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  1. Hi i have a table inside a div and the div width is set to a percent and when i shrink the browser the div is shrinked but the table inside this div still theh same width ! any idea why? thanks in advance.
  2. thanks for reply actually both methods gives me the function source ok where is the js file that contains that source? and i have second question how to watch any click event on the page? because i want to get the function that is called when clicking a button thanks in advance.
  3. thanks for reply on firebug console i write obj.func.toSource(); and it gives me the function source detail written but it didn't gives me the source js file !! how to get the js file that contains this function? thanks in advance.
  4. thanks for reply exactly Dj Kat it's called on click event of the button like this onclick='func.getit' how to get the definition ?
  5. the function source is inside a js file and there is too much js files on the page how to get the source ?
  6. yes js function and i want to get its source on html tab there is the page source and there is many js files included how to get the function definition?
  7. Hi i have firebug installed on my page i have a function called many times and i want to its source how? can firebug help me? how? thanks in advance.
  8. Hi i have a website that grab all data from db and i want to make it multilingual what extension that can help me easily in this? thanks in advance.
  9. Hi i have ajax panel and working good. i want to disable a button after submit inside ajax panel i try this code onsubmit event document.getElementById('bupdate').disabled=true; and also i try jquery but also the button is not disabled but the panel is working good on both times so how to disable the button? thanks in advance.
  10. actually its a ready to use blocks of code generated from mx kollection 3.7.1 for dreamweaver but all i figure if if i put the code on the page it works but if i put it on a file and include that file it works only on firefox thanks.
  11. Hi i have a login code that redirect successfully after login on firefox but on explorer it did't redirects on explorer but it put the cookies of the login so if i open the page i found my self logged-in !! so the problem only in the redirection for explorer. one last thing when i try to login from the login page on IE it login successfully but when i login from index page that contains the include file of the login page it fails to redirect any help?
  12. Hi i want to start te autonumber with 1000 instead if 1 how? thanks in advance.
  13. thanks got it i forget to disable the proxy for the local website
  14. Hi im using DW and wampserver 2.0 and it works well if any one on my local network want to see ma website he writes my ip and it works i want to make a domain instead of the ip address i try many things on apache settings and not works !! any help thanks in advance.
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