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  1. rounding up is really my problem. since there is no fixed time for some of the employees. i decided to make a schedule of work as my reference and will be encoded in the database but since they can assign another employee to any time, any day, that will be useless. i work in a call center so there are agents who will be rescheduled on night at this time or day at that time. if i make it to 9 working hours, some can extend to 15hours or how about it is overtime.
  2. I only need the interval of the two expressions. I am making our timeclock for our employee time record. any suggestion/idea/scripts for this project?
  3. oh great... thank you again. that will solve my problem
  4. thanks to all ill try that... and how can i turn it back to time? the strtotime?
  5. just a simple question. how can i know the hour difference of yesterday and today.. like: 2008-05-06 13:00:00 - 2008-05-06 12:00:00 = 1 hour
  6. really? i thought my syntax is already 5.. sori if it is...
  7. is there's a way how can i access parent class member in another class? class test { function t();{} } class test2 extends test { function t2();{} } class test3 extends test { function t3(); { // can i access t2 from here which is also a member of test class? } }
  8. ok thank you for your time in helping me. maybe it is not possible what is am thinking.
  9. its too simple logic but hard for me to do. i want to use a class that calls all the classes i write base on what i need in one call. i have test1, test2, test3 classes separately and i will make a test4 class which if call, test1-test3 class will be inherited. do you know cakephp? i want to make framework and i base in on cake i dont know how did they integrate all the class and function in cake but when i try to trace it up, all of them inherits a class named Object. and all of the built-in classes can be call using $this-> but i cant figure out where did they made a connection for all the class.
  10. is there's no other solution? i have done that but i need more flexible code.
  11. how can I access the other class with using the class in the index. i want to get all the class in one class so i can use them all but since classes in php could not make multiple extends
  12. hello, i have 2 classes on different page and will inherit a class from a 3rd page. now, i have my index page with a class inherited the class on the 3rd page. when i try to get function from the parent its ok but my problem is when i try to access the functions from the first 2 classes... how can i call the class that is a member of my parent?? test1.php class test1 extends test { function t1() { echo "test1"; } } test2.php class test1 extends test { function t2() { echo "test2"; } } test.php class test { function t() { echo "test"; } } index.php class access extends test { } $test = new test(); $test->t; // OK $test->t1; // ERROR $test->t2; // ERROR
  13. i have a functions declared in the other page and a class in another page... is it possible to make the functions become my class's own functions? i want to make a simple core files for my website.
  14. hello, suppose i have a default timezone of eastern, set using date_default_timezone_set() and i want to show date and time in 4 timezones namely, easter, central, mountain and pacific. how can i do that when my default timezone is eastern. i want to show this 4 timezones, date and time, in the same page.
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