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  1. if its being declared in a previous require, use require_once to prevent nested calls to the file.
  2. what do you get if you don't escape the comment?
  3. search engines will hate you.
  4. if thats not your forte, you can use hidden iframes.
  5. or hidden iframe (oldskool)
  6. look at html_entity_decode
  7. try "" instead of ' '
  8. use classes if you are creating your own data structure, otherwise normal functions will do just fine.
  9. nah, just 1 array, use the words as keys and just increment the value if $a is a word from your csv then do $frequency["$a"]++; you get undefined index warnings, but they are expected in this instance. then just do foreach ($key->$value) echo "$key:$value/n<br>";
  10. resago

    PHP & AJAX

    you can post with ajax too.
  11. if the client doesn't have a pdf viewer, it will ask to save the file. no other way to do it though. its up to the client to have the pdf reader.
  12. the spaces are throwing you off.
  13. you left out $key in your write to file.
  14. <?php your code ?> otherwise, its just text.
  15. permissions? you may have to 777 the directory you are trying to write to before hand.
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