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Posts posted by chrisjenx

  1. Hey Chris, thanks for keeping the thread alive. I just yesterday got my first notice that anyone had replied since my last bump and was surprised at all the other entries. Don't know why I was left out of the loop. Apparently you are working on the same script, so we should definitely stay in touch whether here or elsewhere. I'll send you a pm.


    Did you start a new thread here? What's the name/topic so I can find it?


    havent started a new thread yet mate. i'll let you know where and when ;)

  2. That really isn't a PHP issue, that is a MySQL one, and it appears all you are doing is specifying a tablename.columnname instead of just the column name.  If there is only 1 column with that name, then you don't have to specify it.  So it sounds like more things changed than just the version of PHP.


    Where you getting Column Name is ambigous errors?


    you used to get 'on clause' errors could not find "seat_id" column.  yeh i added the extra names in just to make sure, i didnt think it was nessary. but what i did do was seperate the LEFT JOIN out, as soon as i did that it fixed the errors, just a naturally labled the columns first and never reveresed the proccess. but it works, the whole script over all has very few errors, mainly the larger sql statments need a retweek for mysql 5 as for any php, not much needs changing at all. Im going to post another topic with some of the problems im having.. lol.


    cheers, chris

  3. I see there is a comment about 'delete .... to here' which relates to the mkdir error. But I will let wiser heads enlighten me. thanks.


    the mkdir error as you prob read is if you have tried to install it more than once it would create the directory, just delete the folders inside include/tmp/*


    It's probably the variables the querry uses that need to be fixed.


    its the way the querys were previosly written. for example this is how ive rewritten one:

    	$query="select * from Seat LEFT JOIN Discount ON Seat.seat_discount_id=Discount.discount_id 
    		LEFT JOIN Event ON Seat.seat_event_id=Event.event_id
    		LEFT JOIN Category ON Seat.seat_category_id=Category.category_id
    		LEFT JOIN PlaceMapZone ON Seat.seat_zone_id=PlaceMapZone.pmz_id
    		WHERE Seat.seat_order_id='".$order_id."' AND Event.event_organizer_id='$_SHOP->organizer_id'";


    Where as it used to be written...


      $query="select * from Seat LEFT JOIN Discount ON seat_discount_id=discount_id,
              Event,Category LEFT JOIN PlaceMapZone ON seat_zone_id=pmz_id where seat_order_id='".$order_id."'
      	  AND seat_event_id=event_id AND seat_category_id= category_id 
      and event_organizer_id='$_SHOP->organizer_id'"; 


    which is messy and kept or bring back errors.



  4. Don't add your own code problem onto an existing thread. Create your own new thread.


    sorry i wasnt really posting a problem more making a statement :) If i have anyproblems i'll be sure to post my own thread didnt mean to offend anyone i'll try and help with this script as much as possible as its something I am currently working on.



    I havented edited the install file accept to let it ignore requiring php4, what i have noticed is not that there is a problem with the php being out of date, you will have to update alot of the MySQL satements as they... well dont work mysql5 nor php5.

  5. Do not feel alone on this problem ;)


    I have been working on this script for the past few months to bring it uptodate. and i keep finding more and more problems with it as i go along.


    The biggest of all being th gay smarty system, its hard enough trying follow whats going on with out trying to learn how the smarty system works.


    currently the only thing that doesnt work for me is payments.

    apart from that its all Fab!


    Do you want to have a copy of my code?

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