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Everything posted by laffin

  1. U shud look at using BCC in yer emails instead of emailing everyone individually. initializer code (before yer loop) $to = ""; $nmax = 100; // Max recipients per message $nthis = 0; $ntotal = 0; $cbcc=array(); $bbcc=array(); List builder (in yer loop) $cbcc[]=$selectedig->email; ++$nthis; ++$ntotal; if ($nthis == $nmax) { $bbcc[]=$cbcc; $cbcc=array(); $nthis=0; } now $bbcc contains batches of emails to send after the loop we mail everything $i=0; $errors=array(); foreach($bbcc as $bccl) { $i++; $bcc = implode(',',$bccl); $res = mail("Multiple recipients <$strFrom>",$subject,$message,"From:$strFrom\r\nReply-to: $strFrom\r\nBcc: $bcc\r\nContent-type: text/html; charset=us-ascii", "[email protected]"); if($res==false) { $errors[$i]=count($bccl); } $hm=array_sum($errors); echo number_format($ntotal-$hm). " of $ntotal emals sent."; now ya have 100 emails going out per mail usage, I dun think ya shud encounter the problem again well until ya hit (50*100=5000) distribution list
  2. shud mention it shud be used on the line $wallet[] = number_format($balance);
  3. Arrays work comment[' . $row['id'] .']" so that the id is stored with the comment $comments = $_REQUEST['comment']; if(isset($comments[$id])) $comment=$comments[$id]; else $comment='';
  4. Usually php scripts dun have permissions to create files in a folder. Create an empty file, and allow world read/write access
  5. sumfin looks fishy... maye yer infecting $i variable near the end loop. the important pieces of the left/right conditional are there, but the $i=0 right before looks like ya just threw it in, without the loop block
  6. Exactly Might be a bit more code for small stuff, but when ya got forms with 10+ inputs and half are required, it just makes validating so much easier
  7. You may want to look at other event calanders already out there like WebCalendar
  8. there is no real need to encrypt the sessions tho, unless u give or set them from user input. Sessions main PRO is that it's server side, meaning the user dusn have access to these variables. Unlike cookies, where a user can alter/view the cookie themselves. It's the implementation of authenticating the user, which shud be looked at. I store a unique key in a cookie (md5 of some info stored in sessions) if the cookie exists, than i compare it with the md5 of the sessions, otherwise i destroy the session and cookie. $_COOKIE['key'] = md5($_SESSION['username'] . $_SESSION['user_ip']) note: using the user's ip as part of the key, so the key can only be used by one machine location. also use a expiry for session length Which you can reset on reauthentication.
  9. use a session with the timeout period Upon successful login $_SESSION['timeout']=time()+15*60; // 15 minute timeout than when u load a page check this timeout if($_SESSION['timeout']<time()) { header("Location: login.php"); // If user timed out, send em back to loginpage session_destroy(); // Also remove his session variables; // remove any other Cookies or settings exit; } $_SESSION['timeout']=time()+15*60; // Give User another 15 minutes
  10. well if ya just need 9 commas <?php $str='SIP25071 O 4.4 43 4 ERG 02/28/2008 Mike cisco2000 ptime.baseval header incorrect chk in'; $rpl=preg_replace('@([^\s]+)(\s+)@','$1,',$str,9); echo "$str<br>$rpl"; //Output //SIP25071 O 4.4 43 4 ERG 02/28/2008 Mike cisco2000 ptime.baseval header incorrect chk in //SIP25071,O,4.4,43,4,ERG,02/28/2008,Mike,cisco2000,ptime.baseval header incorrect chk in ?>
  11. Congrats And thanks for sharing code, pretty shure others will find it useful
  12. { } only needed when ya have more than 1 statement (a block) of code
  13. if(!$siteonline && !$userloggedin) header("Location: http://my.site.com/oopsie.html"); a multiconditional works as well
  14. depends how u store the switching of site on/off line.. easiest is prollly mysql, using a table for yer vars... CREATE TABLE `vars` ( `name` varchar(32) NOT NULL default '', `i` int(10) NOT NULL default '0', `u` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', `f` double NOT NULL default '0', `s` varchar(100) NOT NULL default '', PRIMARY KEY (`name`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM; than ya can add a switching system in the admin page on login, ya want to check this value, if admin or other special case users allow it, otherwise deny the user.
  15. Anytime Good luck in yer coding
  16. Congrats
  17. parse_url
  18. <parse $var> = eval($var);
  19. Thats a lot more complex, what u have to figure out is a pattern system. from the looks of it, u will probably have to create a phrase list, to be kept intact. and add commas everywhere except within a phrase list or look closely at yer output and look for any type of pattern between the values, or the values sequence.
  20. <?php function load_vars() { return array('arg1' => 'Arg 1', 'arg2' => 'Arg 2'); } function my_sub() { extract(load_vars()); echo "$arg1<br>$arg2"; } my_sub(); ?>
  21. why do u have quotes around the array keys? which are obviously a variable?
  22. Looks like the common denominator is that the Whitespaces are between CAPS ALPHANUMS. as stated preg_replace is what ya looking for but since we know the pattern it makes it very simple <?php $str='1 A AB 2 ABC 3 ABCD 4 5 The whitespace inbetween these must not be replaced with a comma'; $rpl=preg_replace('@([A-Z0-9]+)( )@','$1,',$str); echo "$str<br>$rpl"; ?> // Output: //1 A AB 2 ABC 3 ABCD 4 5 The whitespace inbetween these must not be replaced with a comma //1,A,AB,2,ABC,3,ABCD,4,5,The whitespace inbetween these must not be replaced with a comma Taa-Daa
  23. I prefer sumthing like <?php $reqfields=array('username','email','password'); // Required fields $urqfields=array('formid'); // Unecessary fields foreach($_POST as $key => $val) // Grab all fields except Unecessary fields { if(array_search($urqfields,$key)===false) $args[$key]="$key=". urlencode($val); } $errors=0; foreach($reqfields as $val) // Check Required Fields { if(!isset(args[$key])) { echo "Required field ($val) missing"; $errors++; } } if($errors) exit; $arg=implode('&',$args); // Build our args line ?> using something like this avoids the possible malformed url of http://my.site.com/script.php?&arg1=x&arg2=y when building it
  24. just different ways accomplishing the same thing. It's not a big issue really 1 or 10 forms, ya need an identifier of which form was sent In this sample using a hidden field to progress thru the forms <?php if($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']=='POST') // Form was posted { $formid=0+$_POST['formid']; switch($formid) { case '2': // Process 2nd form $email=$_POST['email']; if(empty($email)) $showform=2 else $showform=3; case '1': // Process 1st form $username=$_POST['name']; if(empty($username)) $showform=1; elseif($showform!=3) $showform=2; // Did we process form 2 already? break; default: // Unknown form info Show 1st Form $showform=1; } } else $showform=1; // Display different forms if($showform==1) { ?> <FORM METHOD='POST'> <INPUT TYPE='HIDDEN' name='formid' value='1'> Username: <INPUT TYPE="TEXT" name='name' <?= (!empty($username)?"value=\"$username\"":'')?>><BR> <INPUT TYPE='SUBMIT'> </FORM> <? } elseif($showform=='2') { ?> <FORM METHOD='POST'> <INPUT TYPE='HIDDEN' name='formid' value='2'> <INPUT TYPE='HIDDEN' name='username' value='<?=$username?>'> Email: <INPUT TYPE="TEXT" name='email' <?= (!empty($email)?"value=\"$email\"":'')?>><BR> <INPUT TYPE='SUBMIT'> </FORM> <? } else { // Form 1 & 2 Processed already ?> <H1>Hello <?=$username?>,</H1><br> I see yer email is <?=$email?> <? } ?>
  25. <?php if(isset($_POST['submit'])) { $items = array(); $itemcount = count($_POST['item']); if($itemcount >2) $itemcount=2; if($itemcount) { for($i=0;$i<$itemcount;$i++) $items[]=$_POST['item'][$i]; } if($ic=count($items)) { echo "$ic items<BR>"; foreach($items as $key => $value) echo "$key) $value<BR>"; } else echo "No Items<BR>"; } ?> <form action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>" method="post"> <input type="checkbox" name="item[]" value="1" /> lamp<br /> <input type="checkbox" name="item[]" value="2" /> chair<br /> <input type="checkbox" name="item[]" value="3" /> foobar<br /> <input type="submit" name="submit" value="submit" /> </form> Add some debugging info to get a better idea of whats going on the $items array will hold 0,1 or 2 items. the item id shud come from the value of a specific checkbox (not the name).
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