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Posts posted by mattclements

  1. Hello All,

    I have used some SOAP bits with PHP before but not sure on this one:



    Now I think... I should be passing 2 variables, One as the API Key, another as the array of details:

    require_once 'SOAP/Client.php';
    $details={"Title","First Name","Last Name"};
    $wsdl_url = 'http://testapi.org/api.asmx?wsdl';
    $WSDL = new SOAP_WSDL($wsdl_url);
    $client = $WSDL->getProxy();
    $response = $client->User($lp_api_key, $details);


    Is this correct?

  2. Hello all,

    Our dedicated server was suspended for a short time today with the following security log (switch traffic) issues. I added a firewall rule to get this sorted for now however does anybody have any idea what this could be?


    06:11:04.017603 IP x.x.x.x.52218 > y.y.y.y.110: UDP, length 15






  3. Hello all,

    For a new project I am working on I will need to use GD Library to generate images on the fly. As you can see from the included image I will define a glow colour and a main colour (Gold = Glow, Black = Main) and the background will always be transparent.


    Any ideas how I could do this in GD Library?






  4. Hello all,

    I have built a script that generates automated PDF invoices. The first batch's ID's were: 2044-2106 as I forgot to reset the auto increment value after testing - I then reset this and new invoices are now 1-80. When the invoices reach 2044 will they just miss 2044-2106 as I want, or will they overwrite/throw an error?




  5. Hello all,

    I have some private details that need to be outputted replacing some characters with Stars. I would like to do this on the SELECT statement, rather than in PHP as this would be more secure. IE:


    Oracle: 102030

    SQL Select: XXXX30 or 30

    PHP: XXXX30 or XXXX30


    I don't mind formatting the output in PHP - just want the SELECT Command to SELECT the last 2 characters of a column.




  6. select p.prod_id, p.prod_name, p.prod_cat, c.cat_name, m.man_name, p.prod_price, p.prod_date, p.prod_seq, p.prod_default, t.type_name
    from (prods AS p, cats AS c, mans AS m)
    left join types AS t on p.prod_type=t.type_id
    where prod_cat=cat_id
    and prod_man=man_id
    order by cat_seq, cat_name, prod_seq, prod_name






  7. So - My updated query is:

    select p.prod_id, p.prod_name, p.prod_cat, c.cat_name, m.man_name, p.prod_price, p.prod_date, p.prod_seq, p.prod_default, t.type_name
    from prods AS p, cats AS c, mans AS m
    left join types AS t on p.prod_type=t.type_id
    where prod_cat=cat_id
    and prod_man=man_id
    order by cat_seq, cat_name, prod_seq, prod_name


    Still causing:

    Unknown column 'p.prod_type' in 'on clause' (Error 1054)


    How can I avoid using commas?




  8. prod_type exists in the prods table.


    Hint: use aliases for greater readability of your queries - Please explain

    Hint2: avoid joins through comma. Better use INNER JOIN - as far as im aware I am not joining through comma

  9. Hey all,

    This used to work, and with a change from MySQL 4 to MySQL 5 it broke - I belive it is a bug currently being fixed:

    select prod_id, prod_name, prod_cat, cat_name, man_name, prod_price, prod_date, prod_seq, prod_default, type_name from prods, cats, mans left join types on prod_type=type_id where prod_cat=cat_id and prod_man=man_id order by cat_seq, cat_name, prod_seq, prod_name



    Unknown column 'prod_type' in 'on clause'


    Any idea how to rewrite the code to fix this?




  10. Hello all,

    I have been looking at Git & SVN for a project - but wondering on views.


    Basically I want all the developers to continue accessing & directly editing the source code on our server. However I would like a mechinism of finding the changes made on a certain day - should anything go wrong!


    At the moment I have tar.gz files downloading at midnight every night - and should I need them - I unzip them and WinMerge them to check the differences.





  11. Ok

    My current code is:

      elseif ($sqlsort=="c.club_ref")
        $stmt="select * from (select c.contract_id,c.name,wc.EMAIL,wc.TELEPHONE,wc.MOBILE,c.our_ref,c.club_ref,to_char(c.sign_date,'DD-Mon-YYYY') sign_date,to_char(c.lastpay_date,'DD-Mon-YYYY') lastpay_date,c.lastpay_amt,c.stat_flag,row_number() over (ORDER BY c.club_ref desc) r from   web_members c, web_contracts wc where  c.login_id=:sucid and  c.club_id=:club_id and c.status = 'L' and c.contract_id = wc.contract_id) where r between :min_row and :max_row";

  12. Hey all,

    Just a quick one (should be simple) - at the moment my database has a sorting function when using the screens.

    However the Client Ref Number is a "String" fieldtype as the client can enter both numbers & letters.


    However when sorting it shows the following:








    (Obviously sorting as a String rather than by numbers)


    The to_number() in a sort throws an error as there are letters & symbols in the data.


    Any ideas?



  13. Hey all!

    I am using PDF Libs to auto generate PDF Invoices - at the moment I can download these manually as the code has:

    //Close Page
    //Buffer & Display Page
    $mybuf = PDF_get_buffer($mypdf);
    $mylen = strlen($mybuf);
    header("Content-type: application/pdf");
    header("Content-Length: $mylen");
    header("Content-Disposition: inline; filename=gen01.pdf");
    print $mybuf;


    This asks the user to download the file.


    However I am now trying to get the script to add this file to an email as an attachment serverside (using PHP) and email clients their invoices.


    Any ideas?


    PDFLibs, PHP 5, MySQL 5, FC4




  14. Hello all,

    On running any command line PHP (such as even php -v)

    I get:

    [root@server /]# php -v
    Failed loading /usr/lib/php/modules/php_ioncube_loader_lin_5.0.so:  /usr/lib/php/modules/php_ioncube_loader_lin_5.0.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
    PHP Warning:  PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library '/usr/lib64/php/modules/odbc.so' - libodbc.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory in Unknown on line 0
    PHP Warning:  PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library '/usr/lib64/php/modules/sitebuilder.so' - /usr/lib64/php/modules/sitebuilder.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory in Unknown on line 0
    PHP Warning:  PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library '/usr/lib64/php/modules/snmp.so' - libnetsnmp.so.5: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory in Unknown on line 0
    PHP Warning:  PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library '/usr/lib64/php/modules/zip.so' - /usr/lib64/php/modules/zip.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory in Unknown on line 0
    PHP 5.0.4 (cli) (built: Nov  8 2005 08:27:11)
    Copyright (c) 1997-2004 The PHP Group
    Zend Engine v2.0.4-dev, Copyright (c) 1998-2004 Zend Technologies


    When I look at the extentions folder I have:

    [root@server modules]# ls
    bcmath.so  gd.so    mbstring.so  ncurses.so  snmp.so    xsl.so
    dba.so     imap.so  mysqli.so    odbc.so     soap.so
    dom.so     ldap.so  mysql.so     pgsql.so    xmlrpc.so


    Any clues?




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