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  1. Hi, when i extend a class containing a private variable and then access the variable in the extended class it doesn't produce any error and works fine and when i access the variable using the object of the extended class it works even then, i think private variable should not be accessable in an extended class neither by object of that extended class here is the code <?php class textbox{ var $body_text, $body_text1; private $body_private="this is private value"; protected $body_protect="this is protected value"; function __construct($text_in, $text_out){ $this->body_text=$text_in; $this->body_text1=$text_out; } function display(){ echo "$this->body_text<br>"; echo "<i>"; echo "$this->body_text1</i><br>"; echo "$this->body_private<br/>"; echo "$this->body_protect<br/>"; } function test_new(){ echo "see if this private echo works"; } } $box=new textbox("any new value","any old value" ); $box->display(); $box->body_text="this is public thats why i can access it"; $box->body_text1="this is public thats why i can access it"; /*$box->body_private="this is private value changed"; //you will see we can't access the private and protected memebers from outside $box->body_protect="this is protected value changed"; */ $box->display(); $box->test_new(); class textboxbold extends textbox{ function __construct($text_on, $text_off, $text_get, $text_go) {$this->body_text=$text_on; $this->body_text1=$text_off; $this->body_protect=$text_get; $this->body_private=$text_go; } function display(){ echo "<b>$this->body_text</b><br>"; echo "<b>$this->body_text1</b><br>"; echo "<b>$this->body_protect</b><br>"; echo "<i>$this->body_private</i><br>"; } } $boxnew=new textboxbold("new Bold text", "text in bold","protected member","private"); $boxnew->display(); $boxnew->body_private="this is simple text taken from outside"; $boxnew->display(); $boxnew->test_new(); ?> please recommend, is it working as it should be
  2. hi, but there is no include or require directive before the function call you can yourself download code and check it. ltoso
  3. hi, just download latest.tar.gz from the wordpress.org and then go into wp-content/themes/header.php you'll see that they don't have any file included into the php file and still they have used the get_header(); function Regards ltoso
  4. Hi, i am new to programming in php, i was just checking the wordpress code and found out in the wordpress code they are calling the function get_header(); at the top of every page but above calling this function their is no file included file, how is it possible, how can a function work without function defination. Please recommend Regards Ltoso
  5. Hi, is there any way by which we can define local system variabled like register_globals as local php.ini or ini_set() is not working . please help
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