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About awpti

  • Birthday 08/23/1979

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    Phoenix, AZ

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  1. As fenway said.. Also, --single-transaction is only relevant for InnoDB. I'd suggest you setup a slave and do backups from the slave. This avoids the impact of doing backups from the live dataset.
  2. At some point during the process of pushing data into the db, execute (Notice: Backticks, not single quotes): $image_md5 = `md5sum /path/to/imagename`; There are other ways. This is probably the most simplistic. Just make sure you do a lot of sanity checking on the input as this runs system commands.
  3. This is a very subjective question. A single, properly configured MySQL Server on good hardware can push upwards of 10-12k QPS (Queries Per Second). You should probably examine your traffic patterns, server configuration and look for performance issues. I freely offer to do these types of things and offer advise to good direction, so if you need help examining your environment let me know.
  4. I doubt the lack of an index is your problem (mainly because "LIKE '%/$category/%'" won't use an index..). Also, 18k records is -nothing-. This sounds like apache getting hung up. Is this on a shared host? Dedicated server? Virtual dedicated?
  5. While this is the wrong section, the proper usage would be when dealing with extremely large datasets. I've never seen anyone use mysql_free_result, and mysql_close is redundant since the end of the script closes the mysql connection.
  6. Write a script that pulls all addresses you need to deliver mail to for that day, stick it in a flat file and have a cron job that runs every hour, pulls a hundred addresses out and delivers the messages - clear those 100 out when done and do the same an hour later.
  7. you're missing a } just above the mysqli_close call.
  8. I'm not going to help you fix this problem. I am going to tell you how to not get your site nuked. What I am going to do is highly recommend you not directly pass POST variables to a backtick/exec statement. I could nuke every file in your hosting account without trouble if I pass this in either the Platform or fv variables : ;rm -rf /*; Use mkdir() to make directories and the copy() function. Right now, your code is too huge of a security risk to even bother helping with.
  9. You're missing the final closing curly-brace. - } Add it after line 404. Don't know why it's crying about line 31 for you. The script threw no errors once I added the closing brace.
  10. Howdy folks, I've been up and down the regex tutorials and, quite frankly, don't "get" it. I'm trying to do the follow; I have a string as such: perl-HTML-Format.noarch 2.04-6.el5.art atomic I'm trying to figure out how to match the string with regex and take only the perl-HTML-Format and the version portion of the string. The spacing between the package name and version number is not knowable beforehand. I can't exactly explode() on a space as that will give me a huge list of empty array entries with the second element I want placed randomly within that list. I'm thinking a regex would be far more elegant than that. I'm probably over-thinking it. I'd assume a preg_match_all would be the magic in this case, just don't know how to write out the regex. It just doesn't make sense to me. Halp! -G
  11. CURL would be the best option.. Not sure what else you expect in an answer on this one.
  12. Looks like you're running into the max_execution time. Bump it up or make your list pulls smaller.
  13. This I know, however.. Apache's TZ env = America/Phoenix MySQL is reporting the correct time since the server's timezone is also set to MST. It makes no sense that PHP -through- apache is reporting the wrong time. I can even force the OS date/time to an hour earlier to "make up" for the difference and it STILL reports 21:00:00 instead of, say, 20:00:00 This is making a small tool I'm trying to develop impossible to complete.
  14. So, here's my issue: Server time: [20:02:12] [awpti@GeekFDC ~]: date Fri Oct 16 20:02:14 MST 2009 PHP Says it is: October 16, 2009 21:02:14 TZ in php.iin = America/Phoenix I am completely stumped. Why is PHP Reporting a different time? To top it off, when using php on the command line, it reports the same time as the server. WTFMate? -G
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