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Everything posted by fyrestoof

  1. ok thanks and the sql dump and the log file you found are the old files the db.txt is the old Flat File the log file you found is the old log (old stuff) the new log file i have is http://omfg.ws/count3.0/log.php (only accessible by me)(ip based auth) try to gain access to the log.php and tell me how if you can
  2. well im now using MySQL. theres a delay of 1 hit and a few other things i tried including email validation heres the regex value for the email validator ^([0-9a-zA-Z]([-.\w]*[0-9a-zA-Z])*@(([0-9a-zA-Z])+([-\w]*[0-9a-zA-Z])*\.)+[a-zA-Z]{2,9})$ and heres the signup page http://omfg.ws/count3.0/ BTW: ive never used MySQL before this is my first time using it so its not too good, i just learned how to work with MySQL today.
  3. well i haven't fixed the null values but im now using mysql for it http://omfg.ws/count3.0/counter.php?u=testing&style=2&w=11&h=15 right now im still making the creating page to create one
  4. thanks i got to go to bed right now i got finals at school tommorow so ill do that after school
  5. http://omfg.ws/count2.0/ so far i havent found any errors but there might be 1 or 2 more left so i posted it
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