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  1. I know of that, and not to sound rude, but i asked for an example so i could understand how to output it with php..
  2. Alright, here goes. I have a table that consists of numbers (123, 918, 328, 190) etc.. What i want to do is to get the average number from the database, and output them by php. How do i do that? if you could, please provide me with an example. I'd be very greatfull if you would
  3. Hmm, get what you mean, but could you provide me with an example? with, artists for example.. I'd be very thankfull if you would
  4. My question is very simple, however i cant seem to figure it out.. How do i explode a string and store each exploded word into an array? So the array will hold a key value for each word in the string. Thanks in advantage
  5. Yeah, i see that now.. I'd love to but, somehow i don't have access to do so.. :s
  6. Yeah, thats what i'd like. Like, the links in the menu will be as i've typed with www.url.com/index.php?show=example. But when i go onto the page (www.url.com/index.php) it shall show some content as default, and then when you click some of the menu links, it will go to one of the switch options with the matching value. EDIT: I get the following error "no index defined" with the script..
  7. Hey experts, i'm having this issue with switch.. It's just that, i use it to show different pages. Etc. www.url.com?show=gallerypage, www.url.com?show=contactpage. I want to show some content by default, if none of the above options are chosen. My code are as follow: $page = $_GET['page']; switch ($page) { case 'contactpage': echo "This is the contact page."; break; case 'gallerypage': echo "This is the gallery page': break; default: echo "This is the frontpage."; break; } with this i want to make it like, if there has not been chosen a $page then it shows the default "This is the frontpage." But how do i make it work like that?
  8. Hello experts. How do i get all files (.php) from a specefied folder, and store them into an array?
  9. Yeah i get that.. But how would you insert it into php? would you store it into a function to display in every page?
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