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  1. thank you very much
  2. I'm not sure where I should post this but I will try here first. I have a myspaceclone script type website up. I use dreamweaver to work on it. I am a total rookie. So I know this is basic stuff but I have to start some where. Anyways all I would like to know how to do is change the text from myhome to Home on the buttons. site addy: http://www.collegejobs-network.com/yournetwork/ this is the line: <td align="center" bgcolor="#8C9A8C" class="button-system bodygray"><b> <u><font color="#FFFFFF"><font size="2">My</font></font></u><a href="/yournetwork/index.php?mode=login&act=home"><font color="#FFFFFF"><font size="2">Home</font></font></a></b></td> need more info let me. thank you even the basics making me nuts just trying to learn All my others sites I used frontpage2003 and u dont need to know much in that more visaul etc. please help
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