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  1. If i understand you you can set the column name $columnname = $_POST['whatever']; Then the $query
  2. yes you can. I'm with Crayon Violent on that one. There are a few upload progress scripts out there using ajax. This the best i have found so far for anyone looking: http://uber-uploader.sourceforge.net/ I just was looking for something simpler.
  3. I have found this site helpful http://www.tizag.com/phpT/whileloop.php They have a page on each of them.
  4. Does anyone know a good simple upload progress script? Ideally easy to integrate. Ajax must be part of it I assume.
  5. I have them and now i solved it by converting them to .dfont files. Thanks for everyones time
  6. They really don't know their stuff. (My hosting company) I tried a few sites to download the ttf files but i can't find fonts like Verdana, Times New Roman, Comic Sans and Century. The only ones I need actually. Thousands of others are available.
  7. I will call them again to see if I can get a better answer!
  8. I tried that and the two people I spoke to weren't very together!! I'm sure I'll do better in this forum! <?php $bbox = imagettfbbox($size,0,$font,$txt); //$font can be Verdana, Times New Roman, Comic Sans and Century. Very common fonts. ?>
  9. I am talking GD I need to create font previews on the fly as they include the text of the user. If i have an installed font in a folder on the server it is fine. My problem is getting the classic fonts as ttf files or accessing them from my server with the assumption that they are available.
  10. My host says the server has all the classic fonts installed. How do I get one into a variable? What would be the path? eg. $font = 'Verdana'; Any ideas?
  11. I have a javascript function that opens and tries to print a php page. When I hit the 'print draft' button on the first page the window opens correctly and the print dialog box comes with the correct file name in it. When I actually hit the 'print' button in the dialog box the error comes. The page is generated by GD and only has a imagejpeg sent to it. Can that confuse the printer? My error is that 'the page was replaced while you were trying to print'. Is that because php took a second to generate the page or what is going on there?
  12. Yes there was an if statement that wasn't noticed by me. Image size dependent. Thanks Lemmin.
  13. I have checked each time i uploaded the file the content of the imagecode.php. It only changed when the image had no image icon. The images are being uploaded and entered into the database as the images upload id is going up every time i run it regardless of the preview icon. This is an example of what is written in the file. <?php echo 'Image=images/uploaded/280.jpg'; ?> No unusual characters to break the string.
  14. I think you can use a session if I have understood you. You just need to also unset the session if the user deletes 'CLUBMEMBER item'.
  15. So this is the code that writes to a text file: $fp = fopen('imagecode.php', 'w'); $vari = "<?php echo 'Image=".$theimage."'; ?>"; fwrite($fp, "$vari"); fclose($fp); Nothing too unusual there. Permissions are fine as it does write sometimes. $theimage is a file uploaded by a user. Testing on a mac I noticed that if an image in Finder has a preview icon it won't be written to this file. Any other image will. All jpgs. Any idea what that could be?
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