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  1. Im sorry I did not make myself clear in my first post. I meant to say that I wanted to COPY some index.php and other files to the same place the index.html file is going. The the advice Thorpe gave did work, but all it created was a blank php file, sorry for the confusion Slappy
  2. Below is a script that automatically adds a index.html file to a newly created folder. What I would like to do is also add an inde.php file and others. So what/where would I add to the script to have this happen? forgive the noob Thanks Slappy } } /** * Create default index.html file * * @param string path */ function putIndexHTML ($path) { if !is_file ($path . '/index.html')) { $handle=fopen ($path . '/index.html',"w+"); fwrite ($handle,"<html><body bgcolor='#FFFFFF'></body></html>"); fclose ($handle); } }
  3. Great script but just one question (forgive the noob) where in my script would I add the one you supplied? So create new user, and copying of files happens all at once? Thanks Slappy
  4. Below is a login script, and I would like to add a functionality to it. What I need to happen is when someone creates a new account I need a folder to automatically be ceated (named with their newly created username), and also I need some files copied from a permanent folder to this new username's folder. I have been trying to get it to work with the mk_dir and xcopy functions in php but no luck Any help would be GREATLY appreciated. <?php defined( '_VALID_MOS' ) or die( 'Direct Access to this location is not allowed.' ); global $ueConfig, $my, $mosConfig_lang, $mainframe, $mosConfig_live_site, $_SERVER, $Itemid; $absolute_path = $mainframe->getCfg('absolute_path'); $len_live_site = strlen($mosConfig_live_site); // do not remove: used further down as well // variant 1: (13 lines up to variant 2): $request_uri = mosGetParam( $_SERVER, 'REQUEST_URI', null ); $isHttps = (isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && ( !empty( $_SERVER['HTTPS'] ) ) && ($_SERVER['HTTPS'] != 'off') ); if (!(strncmp($request_uri, "http:", 5)==0) && !(strncmp($request_uri, "https:", 6)==0)) { $return = "http".( $isHttps ?"s":"") ."://".mosGetParam( $_SERVER, 'HTTP_HOST', null ).((strpos($request_uri, '/') !== 0) ? "/":"").$request_uri; } else { $return = $request_uri; } if (strncmp($mosConfig_live_site, $return, $len_live_site) == 0) { $return = substr($return, $len_live_site); if (strncmp($return,"/",1) == 0) { $return = substr($return, 1); } } // variant 2: 1 line: // $return = 'index.php?' . mosGetParam( $_SERVER, 'QUERY_STRING', '' ); // avoid unauthorized page acces at very first login after registration confirmation if (eregi( 'index.php\?option=com_comprofiler&task=confirm&confirmCode=', $return)) $return = "index.php"; // converts & to & for xhtml compliance $return = str_replace( '&', '&', $return ); // copied from comprofiler.class.php: if (!is_callable("cbLoginCheckJversion")) { function cbLoginCheckJversion() { global $_VERSION; if ($_VERSION->PRODUCT == "Mambo") { if ( strncasecmp( $_VERSION->RELEASE, "4.6", 3 ) < 0 ) { $version = 0; } else { $version = -1; } } elseif ($_VERSION->PRODUCT == "Joomla!" || $_VERSION->PRODUCT == "Accessible Joomla!") { if (strncasecmp($_VERSION->RELEASE, "1.0", 3)) { $version = 1; } else { $version = 0; } } return $version; } } // module parameter may override the system configuration setting if ( cbLoginCheckJversion() == 1 ) { $usersConfig = &JComponentHelper::getParams( 'com_users' ); $registration_enabled = $usersConfig->get('allowUserRegistration'); } else { $registration_enabled = $mainframe->getCfg( 'allowUserRegistration' ); } if (is_callable(array($params,"get"))) { // Mambo 4.5.0 compatibility $message_login = $params->def( 'login_message', 0 ); $message_logout = $params->def( 'logout_message', 0 ); $pretext = $params->get( 'pretext' ); $posttext = $params->get( 'posttext' ); $login = $params->def( 'login', $return ); $logout = $params->def( 'logout', "index.php" ); if ( cbLoginCheckJversion() == 1 && ( $logout == "index.php" ) ) { $logout = "index.php?option=com_content&view=frontpage&Itemid=1"; // 1.5 RC 1 sefRelToAbs bug fix } $name = $params->def( 'name', 0 ); $greeting = $params->def( 'greeting', 1 ); $class_sfx = $params->get( 'moduleclass_sfx', ""); $horizontal = $params->get( 'horizontal', 0); $show_avatar = $params->get( 'show_avatar', 0); $avatar_position = $params->get( 'avatar_position', "default"); $pms_type = $params->get( 'pms_type', 0); $show_pms = $params->get( 'show_pms', 0); $remember_enabled = $params->get( 'remember_enabled', 1); $https_post = $params->get( 'https_post', 0); $showPendingConnections = $params->get( 'show_connection_notifications', 0); $show_newaccount = $params->def( 'show_newaccount', 1 ); $show_lostpass = $params->def( 'show_lostpass', 1 ); $name_lenght = $params->def( 'name_lenght', "10" ); $pass_lenght = $params->def( 'pass_lenght', "10" ); $compact = $params->def( 'compact', 0 ); } else { $message_login = 0; $message_logout = 0; $pretext = ""; $posttext = ""; $login = $return; $logout = "index.php"; $name = 0; $greeting = 1; $class_sfx = ""; $horizontal = 0; $show_avatar = 0; $avatar_position = "default"; $pms_type = 0; $show_pms = 0; $remember_enabled = 1; $https_post = 0; $showPendingConnections = 0; $show_newaccount = 1; $show_lostpass = 1; $name_lenght = "10"; $pass_lenght = "10"; } if ($name) { if ($name == 2) { $query = "SELECT firstname FROM #__comprofiler WHERE id = ". $my->id; } else { $query = "SELECT name FROM #__users WHERE id = ". $my->id; } $database->setQuery( $query ); $name = htmlspecialchars($database->loadResult()); } else { $name = htmlspecialchars($my->username); } if ((($my->id) && ($show_pms != 0 || $show_avatar != 0 || $showPendingConnections)) || ((!$my->id) && $compact)) { $UElanguagePath=$mainframe->getCfg( 'absolute_path' ).'/components/com_comprofiler/plugin/language'; if (file_exists($UElanguagePath.'/'.$mosConfig_lang.'/'.$mosConfig_lang.'.php')) { include_once($UElanguagePath.'/'.$mosConfig_lang.'/'.$mosConfig_lang.'.php'); } else include_once($UElanguagePath.'/default_language/default_language.php'); } if ($my->id) { $logout = sefRelToAbs( htmlspecialchars( $logout ) ); if (!(strncmp($logout, "http:", 5)==0) && !(strncmp($logout, "https:", 6)==0)) $logout = $mosConfig_live_site . "/" . $logout; $database->setQuery("SELECT id FROM #__menu WHERE link = 'index.php?option=com_comprofiler' AND published=1"); $cbItemid = $database->loadResult(); if (is_numeric($cbItemid)) $andItemid = "&Itemid=".$cbItemid; else $andItemid = ""; switch ( cbLoginCheckJversion() ) { case 0: // Mambo 4.5 & Joomla 1.0: $urlImgPath = $mosConfig_live_site."/modules/mod_cblogin/"; $hiName = _HI."%s"; break; case -1: // Mambo 4.6.x: $urlImgPath = $mosConfig_live_site."/modules/mod_cblogin/"; $hiName = T_('Hi, %s'); if (!defined('_BUTTON_LOGOUT')) { define( '_BUTTON_LOGOUT', T_('Logout')); } global $mosConfig_locale; $mosConfig_lang = $mosConfig_locale; break; case 1: default: // Joomla 1.5+ $urlImgPath = $mosConfig_live_site."/modules/mod_cblogin/mod_cblogin/"; $lang =& JFactory::getLanguage(); $lang->load("mod_login"); $hiName = JText::_( 'HINAME' ); if (!defined('_BUTTON_LOGOUT')) { define( '_BUTTON_LOGOUT', JText::_( '_BUTTON_LOGOUT' )); } break; } echo '<div style="width:100%; overflow: hidden; padding:0px; border-width:0px; margin:0px;">'."\n"; $logoutPost = sefRelToAbs("index.php?option=com_comprofiler&task=logout"); echo '<form action="'.$logoutPost.'" method="post" id="mod_login_logoutform'.$class_sfx.'" style="margin:0px;">'."\n"; $avatarDisplayed = false; if ($show_avatar == 0) { if ($greeting) echo '<span id="mod_login_greeting'.$class_sfx.'">'.sprintf( $hiName, $name ).'</span>'.($horizontal ? " " : ""); } else { if (($avatar_position=="default") and ($greeting)) echo '<span id="mod_login_greeting'.$class_sfx.'">'.sprintf( $hiName, $name ).'</span>'; $query = "SELECT avatar, avatarapproved FROM #__comprofiler WHERE id = ". $my->id; $database->setQuery( $query ); $row = null; if ($database->loadObject( $row )) { $avatar = $row->avatar; $avatarapproved = $row->avatarapproved; if(is_dir($absolute_path."/components/com_comprofiler/plugin/language/".$mosConfig_lang."/images")) $fileLang=$mosConfig_lang; else $fileLang="default_language"; if($avatarapproved==0) $oValue="components/com_comprofiler/plugin/language/".$fileLang."/images/tnpendphoto.jpg"; elseif(($avatar=='' || $avatar==null) && $avatarapproved==1) $oValue = null; elseif(strpos($avatar,"gallery/")===false) $oValue="images/comprofiler/tn".$avatar; else $oValue="images/comprofiler/".$avatar; if(!is_file($absolute_path."/".$oValue)) $oValue = null; if (!$oValue and ($show_avatar==2)) $oValue = "components/com_comprofiler/plugin/language/".$fileLang."/images/tnnophoto.jpg"; if ($oValue) { if ($class_sfx == "") { $attributes = 'style="margin: 3px 1px 7px 1px; border:0;' . (($avatar_position == "left" or $avatar_position == "right") ? ' float:'.$avatar_position.';"' : '"' ); } else $attributes = ""; if ($avatar_position=="default") echo '<div style="text-align:center; margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto;">'; else echo '<div style="float:'.$avatar_position.'; margin: 3px 0px 4px 0px; ">'; echo '<a href="'.sefRelToAbs("index.php?option=com_comprofiler&task=userProfile".$andItemid).'" class="mod_login'.$class_sfx.'">'; echo '<img src="' . htmlspecialchars( $oValue ) . '" style="margin: 0px 1px 3px 1px; border-width:0px;" alt="'.$name . '" title="'._UE_SHOW_POFILE_OF.$name.'" class="mod_login'.$class_sfx.'" id="mod_login_avatar'.$class_sfx.'" />'; echo "</a></div>\n"; $avatarDisplayed = true; } } } if ( !$horizontal ) { $preDiv = '<div style="text-align:center; margin:0px auto;"> ' . '<div style="margin:auto; align:center; width:100%;"> ' . '<div style="display:table; margin:auto; align:center;'; $postDiv = "</div></div></div>\n"; } if ( $show_avatar and ($avatar_position!="default") and ($greeting) ) { if ($avatarDisplayed) { if ( !$horizontal ) echo $preDiv.'" id="mod_login_greeting'.$class_sfx.'">'; /* if (!$show_pms) */ echo '<br />'; echo sprintf( $hiName, '<br />'.$name ); if ( !$horizontal ) echo $postDiv; } else { echo '<span id="mod_login_greeting'.$class_sfx.'">'.sprintf( $hiName, $name ).'</span>'; } } $pms = 0; if($show_pms != 0) { // include_once( $absolute_path."/administrator/components/com_comprofiler/ue_config.php" ); // if (isset($ueConfig['pms'])) $pms = $ueConfig['pms']; $pms = $pms_type; // RC2 quick fix if($pms != 0) { switch ($pms) { case 1: $pmsnameprefix = ""; $query_pms_count = "SELECT count(id) FROM #__".$pmsnameprefix."pms WHERE username='$my->username' AND readstate=0"; $database->setQuery( $query_pms_count ); $total_pms = $database->loadResult(); $query_pms_link = "SELECT id FROM #__menu WHERE published>=0 AND link LIKE '%com_".$pmsnameprefix."pms%'"; $database->setQuery( $query_pms_link ); $pms_link_id = $database->loadResult(); $pms_link = "index.php?option=com_".$pmsnameprefix."pms&page=index".($pms_link_id ? "&Itemid=".$pms_link_id : ""); break; case 2: $pmsnameprefix = "my"; $query_pms_count = "SELECT count(id) FROM #__".$pmsnameprefix."pms WHERE username='$my->username' AND readstate=0"; $database->setQuery( $query_pms_count ); $total_pms = $database->loadResult(); $query_pms_link = "SELECT id FROM #__menu WHERE published>=0 AND link LIKE '%com_".$pmsnameprefix."pms%'"; $database->setQuery( $query_pms_link ); $pms_link_id = $database->loadResult(); $pms_link = "index.php?option=com_".$pmsnameprefix."pms&task=inbox".($pms_link_id ? "&Itemid=".$pms_link_id : ""); break; case 3: // $query_pms_count="SELECT count(id) FROM #__uddeim WHERE toread<1 AND toid=".$my->id; $query_pms_count="SELECT count(u.id) FROM #__uddeim u INNER JOIN #__users s ON u.fromid=s.id WHERE toread<1 AND toid=".$my->id; $database->setQuery($query_pms_count); $total_pms = $database->loadResult(); $query_pms_link = "SELECT id FROM #__menu WHERE published>=0 AND link LIKE '%com_uddeim%'"; $database->setQuery( $query_pms_link ); $pms_link_id = $database->loadResult(); $pms_link = "index.php?option=com_uddeim&task=inbox".($pms_link_id ? "&Itemid=".$pms_link_id : ""); break; case 4: // PMS Enhanced by Stefan: $pmsnameprefix = ""; $query_pms_count = "SELECT count(id) FROM #__".$pmsnameprefix."pms WHERE username='$my->username' AND readstate=0 AND inbox=1"; $database->setQuery( $query_pms_count ); $total_pms = $database->loadResult(); $query_pms_link = "SELECT id FROM #__menu WHERE published>=0 AND link LIKE '%com_".$pmsnameprefix."pms%'"; $database->setQuery( $query_pms_link ); $pms_link_id = $database->loadResult(); $pms_link = "index.php?option=com_".$pmsnameprefix."pms&page=inbox".($pms_link_id ? "&Itemid=".$pms_link_id : ""); break; case 5: // Clexus: $pmsnameprefix = "my"; $query_pms_count = "SELECT count(id) FROM #__".$pmsnameprefix."pms WHERE userid='$my->id' AND readstate=0"; $database->setQuery( $query_pms_count ); $total_pms = $database->loadResult(); $query_pms_link = "SELECT id FROM #__menu WHERE published>=0 AND link LIKE '%com_".$pmsnameprefix."pms%'"; $database->setQuery( $query_pms_link ); $pms_link_id = $database->loadResult(); $pms_link = "index.php?option=com_".$pmsnameprefix."pms&task=inbox".($pms_link_id ? "&Itemid=".$pms_link_id : ""); break; case 6: // PMS Enhanced 2.x by Stefan: $pmsnameprefix = ""; $query_pms_count = "SELECT count(id) FROM #__".$pmsnameprefix."pms WHERE recip_id=$my->id AND readstate%2=0 AND inbox=1"; $database->setQuery( $query_pms_count ); $total_pms = $database->loadResult(); $query_pms_link = "SELECT id FROM #__menu WHERE published>=0 AND link LIKE '%com_".$pmsnameprefix."pms%'"; $database->setQuery( $query_pms_link ); $pms_link_id = $database->loadResult(); $pms_link = "index.php?option=com_".$pmsnameprefix."pms&page=inbox".($pms_link_id ? "&Itemid=".$pms_link_id : ""); break; case 7: $pmsnameprefix="missus"; $query_pms_count = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM #__missus AS m JOIN #__missus_receipt AS r WHERE m.id=r.id AND r.receptorid='$my->id' AND r.rptr_rstate=0 AND r.rptr_tstate=0 AND r.rptr_dstate=0 AND m.is_draft=0"; $database->setQuery( $query_pms_count ); $total_pms = $database->loadResult(); $query_pms_link = "SELECT id FROM #__menu WHERE published>=0 AND link LIKE '%com_".$pmsnameprefix."%'"; $database->setQuery( $query_pms_link ); $pms_link_id = $database->loadResult(); $pms_link = "index.php?option=com_".$pmsnameprefix."&func=showinbox".($pms_link_id ? "&Itemid=".$pms_link_id : ""); break; case 8: $pmsnameprefix="jim"; $query_pms_count = "SELECT COUNT(id) FROM #__jim WHERE username='$my->username' AND readstate=0"; $database->setQuery( $query_pms_count ); $total_pms = intval($database->loadResult()); $query_pms_link = "SELECT id FROM #__menu WHERE published>=0 AND link LIKE '%com_".$pmsnameprefix."%'"; $database->setQuery( $query_pms_link ); $pms_link_id = $database->loadResult(); $pms_link = "index.php?option=com_".$pmsnameprefix.($pms_link_id ? "&Itemid=".$pms_link_id : ""); break; /* Test-code for SMF PMS integration: to be validated with SMF team before integration ! case xxx: global $user_info; $total_pms = $user_info['unread_messages']; $pms_link = ??? */ default: break; } $pmsMsg = ""; if (($total_pms) > 0 ) { $pmsMsg .= '<a href="'.sefRelToAbs("$pms_link").'" class="mod_login'.$class_sfx.'" id="mod_login_pmsimg'.$class_sfx.'">'; $pmsMsg .= '<img border="0" src="'.$urlImgPath.'mail.gif" width="14" height="15" alt="NEW" class="mod_login'.$class_sfx.'" id="mod_login_messagesimg'.$class_sfx.'" /></a><br />'."\n"; $pmsMsg .= '<a href="'.sefRelToAbs("$pms_link").'" class="mod_login'.$class_sfx.'" id="mod_login_pmsa'.$class_sfx.'">'; $pmsMsg .= '<span id="mod_login_messagestext'.$class_sfx.'">'._UE_PM_MESSAGES_HAVE." ".$total_pms." ".($total_pms == 1 ? _UE_PM_NEW_MESSAGE : _UE_PM_NEW_MESSAGES)."</span></a>\n"; } else { if($show_pms >= 2 ) { $pmsMsg .= '<a href="'.sefRelToAbs("$pms_link").'" class="mod_login'.$class_sfx.'" id="mod_login_no_pms'.$class_sfx.'">'; $pmsMsg .= '<span id="mod_login_nomessagestext'.$class_sfx.'">'._UE_PM_NO_MESSAGES."</span></a>\n"; } } if ($pmsMsg) { if ( !$horizontal ) echo $preDiv.' margin-top:0.7em;" id="mod_login_pms'.$class_sfx.'">'; echo $pmsMsg; if ( !$horizontal ) echo $postDiv; } } } if($showPendingConnections) { include_once( $absolute_path."/administrator/components/com_comprofiler/ue_config.php" ); if(isset($ueConfig['allowConnections']) && $ueConfig['allowConnections']) { $query = "SELECT count(*) FROM #__comprofiler_members WHERE pending=1 AND memberid=". $my->id; if(!$database->setQuery($query)) print $database->getErrorMsg(); $totalpendingconnections = $database->loadResult(); if($totalpendingconnections > 0) { if ( !$horizontal ) echo '<div style="margin:0.7em 0px 0px 0px; align:center; text-align:center;" id="mod_login_connections'.$class_sfx.'">'; echo "<span id='mod_login_pendingConn".$class_sfx."'>"; echo "<a href='".sefRelToAbs("index.php?option=com_comprofiler&task=manageConnections".$andItemid)."' class='mod_login".$class_sfx."' id='mod_login_connectimg".$class_sfx."'>"; echo '<img border="0" src="'.$urlImgPath.'users.gif" width="21" height="15" alt="NEW" class="mod_login'.$class_sfx.'" id="mod_login_connections_img'.$class_sfx.'" />'; echo "</a> "; echo "<a href='".sefRelToAbs("index.php?option=com_comprofiler&task=manageConnections".$andItemid)."' class='mod_login".$class_sfx."' id='mod_login_connect".$class_sfx."'>"; echo _UE_PM_MESSAGES_HAVE." ".$totalpendingconnections." "._UE_CONNECTIONREQUIREACTION."</a></span>"; if ( !$horizontal ) echo "</div>"; } } } if (!$horizontal) { if ((!$avatarDisplayed) or ($avatar_position!="default") or ($pms)) $topMargin = "1.4em"; else $topMargin = "2px"; echo '<div style="text-align:center; margin:auto; margin: '.$topMargin.' 0px 2px 0px;">'; } echo '<input type="submit" name="Submit" class="button'.$class_sfx.'" value="'._BUTTON_LOGOUT."\" />"; echo "\n".'<input type="hidden" name="op2" value="logout" />'."\n"; echo '<input type="hidden" name="lang" value="'.$mosConfig_lang.'" />'."\n"; echo '<input type="hidden" name="return" value="' . $logout . '" />'."\n"; echo '<input type="hidden" name="message" value="' . htmlspecialchars( $message_logout ) . '" />'."\n"; if ( is_callable("josSpoofValue")) { $validate = josSpoofValue(); echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"" . $validate . "\" value=\"1\" />\n"; } if ( !$horizontal ) echo "</div>"; echo "</form></div>"; } else { // Login Form : // redirect to site url (so cookies are recognized correctly after login): if (strncasecmp($mosConfig_live_site, "http://www.", 11)==0 && strncasecmp($mosConfig_live_site, "http://", 7)==0 && strncasecmp( substr($mosConfig_live_site, 11), substr($login, 7), $len_live_site - 11 ) == 0 ) { $login = "http://www." . substr($login, 7); } elseif (strncasecmp($mosConfig_live_site, "https://www.", 12)==0 && strncasecmp($mosConfig_live_site, "https://", ==0 && strncasecmp( substr($mosConfig_live_site, 12), substr($login, , $len_live_site - 12 ) == 0 ) { $login = "https://www." . substr($login, ; } elseif (strncasecmp($mosConfig_live_site, "http://", 7)==0 && strncasecmp($mosConfig_live_site, "http://www.", 11)==0 && strncasecmp( substr($mosConfig_live_site, 7), substr($login, 11), $len_live_site - 7 ) == 0 ) { $login = "http://" . substr($login, 11); } elseif (strncasecmp($mosConfig_live_site, "https://", ==0 && strncasecmp($mosConfig_live_site, "https://www.", 12)==0 && strncasecmp( substr($mosConfig_live_site, , substr($login, 12), $len_live_site - 8 ) == 0 ) { $login = "https://" . substr($login, 12); } if (strncmp($login, $mosConfig_live_site, $len_live_site) || strncmp($login, "index.php", 9)) { $login = sefRelToAbs( $login ); } if (!(strncmp($login, "http:", 5)==0) && !(strncmp($login, "https:", 6)==0)) $login = $mosConfig_live_site . "/" . $login; if ( $https_post > 1 /* && ! $isHttps */ ) { $login = str_replace("http://","https://",$login); } $loginPost = sefRelToAbs("index.php?option=com_comprofiler&task=login"); if ( $https_post /* && ! $isHttps */ ) { if ( ( substr($loginPost, 0, 5) != "http:" ) && ( substr($loginPost, 0, 6) != "https:" ) ) { $loginPost = $mosConfig_live_site."/".$loginPost; } $loginPost = str_replace("http://","https://",$loginPost); } switch ( cbLoginCheckJversion() ) { case -1: // Mambo 4.6.x: if (!defined('_USERNAME')) { $strings = array( '_USERNAME' => 'Username', '_PASSWORD' => 'Password', '_REMEMBER_ME' => 'Remember me', '_BUTTON_LOGIN' => 'Login', '_LOST_PASSWORD' => 'Password Reminder', '_NO_ACCOUNT' => 'No account yet?', '_CREATE_ACCOUNT' => 'Create one' ); foreach ( $strings as $key => $value ) { define( $key, T_( $value )); } } global $mosConfig_locale; $mosConfig_lang = $mosConfig_locale; break; case 1: // Joomla 1.5+ if (!defined('_USERNAME')) { $lang =& JFactory::getLanguage(); $lang->load("mod_login"); $strings = array( '_USERNAME' => 'Username', '_PASSWORD' => 'Password', '_REMEMBER_ME' => 'Remember me', '_BUTTON_LOGIN' => 'BUTTON_LOGIN', '_LOST_PASSWORD' => 'Lost Password?', '_NO_ACCOUNT' => 'No account yet?', '_CREATE_ACCOUNT' => 'Register' ); foreach ( $strings as $key => $value ) { define( $key, JText::_( $value )); } } break; default: break; } echo '<form action="'.$loginPost.'" method="post" id="mod_loginform'.$class_sfx.'" '; /* if ($compact) { echo "onsubmit=\"" . "return ( ( this.elements['mod_login_username" . $class_sfx . "'].value != '"._USERNAME."')" . "&& ( this.elements['mod_login_password" . $class_sfx . "'].value != 'pasw') )" ."\" "; } */ echo 'style="margin:0px;">'."\n"; echo $pretext."\n"; if (!$horizontal) echo '<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" class="mod_login'.$class_sfx.'">'."\n" ."<tr><td>"; $txtusername = '<label for="mod_login_username'.$class_sfx.'">'._USERNAME."</label>"; $txtpassword = '<label for="mod_login_password'.$class_sfx.'">'._PASSWORD."</label>"; if (!$compact) echo '<span id="mod_login_usernametext'.$class_sfx.'">'.$txtusername.'</span>'; if ($horizontal) echo " \n"; elseif (!$compact) echo "<br />\n"; echo '<input type="text" name="username" id="mod_login_username'.$class_sfx.'" class="inputbox'.$class_sfx.'" size="'.$name_lenght.'"'; if ($compact) echo " alt=\""._USERNAME."\" value=\""._USERNAME."\" " . "onfocus=\"if (this.value=='"._USERNAME."') this.value=''\" onblur=\"if(this.value=='') { this.value='"._USERNAME."'; return false; }\""; echo ' />'; if ($horizontal) echo " \n"; elseif (!$compact) echo "<br />\n"; if (!$compact) echo '<span id="mod_login_passwordtext'.$class_sfx.'">'.$txtpassword.'</span>'; if ($horizontal) echo " "; else echo "<br />"; echo '<input type="password" name="passwd" id="mod_login_password'.$class_sfx.'" class="inputbox'.$class_sfx.'" size="'.$pass_lenght.'"'; if ($compact) echo " alt=\""._PASSWORD."\" value=\"pasw\" onfocus=\"if (this.value=='pasw') this.value=''\" onblur=\"if(this.value=='') { this.value='pasw'; return false; }\""; echo ' />'; if ($horizontal) echo " \n"; else echo "<br />\n"; echo '<input type="hidden" name="op2" value="login" />'."\n"; echo '<input type="hidden" name="lang" value="'.$mosConfig_lang.'" />'."\n"; echo '<input type="hidden" name="force_session" value="1" />'."\n"; // makes sure to create joomla 1.0.11+12 session/bugfix echo '<input type="hidden" name="return" value="' . htmlspecialchars( $login ) . '" />'."\n"; echo '<input type="hidden" name="message" value="' . htmlspecialchars( $message_login ) . '" />'."\n"; if ( is_callable("josSpoofValue")) { $validate = josSpoofValue(); echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"" . $validate . "\" value=\"1\" />\n"; } switch ($remember_enabled) { case 1: echo '<input type="checkbox" name="remember" id="mod_login_remember'.$class_sfx.'" class="inputbox'.$class_sfx.'" value="yes" /> ' .'<span id="mod_login_remembermetext'.$class_sfx.'"><label for="mod_login_remember'.$class_sfx.'">'._REMEMBER_ME."</label></span>"; if ($horizontal) echo " \n"; else echo "<br />\n"; break; case 2: echo '<input type="hidden" name="remember" value="yes" />'; break; case 3: echo '<input type="checkbox" name="remember" id="mod_login_remember'.$class_sfx.'" class="inputbox'.$class_sfx.'" value="yes" checked="checked" /> ' .'<span id="mod_login_remembermetext'.$class_sfx.'"><label for="mod_login_remember'.$class_sfx.'">'._REMEMBER_ME."</label></span>"; if ($horizontal) echo " \n"; else echo "<br />\n"; break; default: break; } echo '<input type="submit" name="Submit" class="button'.$class_sfx.'" value="'._BUTTON_LOGIN.'" />'; if ($horizontal) echo " \n"; else echo "</td></tr>\n<tr><td>"; if ($show_lostpass) { $loginPost = sefRelToAbs("index.php?option=com_comprofiler&task=lostPassword"); if ( $https_post /* && ! $isHttps */ ) { if ( ( substr($loginPost, 0, 5) != "http:" ) && ( substr($loginPost, 0, 6) != "https:" ) ) { $loginPost = $mosConfig_live_site."/".$loginPost; } $loginPost = str_replace("http://","https://",$loginPost); } echo '<a href="'.$loginPost.'" class="mod_login'.$class_sfx.'">'; if ($compact) echo _UE_FORGOT_PASSWORD; else echo _LOST_PASSWORD; echo '</a>'; if ($horizontal) { if ($compact) echo " |"; else echo " \n"; } else echo "</td></tr>\n"; } if ( ! $registration_enabled ) { include_once( $absolute_path."/administrator/components/com_comprofiler/ue_config.php" ); if ( isset($ueConfig['reg_admin_allowcbregistration']) && $ueConfig['reg_admin_allowcbregistration'] == '1' ) { $registration_enabled = true; } } if ($registration_enabled && $show_newaccount) { if ($horizontal) echo ' <span id="mod_login_noaccount'.$class_sfx.'">'; else echo "<tr><td>"; if (!$compact) echo _NO_ACCOUNT." "; $loginPost = sefRelToAbs("index.php?option=com_comprofiler&task=registers"); if ( $https_post /* && ! $isHttps */ ) { if ( ( substr($loginPost, 0, 5) != "http:" ) && ( substr($loginPost, 0, 6) != "https:" ) ) { $loginPost = $mosConfig_live_site."/".$loginPost; } $loginPost = str_replace("http://","https://",$loginPost); } echo '<a href="'.$loginPost.'" class="mod_login'.$class_sfx.'">'; if ($compact) echo _UE_REGISTER; else echo _CREATE_ACCOUNT; echo '</a>'; if ($horizontal) echo "</span>\n"; else echo "</td></tr>\n"; } if (!$horizontal) echo "</table>"; if ($posttext) echo $posttext."\n"; echo "</form>"; } ?> Thanks Slappy
  5. Below is a login script (for a module in Joomla), and I would like to add a functionality to it. What I need to happen is when someone creates a new account I need a folder to automatically be created (named with there username), and also I need some files copied from a permanent folder to this new username's folder. Any help would be greatly appreciated. <?php /** * Community builder Login Module 1.1 * $Id: mod_cblogin.php 531 2006-11-12 01:40:44Z beat $ * * @version 1.1 * @package Community Builder 1.0.2 extensions * @copyright (C) 2005-2006 Beat & JoomlaJoe & parts 2000 - 2005 Miro International Pty Ltd * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU/GPL * * Credits to: Jeffrey Randall for initial implementation of avatar, and * to Antony Ventouris for the PMS integration (he also added the cool animated image) */ defined( '_VALID_MOS' ) or die( 'Direct Access to this location is not allowed.' ); global $ueConfig, $my, $mosConfig_lang, $mainframe, $mosConfig_live_site, $_SERVER, $Itemid; $absolute_path = $mainframe->getCfg('absolute_path'); $len_live_site = strlen($mosConfig_live_site); // do not remove: used further down as well // variant 1: (13 lines up to variant 2): $request_uri = mosGetParam( $_SERVER, 'REQUEST_URI', null ); $isHttps = (isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && ( !empty( $_SERVER['HTTPS'] ) ) && ($_SERVER['HTTPS'] != 'off') ); if (!(strncmp($request_uri, "http:", 5)==0) && !(strncmp($request_uri, "https:", 6)==0)) { $return = "http".( $isHttps ?"s":"") ."://".mosGetParam( $_SERVER, 'HTTP_HOST', null ).((strpos($request_uri, '/') !== 0) ? "/":"").$request_uri; } else { $return = $request_uri; } if (strncmp($mosConfig_live_site, $return, $len_live_site) == 0) { $return = substr($return, $len_live_site); if (strncmp($return,"/",1) == 0) { $return = substr($return, 1); } } // variant 2: 1 line: // $return = 'index.php?' . mosGetParam( $_SERVER, 'QUERY_STRING', '' ); // avoid unauthorized page acces at very first login after registration confirmation if (eregi( 'index.php\?option=com_comprofiler&task=confirm&confirmCode=', $return)) $return = "index.php"; // converts & to & for xhtml compliance $return = str_replace( '&', '&', $return ); // copied from comprofiler.class.php: if (!is_callable("cbLoginCheckJversion")) { function cbLoginCheckJversion() { global $_VERSION; if ($_VERSION->PRODUCT == "Mambo") { if ( strncasecmp( $_VERSION->RELEASE, "4.6", 3 ) < 0 ) { $version = 0; } else { $version = -1; } } elseif ($_VERSION->PRODUCT == "Joomla!" || $_VERSION->PRODUCT == "Accessible Joomla!") { if (strncasecmp($_VERSION->RELEASE, "1.0", 3)) { $version = 1; } else { $version = 0; } } return $version; } } // module parameter may override the system configuration setting if ( cbLoginCheckJversion() == 1 ) { $usersConfig = &JComponentHelper::getParams( 'com_users' ); $registration_enabled = $usersConfig->get('allowUserRegistration'); } else { $registration_enabled = $mainframe->getCfg( 'allowUserRegistration' ); } if (is_callable(array($params,"get"))) { // Mambo 4.5.0 compatibility $message_login = $params->def( 'login_message', 0 ); $message_logout = $params->def( 'logout_message', 0 ); $pretext = $params->get( 'pretext' ); $posttext = $params->get( 'posttext' ); $login = $params->def( 'login', $return ); $logout = $params->def( 'logout', "index.php" ); if ( cbLoginCheckJversion() == 1 && ( $logout == "index.php" ) ) { $logout = "index.php?option=com_content&view=frontpage&Itemid=1"; // 1.5 RC 1 sefRelToAbs bug fix } $name = $params->def( 'name', 0 ); $greeting = $params->def( 'greeting', 1 ); $class_sfx = $params->get( 'moduleclass_sfx', ""); $horizontal = $params->get( 'horizontal', 0); $show_avatar = $params->get( 'show_avatar', 0); $avatar_position = $params->get( 'avatar_position', "default"); $pms_type = $params->get( 'pms_type', 0); $show_pms = $params->get( 'show_pms', 0); $remember_enabled = $params->get( 'remember_enabled', 1); $https_post = $params->get( 'https_post', 0); $showPendingConnections = $params->get( 'show_connection_notifications', 0); $show_newaccount = $params->def( 'show_newaccount', 1 ); $show_lostpass = $params->def( 'show_lostpass', 1 ); $name_lenght = $params->def( 'name_lenght', "10" ); $pass_lenght = $params->def( 'pass_lenght', "10" ); $compact = $params->def( 'compact', 0 ); } else { $message_login = 0; $message_logout = 0; $pretext = ""; $posttext = ""; $login = $return; $logout = "index.php"; $name = 0; $greeting = 1; $class_sfx = ""; $horizontal = 0; $show_avatar = 0; $avatar_position = "default"; $pms_type = 0; $show_pms = 0; $remember_enabled = 1; $https_post = 0; $showPendingConnections = 0; $show_newaccount = 1; $show_lostpass = 1; $name_lenght = "10"; $pass_lenght = "10"; } if ($name) { if ($name == 2) { $query = "SELECT firstname FROM #__comprofiler WHERE id = ". $my->id; } else { $query = "SELECT name FROM #__users WHERE id = ". $my->id; } $database->setQuery( $query ); $name = htmlspecialchars($database->loadResult()); } else { $name = htmlspecialchars($my->username); } if ((($my->id) && ($show_pms != 0 || $show_avatar != 0 || $showPendingConnections)) || ((!$my->id) && $compact)) { $UElanguagePath=$mainframe->getCfg( 'absolute_path' ).'/components/com_comprofiler/plugin/language'; if (file_exists($UElanguagePath.'/'.$mosConfig_lang.'/'.$mosConfig_lang.'.php')) { include_once($UElanguagePath.'/'.$mosConfig_lang.'/'.$mosConfig_lang.'.php'); } else include_once($UElanguagePath.'/default_language/default_language.php'); } if ($my->id) { $logout = sefRelToAbs( htmlspecialchars( $logout ) ); if (!(strncmp($logout, "http:", 5)==0) && !(strncmp($logout, "https:", 6)==0)) $logout = $mosConfig_live_site . "/" . $logout; $database->setQuery("SELECT id FROM #__menu WHERE link = 'index.php?option=com_comprofiler' AND published=1"); $cbItemid = $database->loadResult(); if (is_numeric($cbItemid)) $andItemid = "&Itemid=".$cbItemid; else $andItemid = ""; switch ( cbLoginCheckJversion() ) { case 0: // Mambo 4.5 & Joomla 1.0: $urlImgPath = $mosConfig_live_site."/modules/mod_cblogin/"; $hiName = _HI."%s"; break; case -1: // Mambo 4.6.x: $urlImgPath = $mosConfig_live_site."/modules/mod_cblogin/"; $hiName = T_('Hi, %s'); if (!defined('_BUTTON_LOGOUT')) { define( '_BUTTON_LOGOUT', T_('Logout')); } global $mosConfig_locale; $mosConfig_lang = $mosConfig_locale; break; case 1: default: // Joomla 1.5+ $urlImgPath = $mosConfig_live_site."/modules/mod_cblogin/mod_cblogin/"; $lang =& JFactory::getLanguage(); $lang->load("mod_login"); $hiName = JText::_( 'HINAME' ); if (!defined('_BUTTON_LOGOUT')) { define( '_BUTTON_LOGOUT', JText::_( '_BUTTON_LOGOUT' )); } break; } echo '<div style="width:100%; overflow: hidden; padding:0px; border-width:0px; margin:0px;">'."\n"; $logoutPost = sefRelToAbs("index.php?option=com_comprofiler&task=logout"); echo '<form action="'.$logoutPost.'" method="post" id="mod_login_logoutform'.$class_sfx.'" style="margin:0px;">'."\n"; $avatarDisplayed = false; if ($show_avatar == 0) { if ($greeting) echo '<span id="mod_login_greeting'.$class_sfx.'">'.sprintf( $hiName, $name ).'</span>'.($horizontal ? " " : ""); } else { if (($avatar_position=="default") and ($greeting)) echo '<span id="mod_login_greeting'.$class_sfx.'">'.sprintf( $hiName, $name ).'</span>'; $query = "SELECT avatar, avatarapproved FROM #__comprofiler WHERE id = ". $my->id; $database->setQuery( $query ); $row = null; if ($database->loadObject( $row )) { $avatar = $row->avatar; $avatarapproved = $row->avatarapproved; if(is_dir($absolute_path."/components/com_comprofiler/plugin/language/".$mosConfig_lang."/images")) $fileLang=$mosConfig_lang; else $fileLang="default_language"; if($avatarapproved==0) $oValue="components/com_comprofiler/plugin/language/".$fileLang."/images/tnpendphoto.jpg"; elseif(($avatar=='' || $avatar==null) && $avatarapproved==1) $oValue = null; elseif(strpos($avatar,"gallery/")===false) $oValue="images/comprofiler/tn".$avatar; else $oValue="images/comprofiler/".$avatar; if(!is_file($absolute_path."/".$oValue)) $oValue = null; if (!$oValue and ($show_avatar==2)) $oValue = "components/com_comprofiler/plugin/language/".$fileLang."/images/tnnophoto.jpg"; if ($oValue) { if ($class_sfx == "") { $attributes = 'style="margin: 3px 1px 7px 1px; border:0;' . (($avatar_position == "left" or $avatar_position == "right") ? ' float:'.$avatar_position.';"' : '"' ); } else $attributes = ""; if ($avatar_position=="default") echo '<div style="text-align:center; margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto;">'; else echo '<div style="float:'.$avatar_position.'; margin: 3px 0px 4px 0px; ">'; echo '<a href="'.sefRelToAbs("index.php?option=com_comprofiler&task=userProfile".$andItemid).'" class="mod_login'.$class_sfx.'">'; echo '<img src="' . htmlspecialchars( $oValue ) . '" style="margin: 0px 1px 3px 1px; border-width:0px;" alt="'.$name . '" title="'._UE_SHOW_POFILE_OF.$name.'" class="mod_login'.$class_sfx.'" id="mod_login_avatar'.$class_sfx.'" />'; echo "</a></div>\n"; $avatarDisplayed = true; } } } if ( !$horizontal ) { $preDiv = '<div style="text-align:center; margin:0px auto;"> ' . '<div style="margin:auto; align:center; width:100%;"> ' . '<div style="display:table; margin:auto; align:center;'; $postDiv = "</div></div></div>\n"; } if ( $show_avatar and ($avatar_position!="default") and ($greeting) ) { if ($avatarDisplayed) { if ( !$horizontal ) echo $preDiv.'" id="mod_login_greeting'.$class_sfx.'">'; /* if (!$show_pms) */ echo '<br />'; echo sprintf( $hiName, '<br />'.$name ); if ( !$horizontal ) echo $postDiv; } else { echo '<span id="mod_login_greeting'.$class_sfx.'">'.sprintf( $hiName, $name ).'</span>'; } } $pms = 0; if($show_pms != 0) { // include_once( $absolute_path."/administrator/components/com_comprofiler/ue_config.php" ); // if (isset($ueConfig['pms'])) $pms = $ueConfig['pms']; $pms = $pms_type; // RC2 quick fix if($pms != 0) { switch ($pms) { case 1: $pmsnameprefix = ""; $query_pms_count = "SELECT count(id) FROM #__".$pmsnameprefix."pms WHERE username='$my->username' AND readstate=0"; $database->setQuery( $query_pms_count ); $total_pms = $database->loadResult(); $query_pms_link = "SELECT id FROM #__menu WHERE published>=0 AND link LIKE '%com_".$pmsnameprefix."pms%'"; $database->setQuery( $query_pms_link ); $pms_link_id = $database->loadResult(); $pms_link = "index.php?option=com_".$pmsnameprefix."pms&page=index".($pms_link_id ? "&Itemid=".$pms_link_id : ""); break; case 2: $pmsnameprefix = "my"; $query_pms_count = "SELECT count(id) FROM #__".$pmsnameprefix."pms WHERE username='$my->username' AND readstate=0"; $database->setQuery( $query_pms_count ); $total_pms = $database->loadResult(); $query_pms_link = "SELECT id FROM #__menu WHERE published>=0 AND link LIKE '%com_".$pmsnameprefix."pms%'"; $database->setQuery( $query_pms_link ); $pms_link_id = $database->loadResult(); $pms_link = "index.php?option=com_".$pmsnameprefix."pms&task=inbox".($pms_link_id ? "&Itemid=".$pms_link_id : ""); break; case 3: // $query_pms_count="SELECT count(id) FROM #__uddeim WHERE toread<1 AND toid=".$my->id; $query_pms_count="SELECT count(u.id) FROM #__uddeim u INNER JOIN #__users s ON u.fromid=s.id WHERE toread<1 AND toid=".$my->id; $database->setQuery($query_pms_count); $total_pms = $database->loadResult(); $query_pms_link = "SELECT id FROM #__menu WHERE published>=0 AND link LIKE '%com_uddeim%'"; $database->setQuery( $query_pms_link ); $pms_link_id = $database->loadResult(); $pms_link = "index.php?option=com_uddeim&task=inbox".($pms_link_id ? "&Itemid=".$pms_link_id : ""); break; case 4: // PMS Enhanced by Stefan: $pmsnameprefix = ""; $query_pms_count = "SELECT count(id) FROM #__".$pmsnameprefix."pms WHERE username='$my->username' AND readstate=0 AND inbox=1"; $database->setQuery( $query_pms_count ); $total_pms = $database->loadResult(); $query_pms_link = "SELECT id FROM #__menu WHERE published>=0 AND link LIKE '%com_".$pmsnameprefix."pms%'"; $database->setQuery( $query_pms_link ); $pms_link_id = $database->loadResult(); $pms_link = "index.php?option=com_".$pmsnameprefix."pms&page=inbox".($pms_link_id ? "&Itemid=".$pms_link_id : ""); break; case 5: // Clexus: $pmsnameprefix = "my"; $query_pms_count = "SELECT count(id) FROM #__".$pmsnameprefix."pms WHERE userid='$my->id' AND readstate=0"; $database->setQuery( $query_pms_count ); $total_pms = $database->loadResult(); $query_pms_link = "SELECT id FROM #__menu WHERE published>=0 AND link LIKE '%com_".$pmsnameprefix."pms%'"; $database->setQuery( $query_pms_link ); $pms_link_id = $database->loadResult(); $pms_link = "index.php?option=com_".$pmsnameprefix."pms&task=inbox".($pms_link_id ? "&Itemid=".$pms_link_id : ""); break; case 6: // PMS Enhanced 2.x by Stefan: $pmsnameprefix = ""; $query_pms_count = "SELECT count(id) FROM #__".$pmsnameprefix."pms WHERE recip_id=$my->id AND readstate%2=0 AND inbox=1"; $database->setQuery( $query_pms_count ); $total_pms = $database->loadResult(); $query_pms_link = "SELECT id FROM #__menu WHERE published>=0 AND link LIKE '%com_".$pmsnameprefix."pms%'"; $database->setQuery( $query_pms_link ); $pms_link_id = $database->loadResult(); $pms_link = "index.php?option=com_".$pmsnameprefix."pms&page=inbox".($pms_link_id ? "&Itemid=".$pms_link_id : ""); break; case 7: $pmsnameprefix="missus"; $query_pms_count = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM #__missus AS m JOIN #__missus_receipt AS r WHERE m.id=r.id AND r.receptorid='$my->id' AND r.rptr_rstate=0 AND r.rptr_tstate=0 AND r.rptr_dstate=0 AND m.is_draft=0"; $database->setQuery( $query_pms_count ); $total_pms = $database->loadResult(); $query_pms_link = "SELECT id FROM #__menu WHERE published>=0 AND link LIKE '%com_".$pmsnameprefix."%'"; $database->setQuery( $query_pms_link ); $pms_link_id = $database->loadResult(); $pms_link = "index.php?option=com_".$pmsnameprefix."&func=showinbox".($pms_link_id ? "&Itemid=".$pms_link_id : ""); break; case 8: $pmsnameprefix="jim"; $query_pms_count = "SELECT COUNT(id) FROM #__jim WHERE username='$my->username' AND readstate=0"; $database->setQuery( $query_pms_count ); $total_pms = intval($database->loadResult()); $query_pms_link = "SELECT id FROM #__menu WHERE published>=0 AND link LIKE '%com_".$pmsnameprefix."%'"; $database->setQuery( $query_pms_link ); $pms_link_id = $database->loadResult(); $pms_link = "index.php?option=com_".$pmsnameprefix.($pms_link_id ? "&Itemid=".$pms_link_id : ""); break; /* Test-code for SMF PMS integration: to be validated with SMF team before integration ! case xxx: global $user_info; $total_pms = $user_info['unread_messages']; $pms_link = ??? */ default: break; } $pmsMsg = ""; if (($total_pms) > 0 ) { $pmsMsg .= '<a href="'.sefRelToAbs("$pms_link").'" class="mod_login'.$class_sfx.'" id="mod_login_pmsimg'.$class_sfx.'">'; $pmsMsg .= '<img border="0" src="'.$urlImgPath.'mail.gif" width="14" height="15" alt="NEW" class="mod_login'.$class_sfx.'" id="mod_login_messagesimg'.$class_sfx.'" /></a><br />'."\n"; $pmsMsg .= '<a href="'.sefRelToAbs("$pms_link").'" class="mod_login'.$class_sfx.'" id="mod_login_pmsa'.$class_sfx.'">'; $pmsMsg .= '<span id="mod_login_messagestext'.$class_sfx.'">'._UE_PM_MESSAGES_HAVE." ".$total_pms." ".($total_pms == 1 ? _UE_PM_NEW_MESSAGE : _UE_PM_NEW_MESSAGES)."</span></a>\n"; } else { if($show_pms >= 2 ) { $pmsMsg .= '<a href="'.sefRelToAbs("$pms_link").'" class="mod_login'.$class_sfx.'" id="mod_login_no_pms'.$class_sfx.'">'; $pmsMsg .= '<span id="mod_login_nomessagestext'.$class_sfx.'">'._UE_PM_NO_MESSAGES."</span></a>\n"; } } if ($pmsMsg) { if ( !$horizontal ) echo $preDiv.' margin-top:0.7em;" id="mod_login_pms'.$class_sfx.'">'; echo $pmsMsg; if ( !$horizontal ) echo $postDiv; } } } if($showPendingConnections) { include_once( $absolute_path."/administrator/components/com_comprofiler/ue_config.php" ); if(isset($ueConfig['allowConnections']) && $ueConfig['allowConnections']) { $query = "SELECT count(*) FROM #__comprofiler_members WHERE pending=1 AND memberid=". $my->id; if(!$database->setQuery($query)) print $database->getErrorMsg(); $totalpendingconnections = $database->loadResult(); if($totalpendingconnections > 0) { if ( !$horizontal ) echo '<div style="margin:0.7em 0px 0px 0px; align:center; text-align:center;" id="mod_login_connections'.$class_sfx.'">'; echo "<span id='mod_login_pendingConn".$class_sfx."'>"; echo "<a href='".sefRelToAbs("index.php?option=com_comprofiler&task=manageConnections".$andItemid)."' class='mod_login".$class_sfx."' id='mod_login_connectimg".$class_sfx."'>"; echo '<img border="0" src="'.$urlImgPath.'users.gif" width="21" height="15" alt="NEW" class="mod_login'.$class_sfx.'" id="mod_login_connections_img'.$class_sfx.'" />'; echo "</a> "; echo "<a href='".sefRelToAbs("index.php?option=com_comprofiler&task=manageConnections".$andItemid)."' class='mod_login".$class_sfx."' id='mod_login_connect".$class_sfx."'>"; echo _UE_PM_MESSAGES_HAVE." ".$totalpendingconnections." "._UE_CONNECTIONREQUIREACTION."</a></span>"; if ( !$horizontal ) echo "</div>"; } } } if (!$horizontal) { if ((!$avatarDisplayed) or ($avatar_position!="default") or ($pms)) $topMargin = "1.4em"; else $topMargin = "2px"; echo '<div style="text-align:center; margin:auto; margin: '.$topMargin.' 0px 2px 0px;">'; } echo '<input type="submit" name="Submit" class="button'.$class_sfx.'" value="'._BUTTON_LOGOUT."\" />"; echo "\n".'<input type="hidden" name="op2" value="logout" />'."\n"; echo '<input type="hidden" name="lang" value="'.$mosConfig_lang.'" />'."\n"; echo '<input type="hidden" name="return" value="' . $logout . '" />'."\n"; echo '<input type="hidden" name="message" value="' . htmlspecialchars( $message_logout ) . '" />'."\n"; if ( is_callable("josSpoofValue")) { $validate = josSpoofValue(); echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"" . $validate . "\" value=\"1\" />\n"; } if ( !$horizontal ) echo "</div>"; echo "</form></div>"; } else { // Login Form : // redirect to site url (so cookies are recognized correctly after login): if (strncasecmp($mosConfig_live_site, "http://www.", 11)==0 && strncasecmp($mosConfig_live_site, "http://", 7)==0 && strncasecmp( substr($mosConfig_live_site, 11), substr($login, 7), $len_live_site - 11 ) == 0 ) { $login = "http://www." . substr($login, 7); } elseif (strncasecmp($mosConfig_live_site, "https://www.", 12)==0 && strncasecmp($mosConfig_live_site, "https://", ==0 && strncasecmp( substr($mosConfig_live_site, 12), substr($login, , $len_live_site - 12 ) == 0 ) { $login = "https://www." . substr($login, ; } elseif (strncasecmp($mosConfig_live_site, "http://", 7)==0 && strncasecmp($mosConfig_live_site, "http://www.", 11)==0 && strncasecmp( substr($mosConfig_live_site, 7), substr($login, 11), $len_live_site - 7 ) == 0 ) { $login = "http://" . substr($login, 11); } elseif (strncasecmp($mosConfig_live_site, "https://", ==0 && strncasecmp($mosConfig_live_site, "https://www.", 12)==0 && strncasecmp( substr($mosConfig_live_site, , substr($login, 12), $len_live_site - 8 ) == 0 ) { $login = "https://" . substr($login, 12); } if (strncmp($login, $mosConfig_live_site, $len_live_site) || strncmp($login, "index.php", 9)) { $login = sefRelToAbs( $login ); } if (!(strncmp($login, "http:", 5)==0) && !(strncmp($login, "https:", 6)==0)) $login = $mosConfig_live_site . "/" . $login; if ( $https_post > 1 /* && ! $isHttps */ ) { $login = str_replace("http://","https://",$login); } $loginPost = sefRelToAbs("index.php?option=com_comprofiler&task=login"); if ( $https_post /* && ! $isHttps */ ) { if ( ( substr($loginPost, 0, 5) != "http:" ) && ( substr($loginPost, 0, 6) != "https:" ) ) { $loginPost = $mosConfig_live_site."/".$loginPost; } $loginPost = str_replace("http://","https://",$loginPost); } switch ( cbLoginCheckJversion() ) { case -1: // Mambo 4.6.x: if (!defined('_USERNAME')) { $strings = array( '_USERNAME' => 'Username', '_PASSWORD' => 'Password', '_REMEMBER_ME' => 'Remember me', '_BUTTON_LOGIN' => 'Login', '_LOST_PASSWORD' => 'Password Reminder', '_NO_ACCOUNT' => 'No account yet?', '_CREATE_ACCOUNT' => 'Create one' ); foreach ( $strings as $key => $value ) { define( $key, T_( $value )); } } global $mosConfig_locale; $mosConfig_lang = $mosConfig_locale; break; case 1: // Joomla 1.5+ if (!defined('_USERNAME')) { $lang =& JFactory::getLanguage(); $lang->load("mod_login"); $strings = array( '_USERNAME' => 'Username', '_PASSWORD' => 'Password', '_REMEMBER_ME' => 'Remember me', '_BUTTON_LOGIN' => 'BUTTON_LOGIN', '_LOST_PASSWORD' => 'Lost Password?', '_NO_ACCOUNT' => 'No account yet?', '_CREATE_ACCOUNT' => 'Register' ); foreach ( $strings as $key => $value ) { define( $key, JText::_( $value )); } } break; default: break; } echo '<form action="'.$loginPost.'" method="post" id="mod_loginform'.$class_sfx.'" '; /* if ($compact) { echo "onsubmit=\"" . "return ( ( this.elements['mod_login_username" . $class_sfx . "'].value != '"._USERNAME."')" . "&& ( this.elements['mod_login_password" . $class_sfx . "'].value != 'pasw') )" ."\" "; } */ echo 'style="margin:0px;">'."\n"; echo $pretext."\n"; if (!$horizontal) echo '<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" class="mod_login'.$class_sfx.'">'."\n" ."<tr><td>"; $txtusername = '<label for="mod_login_username'.$class_sfx.'">'._USERNAME."</label>"; $txtpassword = '<label for="mod_login_password'.$class_sfx.'">'._PASSWORD."</label>"; if (!$compact) echo '<span id="mod_login_usernametext'.$class_sfx.'">'.$txtusername.'</span>'; if ($horizontal) echo " \n"; elseif (!$compact) echo "<br />\n"; echo '<input type="text" name="username" id="mod_login_username'.$class_sfx.'" class="inputbox'.$class_sfx.'" size="'.$name_lenght.'"'; if ($compact) echo " alt=\""._USERNAME."\" value=\""._USERNAME."\" " . "onfocus=\"if (this.value=='"._USERNAME."') this.value=''\" onblur=\"if(this.value=='') { this.value='"._USERNAME."'; return false; }\""; echo ' />'; if ($horizontal) echo " \n"; elseif (!$compact) echo "<br />\n"; if (!$compact) echo '<span id="mod_login_passwordtext'.$class_sfx.'">'.$txtpassword.'</span>'; if ($horizontal) echo " "; else echo "<br />"; echo '<input type="password" name="passwd" id="mod_login_password'.$class_sfx.'" class="inputbox'.$class_sfx.'" size="'.$pass_lenght.'"'; if ($compact) echo " alt=\""._PASSWORD."\" value=\"pasw\" onfocus=\"if (this.value=='pasw') this.value=''\" onblur=\"if(this.value=='') { this.value='pasw'; return false; }\""; echo ' />'; if ($horizontal) echo " \n"; else echo "<br />\n"; echo '<input type="hidden" name="op2" value="login" />'."\n"; echo '<input type="hidden" name="lang" value="'.$mosConfig_lang.'" />'."\n"; echo '<input type="hidden" name="force_session" value="1" />'."\n"; // makes sure to create joomla 1.0.11+12 session/bugfix echo '<input type="hidden" name="return" value="' . htmlspecialchars( $login ) . '" />'."\n"; echo '<input type="hidden" name="message" value="' . htmlspecialchars( $message_login ) . '" />'."\n"; if ( is_callable("josSpoofValue")) { $validate = josSpoofValue(); echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"" . $validate . "\" value=\"1\" />\n"; } switch ($remember_enabled) { case 1: echo '<input type="checkbox" name="remember" id="mod_login_remember'.$class_sfx.'" class="inputbox'.$class_sfx.'" value="yes" /> ' .'<span id="mod_login_remembermetext'.$class_sfx.'"><label for="mod_login_remember'.$class_sfx.'">'._REMEMBER_ME."</label></span>"; if ($horizontal) echo " \n"; else echo "<br />\n"; break; case 2: echo '<input type="hidden" name="remember" value="yes" />'; break; case 3: echo '<input type="checkbox" name="remember" id="mod_login_remember'.$class_sfx.'" class="inputbox'.$class_sfx.'" value="yes" checked="checked" /> ' .'<span id="mod_login_remembermetext'.$class_sfx.'"><label for="mod_login_remember'.$class_sfx.'">'._REMEMBER_ME."</label></span>"; if ($horizontal) echo " \n"; else echo "<br />\n"; break; default: break; } echo '<input type="submit" name="Submit" class="button'.$class_sfx.'" value="'._BUTTON_LOGIN.'" />'; if ($horizontal) echo " \n"; else echo "</td></tr>\n<tr><td>"; if ($show_lostpass) { $loginPost = sefRelToAbs("index.php?option=com_comprofiler&task=lostPassword"); if ( $https_post /* && ! $isHttps */ ) { if ( ( substr($loginPost, 0, 5) != "http:" ) && ( substr($loginPost, 0, 6) != "https:" ) ) { $loginPost = $mosConfig_live_site."/".$loginPost; } $loginPost = str_replace("http://","https://",$loginPost); } echo '<a href="'.$loginPost.'" class="mod_login'.$class_sfx.'">'; if ($compact) echo _UE_FORGOT_PASSWORD; else echo _LOST_PASSWORD; echo '</a>'; if ($horizontal) { if ($compact) echo " |"; else echo " \n"; } else echo "</td></tr>\n"; } if ( ! $registration_enabled ) { include_once( $absolute_path."/administrator/components/com_comprofiler/ue_config.php" ); if ( isset($ueConfig['reg_admin_allowcbregistration']) && $ueConfig['reg_admin_allowcbregistration'] == '1' ) { $registration_enabled = true; } } if ($registration_enabled && $show_newaccount) { if ($horizontal) echo ' <span id="mod_login_noaccount'.$class_sfx.'">'; else echo "<tr><td>"; if (!$compact) echo _NO_ACCOUNT." "; $loginPost = sefRelToAbs("index.php?option=com_comprofiler&task=registers"); if ( $https_post /* && ! $isHttps */ ) { if ( ( substr($loginPost, 0, 5) != "http:" ) && ( substr($loginPost, 0, 6) != "https:" ) ) { $loginPost = $mosConfig_live_site."/".$loginPost; } $loginPost = str_replace("http://","https://",$loginPost); } echo '<a href="'.$loginPost.'" class="mod_login'.$class_sfx.'">'; if ($compact) echo _UE_REGISTER; else echo _CREATE_ACCOUNT; echo '</a>'; if ($horizontal) echo "</span>\n"; else echo "</td></tr>\n"; } if (!$horizontal) echo "</table>"; if ($posttext) echo $posttext."\n"; echo "</form>"; } ?> Thanks Slappy
  6. Thanks for the advice ASCHK. What I tried was replaceing all the "words" and "numWords" with my image file name and also replacing the "words.dat" with the file name and ext (sunset.gif). The image file I want to access is in the same folder as the PHP and JS files, but all I got was a garbled page. Thanks Slappy
  7. PHP?
  8. Wiis are for you and your friends PCs for hardcore gaming
  9. 5 Fo Sho
  10. AMD all the way from my first to my present CPU
  11. 360 all the way, now I just need to buy one
  12. You guys are makin pretty good money
  13. MySQL definatley
  14. Male
  15. slapme


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