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Posts posted by belick

  1. I have a script that fetch emails and its work file when I call it through SSH with PHP at the beginning on the path


    when I added a cronjob it was working fine too... the problem start when I disable the cronjob email response, the script dose not functioning with Imap


    What can I do in order to bypass this problem, I will try to call it with include but I have no other options..

    Please help

  2. yes, thanks but 1 issue... I tried to add more text to return $linkUrl; and it always bring the extra text after the quotes:


    function link_replace_callback($matches) {

      $linkUrl = str_replace(" ","-",strtolower($matches[0]));

      return $linkUrl.".html";


    echo preg_replace_callback('~href="([^"])+"~', "link_replace_callback", $WebPage);


    and on my links I get:


    <a href="test-trest".html</a>

  3. I am looking for a code that will direct my links from something like Click Here to click-here


    I want to be able to type links with spaces and uppercase words and to be able to search the code in the original form




    my htaccess has: #RewriteRule ^(.*)\.html$ index.php?Level2=$2 [L]


    when $2 is the file I am looking for... so I want to be able to have convert links that have spaces to lowercase and with dashes


    so code like:

    <li><a href="Credit Card Validation">Credit Card Validation</a></li>


    will assign the $2 to credit-card-validation and stilll show on the html code the spaces and uppercase


    Thanks ahead



  4. I have this code:


    RewriteRule ^e-([0-9_A-Z_a-z-]+)\.html$  /search.php?q=$1 [L]


    and it not taking urls like:




    /e-Dsa / sd.dsd sa.html



    Please help how to get the code to read all char in between the ".html" and "e-"

  5. My link looks like that: real-estate_helpful-moving-links.html I need to get 2 variables out from that link:


    $var1 = real-estate

    $var2 = helpful-moving-links


    I know I can do that thought explode("_"  on the the php side, but I prefer to do it on the htaccess file if it possible...


    any help will be great!



  6. I have this line that works good for me. The problem is that its affecting any folder in the server including sub domains

    can I have some kind of a code that will allowed me to choose which folder not to use the RewriteRule


    RewriteRule ^(.*)\.html$ index.php?Level1=$1 [L]



  7. hi, I need help to fetch zip code out from text, with regex maybe...


    Bais Menachem Young Israel at USF

    Marshall Center, Box 2499

    Tampa, FL 33620-1234

    Phone: 813-832-3018

    email: youngisraeltampa@hotmail.com




    Bais Menachem Young Israel at USF

    Marshall Center, Box 2499

    Tampa, FL 33620

    Phone: 813-832-3018

    email: youngisraeltampa@hotmail.com

  8. Dose anyone have any idea what is the best way to run a back site and to be able to have the same data in both database?


    once I read that there is a Mysql function that can sync the 2 database and update the missing info...


    any help?

  9. I have this code and its not worrking for me... even if I add all the user premission for both users to use both database


    mysqldump --host=localhost -uUSERNAME -pPASSWORD DB1 --no-create-db --no-create-info | --host=localhost -uUSERNAME -pPASSWORD DB2



  10. Questions:



    tar -cvf file.tar directory         

    gzip file.tar                            do I must go with zip too?

    mcrypt file.tar.gz                    where do I place my pasword? I need to protect the file...

    ftp put file.tar.gz.nc hostname  hostname means the ftp? where is the username and pass?





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