firefox, for example irc://irc.oftc.net and firefox doesn't know the irc:// protocol it throws an error that no program is defined for this protocol, so I thought there must be some way how to define it.
  3. Tea for everyone, I've got this problem. I want to run a program with parameters directly from a web browser. It should work like this, i make a link: <a href="prg://abc123">Run it!</a> and when I click on it from a web browser, it will run a program defined on this protocol, let's open program.exe, and give a parameter so it will run "program.exe -command abc132". Similarly work e.g. your mail client. You click on a link "mailto:[email protected]" and it opens your client with a message, witch will be sent to [email protected]. Or maybe you know from Opera. You click on irc://irc.oftc.net and it opens irc client with irc.oftc.net server. Thanks for answers, Best Regard Bulb
  4. Bulbe


    yes, but imagine somone wants to solve e.g. 2x2+32-2x=3x+2x-32-x2
  5. Hey everyone, i've been doing a work in math and it should be about solving quadratics in php. Well, my dictonary says that quadratics mean all this stuff, not only ax2+bx+c. So my question is, do you think it would be possible to make this in php ? You would enter the quadratic and it would show its roots Best regard, Bulb
  6. Hi, im running lightbox on my pages, because i think its a pretty good tool for galeries etc and moreover, its very simple tu use. When i want to open an image by lightbox, i just use this: <a href="picture.jpg" rel="lightbox">preview</a> But, what should i do in case, if i have a table row? The only way i know, how to make a row "clickable" is to set a clickOn event. So, for example: <tr style="cursor: pointer; cursor: hand;" onclick="location.href='picture.jpg'><td>blabla</td></tr> But this is not gonna work with lightbox, because i cant set the rel="lightbox" Any ideas ?
  7. Bulbe

    easy table

    hi, i think this is very easy but i dont know how to solve this little problem: i have a table generated from database (something like here: http://www.czechcomputer.cz/) three items .. <tr> three items .. <tr> three items .. <tr> etc. now i would like to have a picture, name of the product and a little description below but the pictures dont have the same height, only same width and this is the problem. i would need to have all the names of the products in the same line if you understand. when i have a small picture and a big one in one row, it would make automatic a break under the small one. i tried something with position: absolute/relative but this doesnt work thank you for any help Best Regards, Bulb
  8. Hi, I have a mobil phone Nokia 6680 and I would like to program some stuff on it. It has a symbian and java but I don't know where to start and what should I download to make something. Does anyone have any experience with this ? Best regard, Bulb
  9. ja nic nemenil
  10. Ah, i understand, what i sent is a cycling playing but when you go from a page to page it will stop and start from the beginning. Using frames would help but it's quite uncomfortable
  11. hi, try this <bgsound src="soubor.mid" loop="-1">
  12. nice website, really btw, pekny stranky, fakt
  13. Bulbe

    PHP Image

    Hey, try <?php phpinfo(); ?> it will show you if you have a php gd library which is indeed for work with images. Than just google for it, its simple to use best regard, bulbe
  14. Bulbe

    Best Linux OS

    I would recommend ubuntu, or maybe kubuntu, because it's simple for newbies like me
  15. Bulbe


    nothing personal but at first learn english best regard, bulb
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