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Everything posted by laffin
I use something like this $pid=$_GET['pid']>0?$_GET['pid']:0; just because rarely do u need a negative values, and setting up a failure conditional for yer messages if(!$pid) die('Invalid ID'); later in yer code. But I think u should think how each variable needs to be validated. some will have different requirements than others good luck
question: what is this batch file supposed to accomplish that php can't? u can create a temp batch file within php, if u really needed to. Bypassing the need for sending parameters to a specific batch file.
Yeah, its top of my head coding. I missed a end quote <?php echo getcwd() . '/test.bat does ' . (is_file('test.bat')?'':''not ') . 'exist.'; ?> if it exists, than ya may want to check safe mode in php.ini and disable it or create an executable dir so php can run external apps
u may want to be shure its being called <?php echo getcwd() . '/test.bat does ' . (is_file('test.bat)?'':''not ') . 'exist.'; ?>
I wudda opted for something slightly different. <?php $arrFiles = array( "", "", "", "" ); $content=''; foreach($arrFiles as $file) $content .= file_get_contents($file); file_put_contents ('/path/to/us-scs.html',$content); ?>
Very easy script to make. But this looks more like a business venture, than a request for help. If ya dun have the skills nor desire to learn, best place for this is in the Freelancing forum here
I think I might have seen the problem WHERE m_id=$en[m_id] note the m_id in the braces, there is a problem there, is this a mysql variable or a php one?
Either tag it somehow, keeping an array list of files. or tag anything that starts with a . (files in linux that start with . are hidden) to not display if (($folder[0] != ".")) should do the trick
All files from a folder (and subfolders) into an array
laffin replied to majik92's topic in PHP Coding Help
function recdir($base) { $files=array(); if(is_dir($base) &&$ $dh=opendir($base)) { while($file=readdir($dh)) { if($file=='.' || $file== '..') continue; if(is_dir($file)) { $subfiles=recdir($base.'/'.$file); $tfiles=array_merge($files,$subfiles); $files=$tfiles; } else { $files[]=$base.'/'.$file; } } } return $files; } I think that shud work May require tweaking, not tested -
I dun have php in front of me. But when it comes to true and false bools ya shud be careful as false is always 0 however true can equate to a number of different things. !false flips all the bits in the word, and becomes -1. Which ya will see a lot of mention about. so it will fail the enum(0,1) portion as -1 isnt enumerated. And remember true/false value is dictated by the app. PHP true/false bools may be different than mysql so yer best bet, is to use a trenary operator. forcing to 1 (int)($en['m_ziphide'] == 'ON'?1:0)
No Probs here There are a lot of php functions, some that even surprise me Good luck on yer project
ya can perform a check within the for loop for($i=0;$i<=20;$i++) $slot[$i]="Slot{$i}"; for($l=17;$i<34 && issset($slot[$i]);$i++) echo $slot[$l]; but if u really need it within the loop, the lookahead (note that by program flow, the last valid entry wont display, as the lookahead breaks out of the loop) [/code] for($l=17;$i<34;$i++) { if(i!sset($slot[$i+1])) break; echo $slot[$l]; } [/code]
what is $i? why is $l way out of the array bounds $whopro has three elements, starting with 0, 1, 2 so trying to reference $l=17 gives ya an notice, about a variable not being declared. php dusn assign non existant variables to null. if the variable dusn exist why not just use isset?
well from there its just a simple file to array call I just understand the question differently. I understand that he wants a predetermined tab size to echo out before the file lines. which ya dun need to read in the whole file for, just prepend a string to each line so even with the above routine, a file to tabecho routine is just a simple function of function tabfile($filename,$indent=0) { $lines=file($filename); if(!empty($lines)) foreach($lines as $line) tabecho($line,$indent); } tabfile('NotherSample.txt'); See not hard at all
why make it so complex function tabecho($string,$indent=0) { static $li=0; if($indent) $li=$indent if($li) echo strrepeat(' ',$indent); echo $string; } tabecho('Hi!',; tabecho('This is even cheesier'); Works just as well
<?php $size=89; $tables=10; $peoplepertable=10; $curtable=0; $table=array(); for($person=0;$person<$size && $persion <= ($tables*$peoplepertable;;$person++) { $table[$curtable++][]=$person; $curtable*=(($curtable<$tables)?1:0); } I think thats right, if I understood ya correctly. we dun need to assign $seat since [] will allocate the next element in the array. so trick is keeping the table count and reset it once ya reach max number of tables; the trick here is knowing how to use the ++ operator $curtable++, adds one to the table count after the operation ++$curtable, adds one to the table count before the operation $curtable++ wud look like this in code $table[$cirtable][]=4; $curtable=$curtable+1; while ++$curtable would look like $curtable=$curtable+1; $table[$curtable][]=4; the other trick is resetting our table count when we reached the max several ways of doing that a simple if wudda worked as well if($curtable>=$tables) $curtable=0; Anyways have fun wif yer code
That usually helps
try using strrchr $file = md5(microtime(true)) . strtolower(strrchr($_$FILES['file']['name'],'.')); but ya may want to validate a proper extension maybe a pregmatch only dots and alpha num if(!preg_match('@^[\w.-=]+$@',$_FILES['file']['name']) die('Bad Filename'); well ya gets the picture
Its all good viewpoints, cuz sometimes ya learn something that never crossed yer mind. I think the = was in the first couple of posts, so could be the mixup why it kept coming back to haunt us... Anyways, have a nice day all
Been using sessions for awhile now. but ya shud read information on session fixation (security) as the session id is stored as a cookie, it is possible to steal/make id's. So to make it more secure 1) use session_regenerate_id() so cookie id changes 2) do not rely on the session info, use a hash of other various info provided, in my routines I generally use IP & Browser agent info (md5 these two). So if either changed the session becomes invalid. 3) Change The Session life span, (I give 15 minute lifespan for a session cookie). I see a lot of folks, who dont understand #2. and see something like if($_SESSION['loggedin']) when a little more thought ya can secure it with if($_SESSION['hash'] == md5($ip.$_SERVER["HTTP_USER_AGENT"])) as I said I use ip & browser agent info Anyways good luck
[SOLVED] set a session when you use header redirect?
laffin replied to aebstract's topic in PHP Coding Help
well ya can make that whole process easier, just work on the idea of how it shud run. It sounds like u have some pages ya want to protect, and others are public. well than ya needs a way to let yer script know which pages are what. file: protect.php <?php session_start(); if(!isset($_SESSION['loggedin']) && !defined(PROTECTED)) { $_SESSION['last_page'=$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] header("Location: login.php"); exit; } file: unprotected.php <?php // Sample Unprotected Page ?> <H1>UnProtected</H1> include("inlcude.php"); [/code] file: protected.php <?php define('PROTECTED',TRUE); include("inlcude.php"); ?> <H1>Protected</H1> good luck -
but the varchar month/date is disturbing.... 10 characters for a year storage is a bit much 20 characters for month storage, i think we using different calander systems here. U shud consider using DATE/DATETIME instead, ot just plain ole INT(11) and let php handle the timestamp. numerics searches/sorting will always be faster.
Oh I'm not arguing that point. Its good to hear from different viewpoints of the same topic sometimes Ya learn a lot more than by a single viewpoint of the matter....
this kinda depends how u want the data displayed 1-33 in col1 34-66 in col 2 66-99 in col 3 or in an across type table 1,4,7,10,..... in col1 2,5,8,11,.... in col2 3,6,9,12,.... in col3 in first style its all about the math. $cols=3; $max=100 for($i=0;$i<$max;$i++) $ar[$i]=$i; echo "<TABLE>"; for($i=$ctr=0;$i<$max;$i++) { if($ctr=0) echo "<TR>"; echo "<TD>".$ar[$i]."</TD>"; $ctr++; if($ctr>=$cols) { $ctr=0; echo "</TR>" } } while($ctr && $ctr++<$cols) echo "<TD> </TD>"; if($ctr) echo "</TR>"; echo "</TABLE>"; The other way having the info on per row is same concept, but our counters change as well as the when the display code changes [code] $cols=3; $max=100 for($i=0;$i<$max;$i++) $ar[$i]=$i; echo "<TABLE>"; for($i=$ctr=0;$i<$max;$i++) { if($ctr=0) echo "<TR><TD>"; echo $ar[$i]."<BR>"; $ctr++; if($ctr>=$percol) { $ctr=0; echo "</TD></TR>" } } if($ctr) echo "</TD></TR>"; echo "</TABLE>"; I think that shud do it, but this code is just from scratch, but ya shud get the idea from both examples
But yer missing the point I made. The whitelist method is better because ya know what characters ya want to accept a-z0-9_- so yer method only is stripping out 3 characters, but when ya add more, of the possible 256 characters in an ascii chart it just becomes ridiculous. so no longer are u looking at a simple pattern of '-/=' but a huge one to strip control characters, spaces, and symbols, when we know we just want 64 of the 256 characters. This is a prime example of when to use a whitelist over a blacklist.