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  1. I sure have and last time he looked he reckoned he couldn't see anything a-miss. Just so I'm clear though, this is a server problem and not something on my (code) end? Because I've been scratching my head for a while and coming up with nothing, ideally I'd like to be able to say "you have to change xyz for me, thank you".
  2. Yea mate tried that. Tried creating with 0777 / 0755 / 02777 no joy. Tried chmod() with the same after initial creation and still nothing. Seems to me that it's a ownership problem rather than permissions but I can't find the fix lol. And yea this is under *nix.
  3. My host's server recently crashed and now my directory creation code is failing. Seems I'm able to great a directory using mkdir() but I am unable to create any another directories inside it. I can see in plesk that the newly created folder has a uid and gid of "apache" which is different to the other folders. After searching it seems that the host has safe_mode on, I've found a fair bit of info/people that have this issue but whats the fix? Unsure if I can get the host to turn it off so how can I create folders and sub folders? Any help appreciated.
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