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Everything posted by schilly

  1. Any recommendations Daniel? I would need it to integrate with our user accounts table (username, pw, address, etc) for logging in and authenticating.
  2. Did you print_r($_SESSION); to what is actually in the session?
  3. Awesome. Thanks Taz. I'll look into these more when we do our forum review.
  4. We will be looking to upgrade our existing custom built forum in the next few months. Right now it is pretty basic: post, reply, quote, edit, small amount of text formatting, stickies, delete. We want to make our forums more full features (like here) with polls, banners, more user interaction stuff etc with the ability to scale up easily. I will be pushing for some kind of existing forum package as I don't want to reinvent the wheel. Why write my own when there is existing that is bigger and better. My biggest concerns is integrating it with our existing user accounts system. I don't see importing all our posts as being that hard. Can someone recommend a forum package that can offer this type of integration? Any other concerns I should be worried about? Thanks.
  5. Sort the array. Then loop through the array. Check the previous one against the current one. If it's consecutive, increment a counter else reset it. If you hit 8 output/save the block. It will be pretty slow if your data set is huge.
  6. You probably want to search for JS scripts. It's not going to be a PHP script.
  7. why don't you echo out both ways and see what the difference is?
  8. just create a cron job to run your script.
  9. Try this <a href="<?php echo (curPageURL() = "www.domain.com") ? curPageURL() . "?wptheme=Sidebar%20disabled" : curPageURL() . "&wptheme=Sidebar%20disabled"; ?>">Click here</a>
  10. ah well that could be trouble then. can you post the code you have?
  11. so use an if statement to see if the current url is your base url then add a ?. if not then use an &.
  12. $buyer = mysql_query($check_buyer); This is a result set of rows, not an array or a value. You need to use someone like mysql_fetch_array to get the data from it.
  13. Well I tried to make a unique video url based on the user viewing the video. Once the video loaded the url was no longer valid. The only problem with that is that when you view source in Chrome it does a page reload and doesn't render the source, hence making the embedded url still valid as it never loaded. Anyone have any other suggestions or ideas. This will only be required for users that are logged in. Thanks.
  14. ok I'm trying to lock down some Quicktime videos so people can't download them. I can make the video source go to a PHP file and then redirect to the actual video to mask the video url but I need some way to verify that the request actually came from the embed page vs someone just entering the video embed link. The problem is with the quicktime plugin. It makes the connection to the video source and not the embed page so you don't get the referrer url or page url. So I can't verify against those. Anyone have any ideas how to do this? Been racking my brain for hours now. Thanks.
  15. this looks pretty good too. http://phpsense.com/php/prevent-duplicate-form-submission.html
  16. hmmm ya maybe a session var with the total in it and a timestamp. i think that would work. i do a header redirect to the completion page but i'm pretty sure if you go back in the browser it will prompt to resubmit the form. thanks.
  17. Every now and then we get duplicate orders through our ordering page. I'm just wondering what's the best way for detecting and stopping them. I do a redirect upon payment completion to a confirmation page to stop the person from reloading the browser and submitting the form data gain but they can easily go back and the browser will ask if they want to submit the form data again which they likely will. What's the best practise for this? I could ajax the form but I don't want to do that. Thanks.
  18. Yeah upgraded. Our db seems to be running much faster. Was their a lot of performance improvements for 4.x->5.x?
  19. grrrr damn. guess i'll have to look into upgrading. thanks for the help.
  20. Looks like 4.1.22 Is Procedure only available in 5+? I'm guessing that's why it's complaining about the Procedure line. How is procedure different from function?
  21. hmmm no luck in phpmyadmin There wasn't any spot for entering the delimiter.
  22. I'm using Sequel Pro but tried through command line as well with the same results. I'll try through phpmyadmin with the delimiter option now.
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